The kind of a leader Nigeria deserve

By Njoku SaintJerry A.

“He who has an ear, let him read and understand that the 2023 Presidential elections with Mr. Peter Obi in the race is another opportunity for Nigeria to make the right choices or quicken their descents into political turmoil and economic confusion”

The headline image might have spotted Mr. Peter Obi, Yes and deliberately so until Nigerians in their confusion and continuous deprivation are ready to shun ethnicity, tribe and fake religious fanaticism to walk the path of honor and rise up en-masse to condemn and vote out the traitors among us working for foreign mercenaries, the British, the Arabs even of recent the Chinese – selling out entire nation and its people for crumbs and eternal shame building on a doctrine of continuous dependence on oversea hospitals, oversea schools, oversea resorts and loans upon loans to service the greedy appetite of these unfortunate African leaches parading as leaders.

Following Mr. Peter Obi’s antecedents and referenced to great Africans in his category, who have at a point in history grasped the rare privilege of leadership to prove that Africans are not these misfits of clowns and puppets disgracing the entire continent with their hangers-on and followers struggling over each other on who will serve his colonial masters at its best.
Peter Obi pose a striking example in the likes of great thinkers like Thomas Sankara, the fiery disciplined Jerry Rawlings of Ghana and John Magufuli of Tanzania – all late in their prime and great heroes of the African people and black pride all over the world, but their great foot prints in the history of Africa’s development and emancipation lives after them.

Nigeria is in a mess, politically, economically and morally decaying in principles and rule of law. Lawlessness is evil, it breeds indiscipline of all shades including institutionalized graft and sell-outs who for material gains are a willing tool in the hands of aids donors, money lenders and manipulators who do not wish any country in Africa well.

Nigeria do not need the services of these political jobbers codenamed career politicians parading themselves as 2023 presidential hopefuls, they are traitors and sugar coated, forked tongue traitors, their background history do not foretold any reliable antecedents to rely upon other than circle of loyalists in crime and unpatriotic, lawless individuals who for the material benefit and power will pay any amount to contest elections they’re certain will protect and promote that vicious circle of leeches and neo-colonial freaks with London and Dubai as their hospitals, schools for their kids and wards, holiday spots and more while Nigeria continue to decay.

“Peter Obi of Nigeria is an idea whose time has come and it will be dependent upon the Nigerian people to accept this stark reality of failure and imminent socioeconomic danger, that’s about to happen if we miss this.

What kind of a leader do Nigeria need at this bad time of the nation history – Here I am pulling out just one out of few of such leaders in Africa in the category of Peter Obi and what Nigeria stands to gain and lose should they miss out this rare opportunity time and chance has put forward for us all.

“When most African countries depended on imported food and external assistance for development, Sankara championed local production and the consumption of locally-made goods.”

Thomas Sankara
In 1983 young Thomas Sankara seized power through a coup with the goal of eliminating corruption and the dominance of the former French colonial power in Upper Volta with Blaise Compaoré by his side. Blaise Campaore was a typical sell-out you have across many African government today with their presence growing and getting worse in Africa’s population giant, Nigeria.
After the coup, Thomas Sankara renamed the country Burkina Faso, meaning land of the upright/righteous man and in the 4 years he was in power, The great young Sankara did the following.

  • Vaccinated 2.5 million children against meningitis, yellow fever and measles in a matter of weeks
  • Initiated a nation-wide literacy campaign, increasing the literacy rate from 13% in 1983 to 73% in 1987
  • Planted over 10 million trees to prevent desertification from the Sahara
  • Built roads and a railway to tie the nation together, without foreign aid. He opposed foreign aid, saying that “he who feeds you, controls you.”
  • Appointed females to high governmental positions, encouraged them to work, recruited them into the military, and granted pregnancy leave during education
  • Outlawed female genital mutilation, forced marriages and polygamy in support of Women’s rights
  • Sold off the government fleet of Mercedes cars and made the Renault 5 (the cheapest car sold in Burkina Faso at that time) the official service car of the ministers
  • Reduced the salaries of all public servants, including his own, and forbade the use of government chauffeurs and 1st class airline tickets
  • Redistributed land from the feudal landlords and gave it directly to the peasants. Wheat production rose in three years from 1700 kg per hectare to 3800 kg per hectare, making the country food self-sufficient

His foreign policies were centered on anti-imperialism, with his government eschewing all foreign aid, pushing for odious debt reduction, nationalizing all land and mineral wealth, and averting the power and influence of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank.

Sankara’s domestic policies were focused on preventing famine with agrarian self-sufficiency and land reform, prioritizing education with a nationwide literacy campaign, and promoting public health. He focused the state’s resources on the marginalized majority in the countryside.

When most African countries depended on imported food and external assistance for development, Sankara championed local production and the consumption of locally-made goods. He firmly believed that it was possible for the Burkinabè, with hard work and collective social mobilization, to solve their problems: chiefly scarce food and drinking water.

So naturally, Thomas Sankara had to die. He wasn’t the puppet ruler France could assert her neo-colonialism on. FYI a huge part of France’s GDP comes from Francophone African countries, particularly through its control over the CFA currency and banking in these countries.

It’s said that many people refused to support France in their coup, but in exchange for 27 years in power and French backing, Blaise Compaoré, a typical sell-out, agreed to help the French overthrow, Thomas Sankara.

When his officials tried to warn him about this, Thomas Sankara refused to believe that his brother and ally could be a part of such a plot against him.

On 15 October 1987, Sankara along with his officials were gunned down by an armed group led by Blaise Compaoré. His body was dismembered and buried in an unmarked grave.

On assumption of office as President; Blaise Compaoré immediately reversed the nationalizations, overturned nearly all of Thomas Sankara’s policies, re-joined the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to bring in “desperately needed” funds to restore the “shattered” economy. According to him.

In 2014, after 27 years in power and another attempt to change the constitution to allow him to run for office for yet another term, the citizens of Burkina Faso led an uprising. They torched and destroyed government building and called for Compaoré’s resignation. He had to be rescued by the French and fled to Ivory Coast.

A week before his murder, Thomas Sankara declared, “While revolutionaries as individuals can be murdered, you cannot kill ideas.”
Peter Obi of Nigeria is an idea whose time has come and it will be dependent upon the Nigerian people to accept this stark reality of failure and imminent socioeconomic danger, that’s about to happen if we miss this.
Peter Obi’s antecedent has earned him the leadership star Nigeria needs to guide them to the land of hope. He who has an ear, let him read and understand that the 2023 Presidential elections with Mr. Peter Obi in the race is another opportunity for Nigeria to make the right choices or quicken their descents into political turmoil and economic confusion.

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