Nigeria; confront your fears and stop running

“Unless every person of Nigeria descent. resident at home and overseas rise up and defend the unity and peace of the country, you will just keep running and running to nowhere but in circles.

By Njoku SaintJerry A

Nigeria has never been this divided and posing a bleak future since my childhood till date.
Every Nigerian owe himself and his people the responsibility of standing up for justice now you have all the time.
I do not want to talk about Equal Right because you can’t get it likewise I do not want to talk about a functional legal system, you can’t get it either because it does not operate by magic or mere wishful thinking.
Before you begin to run around the entire holes and crevices across the world, hiding and running away from your oppressors and shadows, I have some words for you; The best you can do for your country now is to voice out your opinion against those whose thought of Nigeria is not any better than the thought we used to have for the Christmas Chickens or Ramadan Ram.

We used to love the Hen once it arrives home from the market, so much, that we even feed it some grains of corn before we put a knife on its throat and slaughter it for our stew, if the Hen proves too stubborn to die, we will just throw it into a hot boiling water  already kept standby and it’ll stretch its legs and die quickly in seconds…then we will dissect it body and eat it, we will even use its intestines to cook ‘Hot pepper soup’

This is how we celebrate our joy and supremacy over the animals, the lesser beings – even those we pretend to love so much as pets, the so called dogs – if we are so pushed to the wall by our appetite – we’ll just put the dog in a jute sac and haul it against a rock or any hard object until it dies a brutal death then we will bring it out already dead and slash its flesh to pieces.
We will even use its intestines to cook ‘Hot pepper soup’ also and invite our girlfriends and pals to enjoy with us.

This is what is going to happen to many Nigerians in few years to come, at least to over a handful of you unless you crawl out from wherever you are hiding and voice out your opinion against those who are going to make a chicken and a dog meat of you just in few months to come.

You cry herdsmen are destroying farmlands and rendering farmers helpless, maiming some farmers, scaring them away from their farmlands and contributing to food scarce, some men who pretend to love you will tell you to ‘shut up’ then tell you to say “its Farmers and Herders clash” – You smile and sing “Its Farmers and Herders clashes.”

Groups of young men wielding heavy killer weapons storm local communities, kill everyone in sight and burn down their homes, kidnapped some for heavy ransom, and do this repeatedly in a brazen manner, then you cry, these are terrorists, of course they are as long as they continue to terrorize the communities – then someone in government who pretend to love you and love his country so much will summon you or a group of media men and tell you all to ‘shut up’ call them bandits, they’re harmless – bandits are harmless and just looking for what to eat, and you forced a smile and sing ‘bandits’

‘Bandits’ shot down Nigeria Air Force jet in broad day light, bandits attack military formations at all corners kill and abduct some high profile officers, bandits threaten anyone who dare challenge their lawless unacceptable behaviors, they keep shooting, kidnapping and destroying farmlands; those who claim to love Nigeria so much tell the citizenry under the threats of the ‘bandits’ to desist from calling them ‘terrorists’ because they’re mere ordinary house thief according to Nigeria Minister Lai Mohammed, the bandits meant no harm because they are not threatening the division of Nigeria.

Some group of young men arose and vehemently disapproves these lawless erratic behaviors from a government that claims to love its people, those who proves to love Nigeria so much went after them, one after the other, they managed to get supporters and admirers of their uncouth behavior, abuse of legal system and outright disregard to humanity, they went after men like Sunday Igboho from the Southwest, Nnamdi Kanu from the Southeast for daring to question government taciturn support of ‘terrorists’ code-named ‘bandits’ under the influence of ethnic and religious affiliations.
Those who pretend to love Nigeria so much, as long as the situation is within their circle of comfort, they widen the deep divide by every mean necessary and increase distrust among a people that has learned to live in peace despite their conflicting diversity.

Many African nations has passed through similar routes, some succeeded and were able to came to their senses and say ‘No’ we cannot continue in this decline, Rwanda remained a classic example, Eritrea has not recovered even after seceding from Ethiopia, South Sudan has not recovered even after seceding from Sudan, Somalia has been drawn in a long deadly battle that has almost rendered the people of Somalia in-existent.
Till date, Somalians have been on the run, Eritreans on the run, even Congo DRC and now Nigeria.
I visited a certain African country; while my host drove me around the city, I was very disappointed at the sight of neglect and abysmal infrastructure decay. Despite the chaotic and deplorable situations, this region has provided a safe haven for over 2 Million African refugees running away from troubled home, Eritreans, Somalis, Congolese and South Sudan, who have run away from those who claim to love the country so much until they set one group against the other into a never-ending conflict of ethnic-cleansing, tribal supremacy and self-destruction.

While the Nigerian authorities pretend and continue to deceive the world that all is well, it cannot deceive itself for too long as anger and discontentment continue to grow among the citizenry, among the ethnic nationalities and indigenous people of Nigeria feeling threatened under the leadership of President Mohammed Buhari and his supporters.

“While the Nigerian authorities pretend and continue to deceive the world that all is well, it cannot deceive itself for too long as anger and discontentment continue to grow among the citizenry,

“Nigerians cannot continue to run away from their own mess, Time is of essence and it is high time that the young people take the plunge into politics, social activism

Does President Muhammed Buhari and his supporters have any genuine interest for peace for the same country he claims to love? – this is going to prove itself soon as he focused on ethnic profiling of those who dare question the kid glove treatment and tribal allegiance enjoyed by those threatening the peaceful coexistence of Nigeria.
There would be no peace without Justice.

Unless every person of Nigeria descent. resident at home and overseas rise up and defend the unity and peace of the country, you will just keep running and running to nowhere but in circles.

Some have vowed never to return to Nigeria, many are scattered all over Africa, even residing in certain African countries struggling to manage their meagre economic resources.
But the big question is; When will Nigerians stop running and take active roles to fix their abysmally failing systems from total collapse at all circles.

As the political elites remain complacent in their self-made prisons of comfort and affluence, the ordinary people cannot continue to jive talk and complain endlessly against the government and those in the political circle of influence.
While others continue to complain bitterly against existing injustices perpetrated under the influence of tribal affiliations and political leanings, some are benefiting from the rubbles and are hell bent on keeping the nation under slave locks. No nation succeeds under gross injustice and abuse of privileges and power.

Nigerians cannot continue to run away from their own mess, Time is of essence and it is high time that the young people take the plunge into politics, social activism and enlightenment and save their homelands from men at the twilight of their lives taking entire nation down in sheer ignorance and endemic animosity against people different from their narrow viewpoint about life and its societal transformations and unique differences that has made the world one global community of humans.

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