The Burden of France in Africa; a fraud unacceptable

By Njoku SaintJerry A

“What exactly is France looking for in Africa and which of the African country struggling with its economy is France not culpable.

It is no longer news that Dr. Arikana Chihombori, former ambassador to Africa Union in the United States was unceremoniously fired by the AU for daring to speak up against the continuous injustice meted out to countries in the African continent by unscrupulous colonial powers preying on the weakness of pawns and colonial puppets installed as African head of states acting as proxy to the continuous colonization of these African states.
Dr. Arikana was privy to information that is certainly heartbreaking, she blew the top – Her concerns on France hostage of so many African countries rattled the comfort of stakeholders of the chokehold on Africa, its people, politics and economic system.
There is no gainsaying that France and its stooges are not comfortable with the outburst of the Zimbabwean US trained Medical doctor turned activist against the colonial strangle on Africa.

What France is doing in Africa is evil and it becomes paramount that Diaspora Africans and all lovers of the continent should rise up to the occasion and stand by this woman of courage to restrain France from its pseudo colonialism on Africa.
Till date, former colonial strongholds of France in Africa are sorely at the mercy of France as it continues to rob and devastate the economies of these hapless countries while its citizens continue to run away in droves to Europe as refugees, some drowning in the Mediterranean seas while struggles to hoodwink the world.

French President Emmanuel Macron at the October France Afrique Summit

Between Africa and France, who is giving the other Aids for survival., All 14 former colonies of France in Africa is enforced to deposited 85% of their national reserves to the Central Bank of France under the control of French Minister of Finance, then should any of these countries have need for the use of their money, they will have to summit a financial statement for the country and if it is approved they could only access only 20% of whatsoever money they have deposited.

The guilt of France policy of aid in Africa
In October 2020, France Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian visited Mali to drum support for stronger cooperation with its former colonies whom they consider as leaning towards China. During the visit France played the usual mantra on ‘reforming its policy on aid to Africa” – they want to make the aids more generous as a strategy to counter China’s influence on their poster child of slavery.

May 2021, French President Emmanuel Macron hosted herds of African head of states to a summit French described as providing support to struggling African economies. And by October 2021, exactly 1 year, after French Foreign Minister’s visit to Africa, France invited Africa’s Intellectuals and Young people without the Head of States this time to discuss what it called ‘French Africannes.’

What exactly is France looking for in Africa and which of the African country struggling with its economy is France not culpable.
14 of its former colonies are on economic chokehold till date, according to the nauseating revelation made by Dr. Arikana Chihombori, the government of France still has significant control in all their former colonies – 14 of them.  
Record exists how France compelled these African countries to sign a fictious document called ‘Pact for the continuation of Colonization.’

France offers an independence stringed with a bait and these pawns they foisted as Rulers swallowed both hook and sinker.  The ‘Pact for the continuation of Colonization.’ Explains that all former colonies will be given a political independence while France operates a pseudo control on the economy.

It is said that Mali and the Republic of Guinea objected from this madness and refused to sign this crazy document, and what did French do; They took back everything they brought into the country and pour concrete into sewage’s pipes and completely devastate the two economies, leaving them set aback at onset, this was done as a sort of warning to others to let them know that should they refuse the Pact, similar incidence will be carried out in their country.
France should come forth and prove these claims wrong before they continue the deception on ‘French Africannes’ or continue to host their pawns and figure heads parading as African rulers who cannot and dare not question France arrogance and robbery on motherland Africa.

And what is the robbery; a grand larceny I consider evil and barbaric, under agreement and the control of French, all 14 former colonies of France in Africa is enforced to deposited 85% of their national reserves to the Central Bank of France under the control of French Minister of Finance, then should any of these countries have need for the use of their money, they will have to summit a financial statement for the country and if it is approved they could only access only 20% of whatsoever money they have deposited.
Secondly they will have to apply for it as a loan, at commercial interest rate, leaving about 60% with France.
As if this is a comedy skit and it is happening before the United Nations, in the 21st Century,  A Country has its money from its national reserve deposited with France – then you borrow this money at a commercial interest rate.

So you have a credit with France, despite they are still holding back 60% of money legitimately belonging to these unfortunate African countries ruled by pawns and figure heads, now you begin to owe France.
While you struggle with the remaining 15% of your money on national budgets, infrastructure and human development.

As a matter of fact; what France is doing is the biggest violation of Human Rights in Africa – that is injustice, how can the world sit down and fold its hands and France is engaged in this level of Fraud yet it has the audacity to invite African head of states and the world to Paris singing about ‘Africannes’ and promising to boost reform policy on aids to Africa.
Between Africa and France, who is giving the other Aids for survival.

