We don’t honor the high schools that we attended. We don’t honor the universities we attended. We don’t honor the past. We don’t celebrate good people but worship bad people. We are now paying a very heavy price.
Category: Foreign Scene
New Guinea Ruler lashes at AU, ECOWAS and Senile African rulers
Stop interfering in the affairs of Guinea, stop lecturing us on democracy, stop your colonial mentality, concentrate on fighting poverty in your countries, and serving our people well on this Continent,
Why is Rwanda one of the fastest growing economy in Africa compared to giant economy like Nigeria
“Where there is stiff and deliberate attempt to frustrate local manufacturing industries by bureaucratic administrative policies and unhealthy environmental condition, what you get is a capital flight to regions that have put their environment in order to attract these finances and investors”
China in Africa – Why is the United States trailing behind
“Neither United States nor France is said to have followed this path of mutual respect to the people and their region until recently they begin to create one or two impression of engagement that are certain to produce devastating consequences
The Loss in Afghanistan may force the US to take Africa more seriously
By Njoku SaintJerry A. (edited for use) “US diplomats on the continent would be well-advised to anticipate this and embark on an outreach campaign with their African hosts With the humiliating withdrawal of America from Afghanistan, United States might have need to readjust its policy focus in Africa, now more than ever, to bolster their recovery from global perspective of dominance in the fight against terrorim. However, if it was difficult to get African issues on the agenda in Washington before this crisis, there is every tendency that it may…
Zambia’s New President Has a Unique Opportunity to reset the economy
Zambia needed a successful businessman to understand how to get the economy moving in the copper-rich nation, where there is high unemployment. Hakainde had used his agricultural roots to appeal to the country’s farmers, saying he could turn Zambia into a food basket for the region
Why is Africa unable to solve its problems after 50 years of independence
The mental conditioning of the African must change in orientation towards themselves and towards their countries. This should be the focus of all Africa’s development enthusiast.
Canada will still require 100 million immigrants
“Canada will still require 100 million immigrants to get a reasonable population that will enable the nation considered friendly by many to compete.
Nigeria is not Afghanistan and will never tolerate the Taliban parading as herdsmen
“If the managers of Nigeria do not care about its ethnic diversity and continue to deceive themselves claiming tribal superiority and religious supremacy, it is going to learn a hard lesson at the appropriate time.
Nigerian diplomat exhibited lawless behaviors in Indonesia
Until the Nigeria government and its political elites chose to address their deficiencies in obeying simple rule of law and respect to its own laws and regard to its citizens at home, they will continue to receive shameful treatment and disrespect anywhere in the world