Every family needs a mad child; Nigeria government just got one

By Suyi Ayodele (Edited) “For so many years, the North has been behaving like the King that feels he cannot be challenged; the one who determines the destinies of others while wearing the toga of supremacy. The region has been reaping from where it did not sow and has been enjoying the sweat and labour of the South, unchallenged.” This is a true-life story. There was once a Yoruba Traditional Ruler who talked down on his subjects. His tongue was so acerbic that even his Council of Chiefs avoided him.…

The poverty of ASUU and government role in Nigeria’s failing education

Ebube George Ebisike “The notion that funding the National Assembly or any political institution in any measures is more important than funding the Academic Staff Union must be perceived as a grave error and those responsible should be banned from holding any political office” Authur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes novels and other literary masterpieces commented later in his life that the academic system he experienced in the 1860s could only be excused “on the plea that any exercise, however stupid in itself, forms a sort of mental…