“Africa needs to breed more entrepreneurs in order to kick out poverty from the continent and the best start for this initiative is good education and mentorship programs”
Category: Business
The documentary is amplifying the conversation and revival of the debate about ENDSARS, and the surrounding factors that necessitated the movement
Forex trading is a proven way to earn money online
Forex trading has become extremely popular nowadays. It is an excellent source of extra income. If you live in Nigeria and think about trying your hand at trading
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IMF approached Nigeria for a loan — Finance Minister
“IMF approached us for a loan. I signed the agreement on behalf of Nigeria. Unfortunately, today expenses of government have driven us into recession,
How Nigeria should take a lesson from Rwanda
“Size matters but being an active global power player requires more than the size of the country.
How do you compare Nigeria and Rwanda’s economic viability?
Given good leadership, properly restructured Nigeria, culture of excellence over enthronement of ethnically motivated cult of Mediocrity, much less corruption, Nigeria can be catapulted from a third world country
What is something most people don’t know about Africa?
This is one thing most people that watch international media do not know about Africa: not all Africans are poor, many simply live differently than you.
Dangote is a ‘Beast’! An encounter with Africa’s most under-celebrated first son
Entrepreneurship is about surrounding oneself with people, stories and events that inspires the hidden dreams in us.
Zimbabwe signs agreement with Belt and Road Industry
Zimbabwe and China agreed to carry out practical cooperation in scientific and technological innovation, energy development, artificial intelligence