Abia State LP Publicity Secretary applauds Otti, speaks on the Opposition

In an interview granted by the Abia State Publicity Secretary of Labour party, Comrade Njoku Jerry Ajike, he spoke on the leadership model introduced by His Excellency Dr. Alex Otti, the executive governor of Abia, the appointment of the new commissioners and the viral story of conflict in the hierarchy of the party alleged to have been propagated by the oppositions

By Eric Mba, Tony Olajide

Q: Your Party seems to have began on a sure footing with the quick appointment of members of the cabinet and flag off projects in the city of Aba, Did you see this coming earlier:
Thank you, During the campaigns, if you remember, some of our publicity materials had centered on preparedness of H.E. Dr, Alex Otti among all other contenders to rebuild the ruins previous administrations had wrecked in the state.
You see, there is nothing happening in our government by surprise except to our detractors.
 What we are doing is to set up a template of quality governance and sound leadership that will serve as a model to governance in Nigeria and we are aware of the high expectations and regard the people of Abia has on the leadership of the Party.

Q: There is a feeling that some of the appointed members of the cabinet are non Abia state indigenes nor party card carrying members. 
Njoku: What has indigenization got to do with rebuilding of a state like Abia that was virtually ruined by its own indigenes in political offices? How is it that when you want to build your dream house, you go for the best of everything but when it comes to your homeland you indulge in self deception?
Njoku: I used to be a Diaspora leader and has taken part in so many exploratory projects identifying Nigerians overseas that are committed to excellence in diverse professional backgrounds and I found out there is a high interest of Diaspora Abia State indigene overseas and foreigners to visit and relocate their businesses and skill to the region referred to as South East Industrial Hub and Nigeria’s home of SME. The previous administrations that ruled this state did not see that great opportunity rather they abused every privileges and frustrated both the Diaspora and visiting foreign investors who were willing to support the government at their own expense.

Now with the emergence of His Excellency, Dr Alex Otti as the Executive Governor of Abia, he went out for the best of individuals in diverse categories of accomplishment to join in this great mission of rebuilding. Some of them naturally has better options overseas but rather chose to join the governor in this rescue mission because they saw sincerity of purpose, discipline and commitment in the administration of Dr. Alex Otti and that is what Labour Party represents at every time.
Now regarding the Non card carrying party members in the cabinet, I can assure you that this news is being propagated by our detractors. This is government of Labour Party in Abia state that sent the PDP packing and never, ever to come back therefore any information in the public domain that did not emanate from us is simply false.

Q: Last week there was viral news of ‘implosion in the hierarchy of the party alleging abandonment of the leadership of the party, What do you say to that?
Njoku: Abandonment by who? Let me tell you, regarding the Oppositions, we are going to give them a hard task because they’re never used to the kind of administration we have brought on board.

I am aware of the story making round on implosion and divisions in the party and I wonder what is imploding. We are a new party, there might be lapses here or there but they do not in anyway interpret as implosion or division, we are in a learning process and we will continue to improve, I promise.

The only advise I have for members of the opposition is to tell them to employ wisdom in their criticism because Labour Party has enough arsenal to engage any kind of individual that wants to distract the work of God’s Messenger to his people and our homeland, His Excellency Dr Alex Otti, we have not come on board to print Billboard of deception and sycophancy as was common in previous administrations.

Our governor during his Inauguration speech made it clear, this government will not tolerate sycophancy of any kind whether it is by award of Chieftaincy titles, awards from churches, or praise singing of any kind, Labour Party and its leadership will give no rooms for such unsolicited awards because we have come to work and work very hard, that is the hallmark of Labour., to show diligence in service. After we have left office, the people of Abia State can grade and award us; definitely not now that our sleeves are rolled up.

Q: The appointment of commissioners had a preponderance of oversea based technocrats, was it your party idea?
Njoku: The appointment of Commissioners and assigning of port folios was well applauded by the people of Abia and there is one remarkable thing we must give credit to the governor his Excellency Dr Alex Otti, none of the appointees lobbied for any position, it may surprise you to know that some never dreamt of it until they saw a text message in their phone requesting for their resumes, some of them are meeting the governor for the first time but were recommended based on sheer merit of great records of performance in their respective fields of enterprise where they have served humanity and their society creditably with integrity and passion to deliver successful outcomes, this is unlike the usual practice of appointment of members of the cabinet in previous administrations where offices are traded for bags of cash and perks creating room for misfits to be engaged to run sensitive positions in government, this is what almost brought Abia to its knees destroying governance and the organised labour, now all that is history with the emergence of Labour as the Ruling party, whether it is our party decision or the governor’s decision the answer is; Abia people are very pleased with the appointment and selection of individuals that are occupying those positions and this is just the beginning of greater things to come.
Labour party has high regard for the dignity and quality of labour and pay premium attention to the concerns of the citizenry and as long as the citizenry are pleased with our government we are good to go. Thank you.

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