“it is left with people of Abia State to continue in the humiliation and deterioration they have found themselves or rise up en-masse to condemn the forces they know and live with under the guise of political patronage of ‘Chop I Chop.”
Category: News
ABIA; a failing ‘God’s own state’ deserted by men of goodwill
The most striking factor of total collapse of such region will be when men and women of integrity and leadership ability, technocrats and committed religious leaders and youth leaders abandon leadership responsibilities to a certain group
Religious ignorance is struggling to rewrite African history
“The work they started is now being perfected by Pentecostal superstition and uneducated zeal, Away from disputable history, I daresay that no ancestral curse is plaguing any part of Africa
How tough is it to survive in Nigeria
“What a great country of creative and talented people with tall ambitions to survive.
The answer I have found in the Nigeria situation is; look out for the problem, digitalized the solution and you hit big”
When will Nigeria learn to solve its problems like sane countries will do
“Nigeria is a country that is hard to understand: a country that constitutionally divides its citizens based on their ethnicity and religion and still insists that the unity
Kindly release Chief Obiora to rejoin his worried family and traumatised wife and children after a very long exclusion from the rest of humanity.
The Burden of France in Africa; a fraud unacceptable
“Every relationship built on fraud and deceit, no matter how long it last will collapse and I can forsee the collapse of France in Africa unless this anomaly is judiciously addressed
Sights and Sounds of Business at the Dubai 2021 Womanity Conference
DUBAI will be hosting business people from all over the world especially entrepreneurs from Africa, China and the Middle East in all exclusive Exhibition of Trade & Commerce, Arts and Entertainment
Failing Buhari Policy on Security could worsen Nigeria’s situation under his #Fulatheid system
As the year 2021 approach to its end, Nigeria had celebrated 61 years of Independence amidst a tumultuous journey of post colonial existence and a seeming futile attempt at nation building.
Nigeria’s unity at precipice; rescuing the nation and the failing economy
The average Nigerian is very much disturbed by the rate at which society is decaying through the effect of corruption and leadership incompetence since the post independence era till date.