No vacant land anywhere on earth – Alafin of Oyo

By Njoku SaintJerry A.

The Alafin of Oyo, Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi III decided to go public in his recent alleged outcry reminding the Nigeria government backed terrorist and their sponsors that Africans, the Yoruba in particular still retains such natural weaponry of social justice and will not hesitate to employ it in due course.

An incident happened recently in a remote village somewhere in Southern Nigeria, where the Nigerian terrorists baptized bandits and herdsmen has been terrorizing the community while government soldiers and policemen look the other way. The villagers as the story goes decided to stay away from all the media buzz of cries and woes and endless complaints on herdsmen destroying farmlands while the army terrorizes the community by mounting endless roadblocks and arresting innocent farmers and villagers who dared to fight back. The villages decided to consult the next available alternative, potent and customary to every African – the African traditional means of social justice.
The villagers invoked the powers of the land by engaging the custodian of native weaponry – the sorcerers and witches and they came together and vowed to do their own battle without engaging any foreign mercenary baptized Nigerian army, police or the government. The sorcerers as the story goes, converged in the thick of the night and invoked poisonous asps and bees in hundreds of thousands and stormed the barracks overnight, a natural invasion of bees and stinging poisonous asps.
With continuous indiscriminate stings and bites from the bees at every turn, the Soldiers quietly deserted the barracks without calling any Abuja or their government formations, the police quietly left the villagers alone to be in peace. It did not end there; the villagers announced a blanket ban on cows straying into any of the villages in the region, any defaulting cows will be shot and eaten as bush meat while any defaulting ‘Chief Ogbuefi’ who wants to show off his wealth by purchasing cows from any seller whether Fulani or whatever for his festivals and ceremonies to show off his wealth will be violated – the traditional way. In less than a week all the herdsmen whether empowered by Nigerian government or by Myetti Allah deserted the community with their cows.

Unless as you are reading this story now, nobody made any fuss or discusses this matter in the public to attract any form of recognition or interest while the villagers have resumed their normal life in peace without any form of molestation from any invader.
The Alafin of Oyo, Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi III decided to go public in his recent alleged outcry reminding the Nigeria government backed terrorist and their sponsors that Africans, the Yoruba in particular still retains such natural weaponry of social justice and will not hesitate to employ it in due course.
“The Land belongs to the people”, He said. It is their natural inheritance and the people has been positioned by “Eledumare”, the god of wonders and the creator in their ancestral homelands before any government organized by man came into existence, the people, the Yorubas, the Igbos, the Hausas, the Efik and the Ijaws has been in existence even before the white man that gave Nigeria its colonial name step into the soil of this land and it will be the height of foolishness for anyone in his ill-informed judgement to dare declare the peoples natural habitat as government property and is being deceived to think anyone created and positioned by “Eledumare” in his natural habitat will leave such land to foreign invaders parading as ‘herdsmen with grazing route certificate’ without a fight. Grazing rights issued to who by who against the wishes of the indigenous people.

The villages decided to consult the next available alternative, potent and customary to every African – the African traditional means of social justice.

To make it clear and simple, the Alafin of Oyo has read a riot act to those being deceived by edicts of government of colonial forces to be terrorizing the indigenous people of their God given inheritance and I am republishing it here to those who cares to learn from natural justice.

The Riot Act from the Alafin of Oyo
“By The Time Yoruba Fights Back By All Available, Possible Weapons, Charm, Thunderstorm Or Other Unconventional Means Perhaps Those Who Urge Invaders Will Have Rethink – Alaafin of Oyo

1. No vacant land anywhere on earth, all lands belong to a people either as ancestral homeland or by staying there for ages, law supports this.

2. All lands on earth are attributed to a people by name more than by country name.

3. Thus we have have the Bantu and their land in their geographical location, Herero in Zambia, Ga and Ashanti in Ghana, Kikuyu in Kenya, Hausa owing their land in the north, Igbo with their own land in southeast. If anything happens in those lands we call the inhabitants not government, even if we call government they still go for the inhabitants.

4. That reason why Yoruba can’t own their ancestral homeland and its security will become a case classics for the world to hear. Why an ethnic criminal will legislate on another man’s land shall be judged by man and gods. Although that will be after we do the needful. Meaning of needful may not be known now

5. If lands belong to inhabitants then the peace and the security of that land must be the responsibility of the inhabitants. The inhabitants should know who to allow who not to allow depending on the existential threat available.

6. If someone has no right to occupy a room in your house without your consent, I think it’s wrong for any ethnic group to occupy any portion of another man’s land without consent, authority, or approval. It won’t end well for the people who made such incursions. Why should someone just enter into my bush and settle down? What of the plans I have for the land? Should I pay someone who is not a stakeholder before I can dwell on the land my ancestors had been on for centuries? It may result in something terrible soon?

7. Igbo could be found all over Nigeria likewise Yoruba but they all live in towns not secretly entering into a dark Forest with arms. Why those who enter Yoruba forest come with arms shall be discussed but not on a round table. I am sure of that.

8. Yoruba have two options: it is either;

1. Yoruba vacate Yoruba land and move into the Atlantic ocean so that their host can have peace


2. Yoruba will fight back by all available and possible weapons the human mind can conceive be it charm, thunderstorm or other unconventional means perhaps those who urge Invaders will have a rethink.

Ondo state didn’t say other ethnic groups should leave the state, NO! The governor said LEAVE THE FOREST AND LET US KNOW YOU.

9. The population of the killers no matter their tribes can’t overwhelm the entire Yoruba land because they just assumed that they are violent but they forget that the WILL to survive in one’s ancestral land is beyond weapons especially on our lands and in our forests. We wait till all civil means are exhausted. Sooner the world will experience the reason why Yoruba must live. I mean live peacefully in their homeland

10. Yoruba invest in children in the west. A poor widow will still send her children to school with the little she has without government assistance. In another land children are thrown into the street to beg, we don’t have issues with that it could be cultural. Why should someone whose parents never seen as worthy of anything become a menace to the one who invested in her children and be abducted like a goat? It won’t end well, will never end well. They will rather die defending their rights to survive than living in infamy.

11. It is assumed that Yoruba are cowards but they will soon know the difference between being intelligent and calculative and crass display of empty physical strength by fools.

12. Did government consider what will happen to Yoruba men in the army? A Yoruba men recruited in the army are drafted to fight Boko Haram but before they could come back their mothers is been kidnapped at home and their sisters been raped at home. Am sure those soldiers will soon abscond with weapons and come back to defend their homeland called ancestral homeland.

13. Where conventional approach failed alternative means are upheld. Sunday Igboho, Amotekun, Agbekoya, OPC, Local vigilante, and others could be crude but I will say it here: NO CRUDE WAY TO SURVIVE OR STAY ALIVE. The first law of living is survival, we survive to negotiate how to live together.

14. I am sure this will fade off before December by any means possible. Either government rises to it at the federal or state level or the locals result to alternative means something must happen.

The utterance attributed to Garba Sheu is too low, how he tries to dictate for governor on how to secure his domain is too ludicrous. I haven’t heard of him when kidnapping and raping took place. We shall see the end.

The first responsibility of any government is the security of life and properties not pampering criminals and sending condolence messages to victims of kidnapping.

15. I appreciate it.

Oba Adeyemi Lamidi,

the Alafin of Oyo.

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