It is a dog-eat-dog world, my friends, learn from the death of Herbert Wigwe, : By Chukwudi Iwuchukwu The wife of the pastor of the RCCG church where the late Herbert Wigwe worshipped before his death, Dr. Siju Iluyomade, celebrated her 60th birthday yesterday, and she threw a colourful party, more or less a carnival, to celebrate this milestone. The party had in attendance Lagos big boys and girls like Tony Elumelu as Flavour entertained guests. Before his death, Wigwe was a faithful member of the church where Siju’s husband pastored. …
Year: 2024
Guinean Military Leader seals borders, Dissolves Government,
“Ministers in the now-dissolved government have been instructed to surrender their passports and official vehicles, and also given directives for their bank accounts to be frozen. By News StaffGuinean Military Junta Dissolves Government, Seals Country’s Borders Regional, Ministers have had their bank accounts frozen and asked to turn in their passports and official cars. Guinea’s military junta, which took power through a coup in September 2021, has officially dissolved the government, as announced via a presidential decree read on state TV by the presidency’s Secretary General, Brig Gen Amara Camara.…
The Africa SME Assembly and the SMEs Revolution Impacted By Intelligence, Finance and Policy
Successful entrepreneurs know that the best way to predict the future is to create it.” — Peter Drucker.
Moving the nation from consumption to production remains my primary goal
Tinubu government should take urgent actions to stem this rising tide of hunger in the nation and ensure sufficient production of goods and services
Abia Labour party celebrates Ott’s iconic leadership at 59
Despite enormous challenges, Gov Alex Otti of the Labour Party has proved that old saying right, that “The voice of the people is the voice of God.” As Abia continue to pose the model poster child of genuine democracy that Nigeria deserves By Njoku SaintJerry A. Leader and face of the New Abia H.E. Dr. Alex Otti celebrated his 59th birthday anniversary on the 18th February 2024. The members, stakeholders and leadership of Abia State Labour party across the 17 LGA’s uses this wonderful occasion to felicitates with a man…
Foundational issues behind the hunger, joblessness and poverty in Nigeria
Nigeria needs something strongly and aggressively deviated from what they have in terms of leadership and not just “its my turn” politicians.
Abia: Otti’s LP government embark on over 100 ambitious Road Projects, boosts investor’s confidence in SE
Whatever you see happening in Abia State today is as a result of sincerity of intentions and preparedness to lead, rebuild and boost people’s confidence in a government they sincerely participated in bringing to power, the leadership of the party and our governor is not taking that trust for granted.
Ohaneze advises Igbos in the Diaspora; The New Abia is Open for business, secure and clean
Abia State has position itself to receive and warehouse all businesses and investments of every Nigerian, even in a more secure environment
Nigeria and its politicians, the Civil servants grossly enmeshed in corruption
Abia State has position itself to receive and warehouse all businesses and investments of every Nigerian, even in a more secure environment
The Yorubas; An Insecure, Frightened and Second-rate people
We are now a pale imitation of the Fulani, a frightened, insecure, tremulous and second-rate nation clinging like leeches to power we seek at any cost