Alex Otti exemplifies the leadership south east desires

Gov Otti is not only changing the narrative but devising a template on the path leadership in Nigeria should follow; a leadership that places value and priority on the people, their environment then politics. 

By Njoku SaintJerry A.

During the campaign that gave Labour Party the victory over long term political party that appeared to have held Abia state hostage, one thing remain remarkable about the Labour Party flag bearer now the Executive governor of Abia State, H.E. Dr. Alex Otti.
Humility, Consistency in his vision and preparedness to see the visions established, If I will put together the thoughts of 3 great teachers on the art of leadership, Fuchuan Yuan, John C. Maxwell and Warren Bennis; they hold a collective faith that “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way, a man who has the capacity to translate a vision into reality and has the humility, clarity and courage to see his visions established.”
Otti embodies all that and fought courageously to prove his mettle in the art of leadership and today the victory that follows his passion to see his homeland rebuilt from the ruins of manmade catastrophe is envisaged at all frontiers.

It was a collective victory for the people of Abia and the South East region as one man leads the way to the path of leadership both the south east and Nigeria has endlessly yearned for. You cannot be with the governor and not be influenced by his integrity and character trait he has introduced into the leadership of a state that once was the butt of beer parlour jokes.    

Just about a year ago a young lady made a video of herself, speaking in Owerri dialect, in that Tik Tok video, she had mocked the Abians, she said;
“Ndi Abia, Do you have men with balls at all, OUK fooled you for 8 years, TA Orji fooled you for 8 years and here is Okezie Ikpeazu taking you to the gutters for another 8 years” – What is wrong with you? She asked angrily…and the skit went viral. 

Such was the situation in Abia state in the past. it was so embarrassing that you dare not lift your head in confidence and brag you’re from Abia state without being ridiculed

Today, that Abia you used to know, where leaders and followers took turns to gaff on national TV and across social media platforms, to lie to their people, steal and destroy, is no more. It is dead and buried with all the sordid characters that gave it a life.
Once again, I welcome you to the new Abia.

Memories of the inauguration of the leader of the New Abia on 29th May remains evergreen, the voice of the Labour Party leader had echoed in the Umuahia Township Stadium as he addressed the enthusiastic Abians;
“We have come to serve you, rebuild Abia to a home of peace, industry and prosperity” 

One of the great teachers of the African reawakening and Revolutionary movement Maya Angelouå said; “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

In Abia State today, H.E. Dr. Alex Otti has lived and exemplified every promise he made to the people in the course of his historic journey to rescue the state from the hands of scoundrels and scavengers lost in ignorance and self conceit. The people and their environment attest to this at every opportunity.

On the 27th January, Gov. Ottii was in Aba to inspect the quality of ongoing infrastructure works in the trade and commerce heartland of the South East region and assess the commitment of the contractors to deliver quality jobs as promised, He was as swift and decisive as he take turns to visit each project site addressing the crowd of enthusiastic residents of Aba, talking to the contractors and conducting detail inspection of every aspect of ongoing works.
The governor made everyone including his entourage feel good and fulfilling as the residents run towards him to thank God that they lived to witness the reconstruction of the new Abia. a state that maintained steady decline for over 20years until the people revolted through the ballot box.

At every move, the excitement from the crowd reminds you of the organic following of the labour party obedient campaign movement, you will almost think the governor is still on the campaign train. This is what happens when the leadership is people-oriented; you will naturally enjoy patronage from over 80% of the populace. 

Otti is replicating memories of the South East of the late Dr. Michael Okpara, Sir Francis Akanu Ibiam and Dee Sam Mbakwe era when it was touted as home of SME, Industry and Entertainment, In the 80’s almost every highlife music was made here in the city of Aba and, virtually every products in Lagos, Kano and Port Harcourt from textiles, shoes, bags, tires, name it, they were made here in Aba and exported to International markets

Because the leadership was not only responsible to the people but committed to the development of the region, the late Michael Okpara designed a template that included planned Agricultural farmlands, the Cashew nut plantation, the Palm Oil and Rubber Tree Plantation, Quality and descent Road network including drainage systems, Housing estates, industrial settlement, ETC and for over 20 years the entire leadership of Abia that came after abandoned these laudable legacy and merely resorted to vain media self serving praise singing and self conceit

Today, a new Abia and a new leadership in the footsteps of the great founding fathers and classic leaders of this great region of the South East people is here

Gov Otti is not only changing the narrative but devising a template on the path leadership in Nigeria in the 21st century, should follow; a leadership that places value and priority on the people and their environment first, industry and conscientious economic planning then politics.
Any leader who follows these simple but austere principles will always win the hearts of his people

Early this month citizens and residents of the state were provided direct incentives from Ministry of SME’s to invest and boost their businesses, across the state, 

There are plans in the pipeline to encourage multipurpose cooperative societies to position themselves to receive direct support from the government to boost all-round community and individual projects development. More so, there have been conscientious efforts to open up community and all economic roads to revive all kinds of business that will open up frontiers of businesses in the state at all levels. 

Security had remained an Albatross in entire South East region until Gov Otti introduced a template of dismantling notorious criminal enclaves disguised as trading hubs and it began to pay off with peace returning to our communities

If you visit Abia today, the complaints and cries of yesterday has turned to testimony and praise to God almighty for delivering his own State to a toast of leadership example that should he emulated  by others

One of the South East brand today is Innoson Motors, if you visit Abia state capital, Umuahia, you may be mistaken that Innoson Vehicles is manufactured here, Gov Otti is not only promoting the brand on media pages, He drives Innoson Vehicle as his official car including all members of the cabinet encouraging the “Aku ruo ulo” spider web economy that is certain to give the south east that economic leadership and recognition it desires so much

Foreign investors inspired by the new found integrity of the Alex Otti government has began to move into the state to seek partnership, State of African Diasporas; (SOAD) one of the largest African Diaspora groups and member of the AU 6th continent, Swissotel and most importantly some of Abia Diaspora investors are keying into the Alex Otti development template, I have visited one of largest resorts under construction in the South East located in Alayi, Bende LGA, just about 35 Minutes drive from the State Capital Umuahia, named Chremdon Vine Resort, it is a huge sight to visit, driving towards Ohafia from the Umuahia-Uzuakoli road. These are individuals influenced by the Otti’s leadership and development template and has decided to relocate their businesses down to the South east.

Njoku Jerry A, is the State Publicity Secretary, Labour Party, Abia

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