Ahead of 2023; Pressure groups in Abia mobilise support for credible candidates

By Njoku SaintJerry A

“it will be hard if not impossible for any Frontline political party in Nigeria to give tickets to credible candidates that possesses the qualities of a competent leader

Africa in Praise Network Inc, (APNET) organizer of Abia Redemption Project is making relentless efforts to overhaul the entire leadership structure of Abia state government in the coming elections. 
Speaking at a meeting in preparation of the launch of the Youth Wing of the organization named the “Change Advocates” The convener Apostle Reminder Chibuike Gad said “We are leaving no stone unturned; we have already put our hands in the plough and there will be no going back until our mission is accomplished”

You will recall, APNET and ARP has been engaged in series of activities for the past 2 years mobilizing support for a voter education and followership of men and women devoted to principles of quality lifestyle that is befitting of leaders especially in Abia State government.

“I want to use this medium to encourage people of Abia state to believe in what we are doing, believe God and believe also in this project. Let us work together and in the end we shall surely win.
We are doing all within our capabilities including spiritual exercise in prayer in our secret and public places to reset the atmosphere, we have been engaged in series of campaigns on character formation and qualities of lifestyles that is desired of people appointed to serve, Our women are actively engaged across every constituencies of Abia like our young people are not left out.

Apostle Reminder Chibuike Gad

For the purposes of clarity, APNET is not a political party, we are not standing for or affiliating with any political party.

What we are doing is to set a strong pressure group, mobilise the people of God especially among the church community across Abia state and Nigeria, select among these men and women prospective credible people with heart of humanity and fear of God and vote them to power should they stand for elective posts in the coming elections and beyond.
Abia state should not be acclaimed “God’s own state” in vain and it has become a place of wickedness and failures in every aspect of leadership including the negligence of the Church – We will be making a gross mistake if we as spiritual leaders keep silence and feign ignorance.

“our platform shall serve as the only way to ensure credible candidates are elected. Right now, our major work in this whole exercise is to get the heart of the masses and train them to embrace voter’s participation

You should know that it will be hard if not impossible for any Frontline political party in Nigeria to give tickets to credible candidates that possesses the qualities we have outlined, that are desired of leaders of sound economic and political competence, leaders with conscience who pursue people oriented developmental goals without the manipulation of godfathers or a set of wicked men that do not wish any genuine progress for this state.

However, with our structure we will have the capacity to adopt any political party of repute whether new or old, irrespective of the confused noise of mega parties and the likes, we will only support candidates that possesses those qualities that we all believed will move this state forward away from the misery wicked rulers parading as leaders has brought upon us all including our environment.
Asking us how we will achieve this is not a rocket science, we have been working and embarking upon series of leadership seminars and training with people of like minds who are in support of a complete overhaul of the deficit in leadership in Abia state.

At the right time, we will advise our choice candidates on what to do if they are rejected or denied a ticket by the existing political parties that has not in any way proven to the people of Abia that it means well for us other than a selected few who has continued to sit upon our common wealth while the rest suffers in abject neglect including our environment.

 It shall come to a time when our platform shall serve as the only way to ensure credible candidates are elected. Right now, our major work in this whole exercise is to get the heart of the masses and train them to embrace voter’s participation in choosing the right candidate to such high offices as governors and trust God to give them progressive leadership.

At the moment it will be fool hardy to believe that any average Nigeria political party will allow a free and fair primary without the wicked politicians who have amassed so much money for opportunities as this to select and appoint their stooges to continue to rip off on the people and steal the people’s common wealth. It may continue in other states of the federation but not any more in Abia State and that is what we have been shouting to every indigene of Abia state both at home and in the Diaspora to join forces with us now. – The earlier we know this and strategize the better for us all.

Whether we are achieving result; I can say YES, by now it is a public knowledge that the Nigeria law makers has passed the bill on electronic transmission of results and that is one step forward.

God is answering our prayers and we are ready for this mega political shift that is about to take place in the history of Abia State.

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