Nobody who has given a cup of water, sweated or even contributed his pennies, times and energy to this great cause of reconstruction, will be left behind, you will all be rewarded – Njoku Jerry A. State Publicity Sec.
1. On behalf of the leadership of our great party, H.E. Dr. Alex Otti, the Executive Governor of Abia State, our Honorable State Chairman, Chief Ceekay Igara and Members of the SWC, Labour Party, Abia State would like to use the great opportunity that the new year has offered to us all to send appreciations to all members and supporters of our great party in Abia State
2. The year 2023 was a great year for us, it was a time the Almighty God of the Abians led us into victory and delivered us from decades of Hostages and oppression from the grips of agents of Satan masquerading as political leaders, God Almighty took us away from the darkness of political correctness and brought us into the Light of Political reality of our times and established for us a government that is for the people and by the people irrespective of class and size
3. We owe all the gratitude to our God, the leader of Abia State, Most especially, we owe you the supporters of our leader, H.E. Dr Alex Otti and his people-oriented government all the gratitude for your patience, confidence and trust.You have all done very well.
4. I must commend us all from the grassroots up to the cities of Aba, Umuahia, Ohafia etc, every member of this great party has been exceptional in service, including your cooperation and loyalty to the leadership of our great party.
5. I appreciate all our stakeholders for their commitment and sound counsel whenever their support and services is required.
6. I cannot thank you enough, It is my prayer that God Almighty will bless you and continue to guide you to work for the interest and strength of Labour Party at all times
7. Thank you and Welcome into the year 2024, Our year of great expectations, Our year of new beginning in the reconstruction work of this our God’s given state that we have already started by the guidance of our visionary leader, a man prepared by God and time for the great task of a new Abia. H.E. Dr. ALEX OTTI
8. On a Frank note, it has not been easy for many of us including our great supporters and members who definitely are expecting so much from us.
9. No doubts, your expectations are justified, and like our leader had often admonished, nobody will be left behind in this great journey of a new beginning.
10. Nobody who has given a cup of water, sweated or even contributed his pennies, times and energy to this great cause of reconstruction, will be left behind, you will all be rewarded because our leader is a man that fears God and has respect for humanity, He is genuinely concerned at the plight of every member of this great party and is committed to deliver to your expectations, in due course, we will all be rewarded, Only Believe.
11. As we embark upon this great journey of a New Abia, we are not ignorant of the antics of the enemies, disguised as members of the opposition, because they have not presented themselves as responsible members of the opposition, rather they band themselves together for a continuous onslaught in falsehood and deception.
12. Those who have spent over 2 decades destroying this wonderful city of God in their ignorance, they lack shame and has no morals nor conscience to feel remorse for the grave crimes they have committed against the good people of this state.
13. Please take note of them whenever you come across them on the Social media, as they have suddenly found a platform to continue in their lives of deception and criminal behaviors by cooking up wrong figures and distorting facts all the time perhaps they could whip up sentiments of support.

14. Do not lose sleep over them, they’re rejected garbage of Abia State politics and shall remain in the filth where they originally belong.

15. You owe them only one service, Show them the Abia of today compared to the filthiness they had thrived upon in their days. Perhaps many of them have chosen to remain active with the devil, unrepentant, then treat them like bucket of shits that is only fit to be emptied to the septic pits!

16. Like our leader H.E Dr. Alex Otti (OFR) the Executive Governor of Abia State had earlier counseled in his New year speech of Great Expectations,

 “We have been called to embrace the New Year with great hope and optimism, confident that no challenge, however daunting, shall overwhelm us” and not even those parading as oppositions but are nothing other than enemies of the people.

17. Otherwise, responsible oppositions are necessary aspect of our growing democracy but they have resorted to media calumny, distortions of information and outright falsehood. They have seized from acting as watchdogs only to assume the positions of hound dogs and we must treat them in the manner they have chosen to come against us.
18. As we journey into the year, your party shall throw its doors open to receive all and sundry, especially those that has good desires towards the reconstruction of our dear state, be prepared to bring your friends and neighbours, let’s make this great party very formidable for the enemy never to dare to stand in our way again.
19. Abia is originally a labour owned state by virtue of its position as center of Industry and commerce. This is the only state in Nigeria where the logo of the Labour Party is well defined, the people, their industry and productivity; as one of the basic tenets of the Labour party.
20. Therefore there would be no other party that aptly fits like the position of Labour Party in Abia state. This is something to be proud of and grateful to God for.
21. If you follow our leader H.E. Dr. Alex Otti (OFR) carefully and by his antecedents, you would agree with us, our plans are grand and our commitment genuine. Our promise is that we shall never let down any member or supporter of our great party.
22. 2024 will be a great year for everyone. Join us, to make Abia a dream state, beautiful and investor friendly and God Almighty who established this place as a land of peace, industry and commerce will never leave you hopeless as in previous times
23. Soro anyi mee ka Abia dim ma!
24. May God Almighty give you wisdom and understanding to make wise decisions this year and I am. on behalf of the leadership of our great party giving you assurance that our government, our party will always be there for you, providing all the necessary support and direction to help you take advantage of the many opportunities our great leader H.E. Dr, Alex Otti (OFR) the Executive Governor of God;s own state, has brought to the table.

Thank you


Njoku Jerry Ajike 
State Publicity Secretary
Labour Party, Abia State

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