“If you believe you can do anything you want in this world, and choose to “twerk” in public events, I suggest you stop doing this and let the sluts carry on with this behavior
Category: News
Nigeria is not Afghanistan and will never tolerate the Taliban parading as herdsmen
“If the managers of Nigeria do not care about its ethnic diversity and continue to deceive themselves claiming tribal superiority and religious supremacy, it is going to learn a hard lesson at the appropriate time.
Join the AIEC Annual African Entrepreneurs Conference
“Africa needs to breed more entrepreneurs in order to kick out poverty from the continent and the best start for this initiative is good education and mentorship programs”
The enemies of Nigeria
The enemies of Nigeria are not those pushing for her balkanization due to entrenched injustices in the system. The real enemies are the beneficiaries of the unjust system who have sworn to allow neither restructuring nor a referendum
The documentary is amplifying the conversation and revival of the debate about ENDSARS, and the surrounding factors that necessitated the movement
Nigerian diplomat exhibited lawless behaviors in Indonesia
Until the Nigeria government and its political elites chose to address their deficiencies in obeying simple rule of law and respect to its own laws and regard to its citizens at home, they will continue to receive shameful treatment and disrespect anywhere in the world
Forex trading is a proven way to earn money online
Forex trading has become extremely popular nowadays. It is an excellent source of extra income. If you live in Nigeria and think about trying your hand at trading
AMarkets; Growing Forex Broker In Nigeria
“Best Copy-trading platform and the Best Affiliate Program in Nigeria – AMarkets executes client’s trades in a blink of an eye with the highest execution speed in the industry at 0.03 seconds.
The most Ungrateful People on earth
African should learn to appreciate their own; African should learn to stick with men who chose to stand tall and make their electricity shine, men who chose to stand firm to build healthcare facilities
Why would Africa need a dictator to succeed
Every African country needs a dictator, if that is what it takes to replicate the Rwanda of Kagame across every region in Africa