Bamako has proved to us that soldiers,at least most of them are genuine patriots, because they don’t waste time, they know what they want, and they get it done fast
Category: Foreign Scene
What do IMF really want from Nigeria
The only type of lender who willfully and knowingly lends money to people who can never realistically hope to pay it back is a LOAN SHARK. A loan shark carries out predatory lending to vulnerable people who have something that he wants. He knows you cannot pay back By Staff Reporter Historically, I’ve never been a fan of invoking neo-colonialism as a reason for the failure of African states. I have always preferred to hold the feet of African leadership to the fire instead. But sometimes, the empire makes moves…
Africa says NO to UN diplomacy of hypocrisy and state lies
Africa will link its partnerships with whoever it wants and will purchase its means of defense with whoever it wants!! So stop the crude diplomatic lie consisting of saying that these imperialist powers are coming to defend Democracy and Human Rights in Africa. Edited for use by Njoku SaintJerry A. In a speech delivered by Minister Bassolma Bazié, on behalf of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, to the UN, that forced Macron to accept to pull French troops out of Niger: Excellency Mr. President of the 78th Session of the United Nations…
From Christianity to Afrikan Consciousness
Coming into a consciousness of your Afrikan self can (and probably will be) very painful for you. I must admit that it’s very painful
How do other African countries view Nigeria
“The politicians could do better – if they do – Our Nigerian brothers will stay home and continue to build Africa, Nearly all of my black friends in college and medical school were Nigerians. They are very driven and educated- I think the most educated groups in America are Nigerians.”
Marry Mubaiwa, ex-wife of Zimbabwe’s Vice President faces forfeiture of properties worth millions of USD in South Africa
Staff Reporter The ex-wife of Zimbabwe’s Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, Marry Mubaiwa, is facing further difficulties as a South African court has ordered the seizure of her Pretoria home and two Land Rover vehicles until her trial for money laundering and fraud in Zimbabwe is concluded. The seizure was requested by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC), who is investigating Mubaiwa’s offenses. The property is believed to have been purchased with crime proceeds allegedly acquired by Mubaiwa while she was married to the Vice President. The High Court in South Africa…
China to Resume Passport, Visa Issuance Starting January 2023
The NIA will resume the acceptance and examination of foreigners’ applications for the extension, renewal, and re-issuance of ordinary visas, the issuance, renewal, and re-issuance of stay permits,
Africa: Are colonial food systems to blame for leaving people vulnerable and poor?
“the types of food production systems that the global community has fostered in Africa leave the poorest more exposed and vulnerable to climatic variability and economic shocks.”
Dream come true as Prince Charles succeeds Queen Elizabeth as king
“Questions will be asked about whether the golden age of the British monarchy has now passed, how an ancient institution can remain viable in the modern era and whether Charles will command the same respect or reign in his mother’s shadow.”
The Beijing International Film Festival; an opportunity to explore the growing African Film Industry
“Luc Bendza has been leading the discussion for possibility of African and Chinese film makers to consider collaborations in the areas of growing interest on China-Africa cultural affiliations