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Category: News
If Nigeria has so much oil, why are they so poor?
Poor resource and wealth distribution and management, political instability, greed and incompetence, corruption and economic inequalities are the prime source of poverty and famine in Nigeria
The crisis in Abia state politics; The big parties are in for a big surprise in 2023
“The big parties are in for a big surprise in the coming year 2023, therefore everyone who is hellbent of winning the election under the influence of big party syndrome may be abysmally disappointed.”
IPAC boss encourages IPOB members to obtain PVC in order to achieve success
“Whether you like it or not, the truth as of today is that the only instrument recognized by law in Nigeria for the conduct of any polls, be it general elections, referendum and or plebiscite is the PVC”
The importance of financial independence in women’s empowerment
“When women have access to economic opportunities, it can enhance their well-being and amplify their voices and beyond their households and also provide security in cases of relationship dissolution,” By Grace Natabaalo Financial independence gives women more voice, enhances their well-being and protects them in case of a relationship dissolution.Afi is one of very few women that have joined the male dominated ride hailing sector in Accra, Ghana. She took up this work in July 2021 after being home and unemployed for more than one year. Before this, Afia had…
2023 Elections; Abia State voters swing to Labour Party
“The Abia State electorates are wiser and smarter than what it used to be in the previous years therefore it will result to a wild goose chase for anyone to rely on the previous system of ‘selection and anointing’ of candidates for executive and legislative position”
Labour Party vows to unseat political strongholds in Abia State
As a center of industry and headquarters of all the SME operations in Nigeria, Abia state deserves better and that is what Labour Party is going to provide for the people.
Mali escapes from colonial stronghold as it kicked France out
“The government of Mali officially announces an end to diplomatic, military and economic ties with France according to the demands of the Malien people.
Pan Africanist Arikana Chihombori leads Africa’s complete Freedom from eternal slavery
“For Africa to take its rightful place on the world stage,” she argued that, “the gutter of the mind that we have lived in for centuries, must be cleaned out.”
Negotiating Economic relevance of South East Nigeria in 2023
South-East has nothing to negotiate with, because it has failed to build a local economy with its huge human capital, natural resources and individual financial war chest.