INEC and the moral burden of 2023 General elections

“INEC’s willful act of omission, Nigeria’s corruption rating has sunk deeper as a nation of political rulers with no morals; Nigeria’s image plummeted further down the criminal ratings as a nation of unreliable political office holders and never to be trusted by anyone for any reason even under an oath.”

By Njoku SaintJerry A.

Days and weeks after the declaration of a winner of the 2023 Presidential elections by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) an eerie air of angst and fears still hang heavy across the horizon of Nigeria and now extending to nearby African countries on concern for the safety of the acclaimed Africa’s giant and mother of African democracy.

An election victory that should have brought joy and gladness to the acclaimed victors has left them imprisoned in palpable fears as robbers of a poorly executed heist. 

They don’t know what is coming after them and cannot foretell how the owners of the ‘results’ they have stolen will choose to come after them.

In previous times, whenever a winner is declared after presidential elections, the victor will embark on a ‘thank you’ and familiarization visits to supporters within the country ahead of the swearing in ceremony; sometimes he even embarked on foreign trips to begin to forge synergies with foreign partners. However, not on this note as Alhaji Tinubu has a whole bags of moral burden heavy on his shoulders facilitated by Yakubu Mahmoud led INEC, he cannot embark on any ‘thank you’ visit, he cannot engage any foreign partner with such criminal labels surrounding his questionable electoral victory – who will want to associate with a product of a lawless process void of moral judgment and conscience

The burden of the outcome of the 2023 Presidential election is certain to weigh down some Nigerian political elites to hell, a lonely place of emotional torture that may hunt them and their families forever as present economic situation in Nigeria continue to force every residents in the country into untold daily hardship and frustrations.
Whereas simply announcing the credible results of an election decided by the Nigerian people would have brought so much joy, peace and progress to the country instead of the confusion, despondency and fears it has unleashed upon the nation
People can’t access cash to buy anything, banks are shut down for days with no business activities, then you chose to go by the cashless policy making use of bank transfers, the gateways are summarily frozen at will so bad that you could be stranded any minute if the bank app or transfers disappoints, a visit to the daily local markets to buy foodstuffs could break your heart if you still have conscience left in you.

But how could somebody subject his own country and the ordinary citizenry to so much hardship and frustrations in order to satisfy a selfish ambition to rule a majority of the people who do not have any regard for him, his wealth and his unpopular political sagacity.

The cashless policy we learned was designed to frustrate vote buying in order to deliver a credible election. Now the so called credible election has been delivered why still subject the citizenry to such painful lifestyles in the midst of so much money can buy and produce.

This is where I think the moral conscience of the Nigerian political elites and appointees should be called to question. I have struggled to find out why would a set of individuals subject their own citizens to such level of emotional torture and inhumanity for their selfish interest that is very remote from national development and social wellbeing of the citizenry?”

The cashless policy acclaimed to frustrate vote buying was rendered ineffective the moment the APC candidate Alhaji Bola Tinubu decided to import foreign currencies and bribed entire INEC staff in USD. Now that Prof. Yakubu Mahmoud led INEC has accelerated the fulfillment of Tinubu’s ultimate ambition of becoming Nigeria’s president why continue to suffer the citizenry. 

But how could somebody subject his own country and the ordinary citizenry to so much hardship and frustrations in order to satisfy a selfish ambition to rule a majority of the people who do not have any regard for him, his wealth and his unpopular political sagacity. 

Had Prof. Yakubu’s INEC done what it had repeatedly promised the Nigerian people to deliver a credible election, It is obvious Nigeria’s predicament may not have exceeded 25th February 2023.

Now, by INEC’s willful act of omission, Nigeria’s corruption rating has sunk deeper as a nation of political rulers with no morals; Nigeria’s image plummeted further down the criminal ratings as a nation of unreliable political office holders and never to be trusted by anyone for any reason even under an oath.

Till date, many leaders of sovereign nations have been very careful to send congratulatory messages to the INEC declared winner of the 2023 Presidential election, neither has his friends and accomplice expressed any form of public excitement, not even the diplomatic community residents in Nigeria has sent any known official congratulatory message to Alhaji Bola Ahmed Tinubu and his APC gangs. Global Media ratings of Nigeria after the INEC declaration continue to publish negative editorials adding to our image question and character.
This calls for grave concern at the future of Nigeria in the hands of men and women of low moral judgment and character deficiencies.

To even learned that Yakubu Mahmoud’s INEC received a sum of 305billion with a promise to deliver a credible election calls for questioning on the character of individuals that runs Nigeria’s public institutions, to learn that most of the Returning Officers who wrote and pronounced the outcome of that poorly executed larceny are Phd title holders calls for questioning on the kind of educational trainings these individuals receive in Nigeria.

More so, to learn that a set of Nigerian elite lawyers (SANs) lined up behind Tinubu to defend this abuse of the nation’s electoral constitution and betrayal of public trust is quite disturbing.
Nevertheless, a certain Justice Joseph Shagabor whom we learned chose to be exempted from the legal team of Alhaji Tinubu for the sake of glaring evidence of public larceny and graft in the presidential elections and others like him continue to remind us that no matter how dark it is, there is hope in the horizon and that was what Mr. Peter Obi of Labour Party has come to represent and sanities the Nigeria political culture of corruption and fraud.

The Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) in a recent publication had pronounced the INEC electoral charade as ‘the people’s wish’ and has gone ahead to present analysis of the percentage of Nigerians who said they are comfortable with the outcome of the shameful electoral fraud, this is an anomaly, no matter how technically twisted.
The question of moral judgment and character deficiency also fell on the Nigerian judiciary as the whole world look up to them at this moment to stand up to justice and not some Nigerian-made twisted legal technicalities

Watching the briefing between LP’s Mr. Peter Obi legal team and INEC Chairman, you begin to wonder if the delays in accessing the so called electoral documents are not an act of deliberate attempt, perhaps to frustrate the legal proceedings which time of proceeding is almost running out.

Nevertheless, one wonders what do Yakubu Mamoud and his team wants to achieve from setting this nation on fire, a Nation already on precipice with majority of the citizenry living on bottled up anger that may explode at the slightest opportunity.
It is Obvious, Mr. Yakubu Mamoud is not alone in this plot, and is bent on carrying the orders of his appointees to the letter, otherwise it is difficult to understand how he will go on air and make conscientious promises to comply with court rulings only to go back and renegade or cause deliberate delays of access to the manipulated electoral documents in question.
However, one thing is certain, both the INEC declared president elect, Prof Yakubu Mamoud and his backers will daily be haunted for this broad day larceny of the Nigerian people mandate.

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