China in Africa – Why is the United States trailing behind

By Njoku SaintJerry A.

“China has merely played the diplomatic rule of engagement quite remote from this colonial and imperialist tendencies that are certain to keep the West trailing behind.

Having lived and worked in China for over 10 years, it will not be an overstatement to rate China as one of the most peaceful and organized region in the world to live in, Credit to its cultural loyalty to the rule of law that religiously guides the activities of every person resident in China both nationals, visitors, foreigners and corporations big or small.
The question is; why is the United States not investing in Africa in the same speed with China.
China has a cultural policy of peace, live and let leave, a policy non-interference both local and international until you ignite the invitation.
Then, why is China coming to Africa perceived as ‘aggressive’ and sometimes referred to as ‘invasion.’
Fact is; China knows what every other acclaimed developed nation may not know since it sets its foot in Africa. For all the milestones covered in China in building its economy to a first world status and raising over 40% of its population away from poverty; the pursuit for Peace and Rule of Law remain its watchword and whatever China has discovered in Africa could only be explored on these two most important approaches otherwise her presence will suddenly escalate the already polarized African states.
Secondly, China never colonized anybody, therefore, it is obvious, they understood the effects of oppression and imperialist tendencies and its adverse consequences – an outcome the West seems to derive fulfilment for unsettling peaceful communities under guise of ‘unsolicited aids and military support’ then, working with men of low moral virtues, moles and mercenaries to keep the entire region of interest in a perpetual cycle of crisis, poverty and dependence on the ‘oppressor.’ former Zaire under Mobutu Sese Seko named Congo DRC and Burkina Faso under Blaise Campaore, even Cameroon under Paul Biya are few classic examples.

The West has a different mission in Africa
The mission of the West in Africa was well defined before its arrival and that is ‘Domination and Oppression.’ They made their presence known by pushing for allegiance to their democratic policies whether it conforms with Africa’s traditional values or not and today; they still see Africans from that perspective of poster child of poverty needing reliefs and political tutelage from the super powers to be able to stand up on its own while many African nation states continue to struggle and mumble with the kind of democratic systems they were deceived to adopt., Libya is a classic example.
On the other hand, China, on its arrival to Africa, saw an opportunity to replicate a successful experiment she has carried out with its people and their environment by pursuing peace and development under the umbrella of a rule of law religiously adhered to as a national culture without which conflict is inevitable.  

For the records, Western nations, not just the United States, were not accustomed to this idea of ‘helping’ under-developed and developing nations to gain prominence of whatsoever kind, either in economy or in leadership. What they were more aligned to was to get the resources that they wanted badly from these nations and where they met stiff walls, they engage the moles within the hierarchy of powers, men with very low moral esteem, through bribes and inducement and encourage them to use both cash and their influence in the region to rally support that will suppress popular dissent and encourage imposition of weak and dumb leaders in the nation, evidence abound in what role the United States played in Nigeria’s current leadership crisis before 2015 and today the country is in a colossal leadership and security mess.

China doesn’t do things that way. It goes in and actually helps these nations develop their own internal systems, through infrastructural development and adherence to discipline in application of rule of law by not encroaching itself to the political system of the country and where necessary build transport infrastructure to make it easier for these nations to trade internally, with close neighbours, and internationally. Anyone can prove my submission wrong with a better argument.

“Neither United States nor France is said to have followed this path of mutual respect to the people and their region until recently they begin to create one or two impression of engagement that are certain to produce devastating consequences

China’s strategy of engagement with Africa
More so, China uses peaceful ways of making the world a better place because that is what they have achieved in their region without struggling to impose itself upon anyone or nation.

Little do a lot of people know that at one point in time China had faced internal terrorism from the ethnic uyghurs in the Xingjian and Urumuqi region where many of the residents are predominantly Muslims, they were able to curtail their excesses without any external interference or making a lot of noise about it through its application of rule of law to deal with dissidents who chose to operate outside that justice system that has earned them whatsoever development they have achieved over the years.

This is what China has replicated in everywhere they have found themselves in Africa. They search for what rule of law is in place in such oversea region and make extra effort to abide and follow the rule to the letter, In many instances they’re very careful to make sure that any breach or failure to observe the rule of law of that African region would be attributed to its own weak judicial system, discipline and application of justice and not a fault of China’s presence in the country.
  This has served as a better option of dealing and doing business with Africa rather than this outdated Capitalist and imperialist approach both US, France the rest are struggling to impose upon Africa in this 21st century.

Engagement Strategies with devastating consequences
The biggest foreign direct investor in Africa is the United States of America. followed by the UK and then France. China is the fourth largest investor but at every turn it appears that China is the number one investor. No., it is not so, China has been able to pull that feat silencing rivals by its internal discipline of not interfering with your internal issues but ready to engage you in business with mutual understanding. Neither United States nor France is said to have followed this path of mutual respect to the people and their region until recently they begin to create one or two impression of engagement that are certain to produce devastating consequences as seen in Mali, Congo DRC, Guinea, Nigeria etc., unless these imperialist nations allow Africans to independently run their economy and socio-political system according to Africa’s traditional values of ‘Live and let live.’

Unless African nations battling with its own excesses of ‘indiscipline’ low self-esteem and ‘weak judicial system’ emanating from the top, whatsoever rule of law they seem to have put in place will always be trashed in the garbage by France, the UK, United States etc. The West will continue to deal with them as infants, dictating who rules and who lives, helping to save money stolen from the region in their own territory and improving the lots of ‘puppet’ African rulers to rule for donkey years unchallenged even if entire nationals will have to swim the Atlantic Ocean running away from Africa.
This is what China has endeavored to avoid in Africa and it quickly gave them away as “aggressive” Investor – China has merely played the diplomatic rule of engagement quite remote from this colonial and imperialist tendencies that are certain to keep the West trailing behind.

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