How to defraud a Prophet in the name of God

By Tony Folarin Olajide

The Nigerian society is reeling in the pain of this evil, deceit and wickedness, making money through the suffering and frustration of the uninitiated because there is no regulatory bodies where practitioners are put in check that defines boundaries

 There is now a pandemic of ACTIVE and PASSIVE involvement of pastors and church leaders in practices and questionable behaviors that calls for scrutiny by every concerned person of authority. The active involvement includes cases where pastors and church leaders join occultic groups to enhance church growth, build wealth and fame and remain there–to the ignorance of thousands and millions of followers who are only looking at physical results of gratification.

The passive involvement includes cases where pastors and church leaders only get some partial levels of supports and assistance from occultic groups or from senior pastors who are actively in such groups, and after their churches have grown and money has come, they supposedly repent and carry on with their ministries as if nothing has happened.
Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of the story. To maintain the cycle, new recruits must be admitted occasionally to swell the relevance of senior members addressed as; “Father in the Lord, Mummy, My Mentor, My Daddy” and more bogus titles to enrich the status of the recruiter.

To the uninitiated, the Prophet or Prophetess is a wonderful woman of God, she can perform a miracle and make you become a millionaire overnight, she has assisted many to become wealthy and famous, she has given out to many and healed so many sickness including business failures.

Her beneficiaries continue to testify of her magnanimity albeit on one condition; They must appear on camera, put up a posture of pity, glorify the “Prophetess” as a wonderful woman of God, an investor and a deliverer of the poor.
There is a classic existing example of one Prophetess resident in Abuja, between Prince and Princess and Gudu Estate, she is one count out of too many, Two young Pastors as the story goes are passing through difficulty as its common in every venture of life. It is assumed they know very little about this new found business except the common phrase; ‘God has called me into the ministry” or they had been resistant to join the ladder of quick fixes until a member from the ministry approached one of them and divulge the details of getting a blessing and connection from “Mummy Prophetess.”

The young Prophet break down in tears and cried at the level of humiliation and ridicule especially where it was written that he is ‘homeless,’ ‘rejected’ by all including his own friends until “Mummy Prophetess’ came to his rescue and delivered him from poverty with a sum of N300,000! As a matter of fact, he narrated bitterly that he has a home of his own

The young Prophet break down in tears and cried at the level of humiliation and ridicule especially where it was written that he is ‘homeless,’ ‘rejected’ by all including his own friends until “Mummy Prophetess’ came to his rescue and delivered him from poverty with a sum of N300,000! As a matter of fact, he narrated bitterly that he has a home of his own

The ‘Mummy Prophetess’ had devised a subtle tactics; Invite the young pastor to church service with his wife and family, called them out during the church service and announce a whooping sum of money to be donated into the life and business of the young Prophet, arrange camera men on videos and still images while the drama is staged. Unknown to the prophet that this was a complete sell out, he took to the microphone, Praised “Mummy Prophetess” to high heavens, the congregations erupted in ovation at “Mummy’s” magnanimity while every details is carefully documented in video and still images.
Two days after the ceremony, Somebody called the attention of the young prophet to go online and watch a video of himself in tears, narrating to the world his sufferings, pains and frustration of life and begging the so called “Mummy Prophetess” for alms on camera posted on Facebook!
Stunned as the young man was, he went online at the social media handle of the ministry, saw some image clips of every information he had divulged to the Prophetess Hitman, whom according to him had approached him in utmost secrecy without the slightest knowledge that they were up to a sinister motive.
In the said video, he had acted as he was instructed by the man acting as friend from the ministry without the slightest knowledge of the final intentions of the “Mummy Prophetess” and her acclaimed connections.

In the said video, the intention of the Woman of Prophecy was made clear, every information advertised about this young Prophet has been so exaggerated beyond proportion while the uninitiated followers poured in accolades and praises. Most intriguing was the Bank Information of several accounts of diver’s currency running across the screen as the ‘testimony’ was going on, Soliciting from the ignorant public for donations in the name of ‘tithes and offerings.’

The young Prophet break down in tears and cried at the level of humiliation and ridicule especially where it was written that he is ‘homeless,’ ‘rejected’ by all including his own friends until “Mummy Prophetess’ came to his rescue and delivered him from poverty with a sum of N300,000! As a matter of fact, he narrated bitterly that he has a home of his own and has never been homeless! He had merely divulged to the so called friend of his present predicament which is a common experience of every man in his early days in ministry not knowing that he was walking into a terrible trap of evil.

For 3 Days running, the young prophet was completely emotionally devastated as he watch the video of himself done in privacy and in confidence of a man he called ‘friend and a servant of God’ now in public domain to his shame and ridicule and to win attention and bring in fame and money for “Mummy Prophetess.” He could not believe that a Senior Prophet and a “Mummy” could be so callous to destroy another servant of God all in a bid to attract more donations of money from local and international donors to her ministry.
The young man summoned courage and had to approach other servants of God within his rank only to find out this has been a common occurrence with “Mummy Prophetess’ and her gangs in Abuja and elsewhere. Similar cases existed before his, destroying younger ministries and men who knows little about the dark side of the booming business of prophecy while they receive donations in millions from unsuspecting members of the public under the guise of charity.

There is a growing concern of widespread neglect of the poor among the religious circle in terms of not “intentionally using church funds” to support members of the church out of poverty and penury but to advertise ‘fake charities on social media’ in order to attract more donations to the insatiable needs and greed of the so-called Prophets. The uninitiated and gullible knows very little until they’re confronted with the scary details of secret arrangement of miracles and charity scenarios organized by these individuals of questionable characters.
These groups of Prophets thrive by the suffering and frustration of the ordinary people whom they claim to see visions for them in order to cajole them to submission while using them to build popularity and wealth even from the least contribution. There is no exception until you are recruited in the circle of evil and wickedness, all you need to do is keep the secrets behind the fame and wealth under the guise of charity and benevolence and make sure it is properly advertised

The Nigerian society is reeling in the pain of this evil, deceit and wickedness, making money though the suffering and frustration of the uninitiated because there is no regulatory bodies where practitioners are put in check that defines boundaries of excesses and until certain measures are put in place to ascertain the mentality and characters of people mounting the pulpit as clergies, there will be worse case scenarios of ritualists and fraudsters acting as Charity organization but mere gangs of thieves and fraudsters

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