How to fight off foolish people

By Harrison Ayintete

“People will destroy everything you laboured for and move like it is a joke
Let people call you any kind of name, at the end of the day, when the whole system is destroyed and your life is nothing, they will move on like nothing happened, you may never recover! fight off foolish people!

I saw the video of a lady setting fire on a supermarket in Abuja.
I do not know if she was just playing with the fire or really meant to destroy the supermarket.
One thing is clear.
The supermarket was destroyed!
Burnt down!
A shockingly sad reality!

Now listen clearly, sometimes people don’t even know what they are doing.
They don’t know the gravity!
Some may even think it is a prank, like we can do this, get over it and everything just continues.

Believe this, there are so many people who do not know the implications of their actions in an establishment. I don’t know what Judas was thinking when he sold Jesus, but we can see later on that the guy didn’t mean for it to escalate that quickly!

Maybe he felt Jesus will supernaturally rescue Himself.
Maybe he was just angry and didn’t know the depth of his actions.
It doesn’t matter, JESUS WAS KILLED!

Think about this, assume for a minute Jesus wasn’t the Christ, assume He was just a pastor or a prophet, Sir, that WAS THE END OF HIS LIFE!
He would have been killed like that, then Judas would later bring back the money of betrayal, feeling sorry. This stuff, I want folks who are building institutions to note it!
Don’t be stupid! I say it with all my heart, don’t be stupid!

People will destroy everything you laboured for and move like it is a joke!
Protect your building!
Fight off foolish people!
Don’t joke with it!

One time, a Pastor heard the news of a betrayal in his close quarters, it shook him badly, his health was impacted immediately!
Do you know people suffer stroke from hearing a shocking news ?
In fact, do you know people have died from pranks?
It was just a prank, but the other fellow thought it was real!
That was the end of his or her life.
Be jealous over your labour!
Paul expressed his jealousy over his church!
It is a personal matter!

That supermarket was just fine before that lady stroke a little fire and it destroyed the entire place!
A whole investment!
Just like that!
Don’t joke with your life!

Let people call you any kind of name!
At the end of the day, when the whole system is destroyed and your life is nothing, they will move on like nothing happened, you may never recover!

Learn this today!
Learn it now!

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