How to Get What You Want Every Time You Ask for It

“Not every request will be granted immediately. If your request is denied, politely inquire about the reasons and consider if there are ways to address any concerns.”

By Njoku SaintJerry A

 Getting what you want every time you ask for it is a challenging but attainable goal. Here are some strategies and tips to increase your chances of success:

Be Clear About What You Want: Before making any request, be specific about what you want. Ambiguous requests can lead to misunderstandings and may not yield the desired outcome.

Choose the Right Timing: Timing is crucial when making requests. Find the right moment when the person you’re asking is receptive and not distracted or preoccupied.

Express Yourself Assertively: Communicate your request confidently and assertively. Avoid being overly aggressive or passive, as either extreme may deter others from fulfilling your request.

Consider the Other Person’s Perspective: Empathize with the person you’re asking and understand their motivations and concerns. Tailor your request to address their interests when possible.

Show Gratitude and Appreciation: When someone fulfills your request, express your gratitude genuinely. This not only shows appreciation but also encourages them to be helpful again in the future.

Build Rapport: Establishing a positive relationship with others can make them more inclined to help you. Be kind, respectful, and considerate in your interactions.

Offer Reciprocity: If appropriate, be willing to help others when they need it. This fosters a sense of mutual support and encourages them to reciprocate when you make a request.

Be Flexible and Open to Compromise: Sometimes, you may not get everything you ask for exactly as you envisioned it. Be open to negotiation and compromise to find a solution that works for both parties.

Use Persuasive Communication Techniques: Learn effective persuasion techniques, such as storytelling, providing evidence to support your request, and highlighting the benefits for both parties.

Avoid Manipulation or Coercion: While persuasion is essential, avoid using manipulation, guilt-tripping, or coercion to get your way. Such tactics can harm relationships and may lead to negative consequences.

Persist and Be Patient: Not every request will be granted immediately. If your request is denied, politely inquire about the reasons and consider if there are ways to address any concerns.

Practice Active Listening: When engaging in a conversation, actively listen to the other person’s responses and take their input into account. Showing that you value their opinions can increase the likelihood of a positive outcome.

Learn from Past Experiences: Reflect on previous requests and outcomes. Identify patterns or factors that contributed to success or failure and adjust your approach accordingly.

Remember, while these strategies can improve your chances of getting what you want, there are no guarantees. Respect the autonomy of others, and be prepared to accept a refusal gracefully when necessary. Building positive and healthy relationships is key to successful interactions in both personal and professional settings.

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