“For even mentioning China in their blind larceny, the French should be ashamed of its classic robbery and fraud. China is no match for France and can never descend so low in morals

China and France do not match in any regard
Every year, this has been happening till date! 14 African countries collectively manipulated to donate their hard-earned monies to France, raw cash earned from the country to the tune of $500billion dollars is transferred to France yearly and French invest the money in the French Stock market realizing up to $300billion yearly. Yet these are the African countries France is acclaimed to want to improve the size of aids given to them to help their struggling economy or so that they do not lean towards China.
For even mentioning China in their blind larceny, the French should be ashamed of its classic robbery and fraud. China is no match for France and can never descend so low in morals

In the 2021 October summit codenamed ‘Africa-France Summit’ or ‘Françafrique’ the summit’s goal was to lay new foundations in relations between France and the African continent focusing on the young people, who are every day building the future of France and Africa’s relationship.”
It may behoove the host and participants to know that every relationship built on fraud and deceit, no matter how long it last will collapse and I can forsee the collapse of France in Africa unless this anomaly is judiciously addressed by all concerned

No matter the declarations produced at such meeting, it is not the first and won’t be the last of reforms to improve upon aids given to Africa, It will never connect as Africa, perhaps drudgingly commences on the walk away from these colonial chokeholds.

France inability to see reality of a future of enlightened young Africans who have chosen to view things differently from the viewpoints of their weak rulers will spell its doom in Africa as frustrations continue to mount forcing young Africans from affected countries rendered economically miserable by France’s grand larceny continue to risk their lives swimming the Mediterranean seas arriving Europe half dead, miserable and constituting an eye sore for Europe and exposing host countries to human catastrophe while France continue to bask in shameless control of its Africa colonies.

“Every relationship built on fraud and deceit, no matter how long it last will collapse and I can forsee the collapse of France in Africa unless this anomaly is judiciously addressed

Why did Africa rulers continue to condone France
Now enough with France and its neo-colonial policies, the big question will remain; how did the African rulers accept and has been condoning these vile conditions without raising an objection for decades.
Backed by promises of comfort and paradise in France or any of the French oversea territories and a continuous support to rule forever or as long as France wants the African ruler to remain in power, men like Paul Biya of Cameroon, Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea, Omar Bongo of Gabon etc, continue to hold strong influence and serve as conduit of crime and colonization by France in these African countries to the shame and embarrassment of entire Africa, most especially emerging young African leaders the French is struggling to adopt to its awkward lists of ‘Pact for the continuation of Colonization,’ a document I am calling on sensible Africans from the Diaspora to rise up and condemn in its entirety.
Those who have dared to question this criminal intent of France in Africa were either assassinated or hounded out of office for ‘Yes Sir’ men and figure heads answering to the dictates of France.

The UN and Diaspora Africans should call France to Order
I am of the opinion that those who want to stop the influx of African immigrants running away from troubled homes, crossing the Mediterranean and dying at seas, flooding into Europe, constituting eye sores, and nuisance to the world should call France to order immediately.

France is stealing money meant to develop these African countries and acting ‘the aid donor’ from money it has defrauded these countries and always threatening the political situation with traitors and dumb criminals that has no sense of destiny nor morals for their own people. These are the kind of men working for France in Africa and I maintain Diaspora Africans should stand up to France in all its Summit and compel France to prove these claims wrong or completely hands off Africa.

“The African must own his identity, Paul Biya, Omar Bongo and his cohorts are unAfrican, they have no identity and that is why they continue to sell off to France. – – and when you are a nobody you run amuck in circles to please everybody but nobody, you destroy your roots to run to region that has not a single regard for you because you have no identity whether cultural or political

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Luigi di Maio has thrown the first shot, if you think Dr. Arikana is talking too much for standing up against injustice of these magnitude in Africa while the collection of African head of states continue to act as herds to countries like France that only sees the continent from its colonial prism of relationship and complete subjugation.
Minister Luigi had accused France of fueling migration by damaging the economies of African states and called on the European Union to impose sanctions on France for its policies in Africa.
Allow these African counties under the criminal chokehold of France to use their money Defrauded by France to develop their countries and stop these shameful modern-day slavery of boating Africans to Europe in the worst humane conditions.

Africa should have had enough by now. Enough of this criminal negligence by Africans against their homeland.
The African must own his identity, Paul Biya, Omar Bongo and his cohorts are unAfrican, they have no identity and that is why they continue to sell off to France. When a man has no identity, he is a nobody, no matter what kind of possession he claims to have and until you are able to fill that void of nonentity, you’re a nobody and will be subjected to every buzz from your slave masters.

You are the slave, not the ordinary Africans suffering from collective robbery of France and its collaborators  – and when you are a nobody you run amuck in circles to please everybody but nobody, you destroy your roots to run to region that has not a single regard for you because you have no identity whether cultural or political – this is why African President like Paul Biya can live and rule Cameroon from the comfort of his abode in Switzerland, Nigerian president Buhari can run to the UK for a complete 3 months Medical check up and more while the African country abysmally lack these amenities.

I am throwing this challenge to all Diaspora Africans and groups to stand up to France and his cohorts and challenge this continuous colonization in Africa in this 21st century And for France and its numerous summits on Africa this and that, It is one thing to want to build a genuine partnership with Africa by recognizing one’s wrongdoing and making qualitative efforts to change, and until France is willing to take those steps, its political influence in Africa will only continue to be attacked.

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