INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES WITH GOD; Managing your relationship with God and Humanity

Pastor Henry Chuks (Wordforce Christian Center, Umuahia)

What God says concerning your life may not always come to pass.

“God do not have the final say in your life, God may say it, you may impede it from happening and that’s where the answer lies. 

Take for instance God promised to Abraham was 400 years of slavery for the children of Israel years before that incidence happened but they spend 430 years., Was God lying when he said 400 years? Certainly No!

This is by man’s making and not What God said, that extra 30 years was of man’s making, the Israelites made that extra 30 years happen by their own doing

Until you’re in agreement with what God said concerning your life or your situation, whatever prophecy or vision over your life may not come to pass until you agree to it by your lifestyles and relationship 

The scripture says “If you’re willing and obedient”, if you do what you’re ought to do or you don’t do it, there shall be consequences, not because God did not said that but because you failed to act on it or comport your life in like manner.

There are practices that are instructed, and are bound to happen

Remember the book of Exodus and the instructions about the blood on the door post. 

It doesn’t matter who was inside the house, whether he is righteous or unrighteous, as long as you obey the instructions of you putting the blood on the door post of your house, you will be rescued when the destroyer will come passing by in the midnight

Whether it’s instructions by law or by principles, once you disobey the instructions it will definitely conflict with whatever God said about your life

In our walk with God, there are instructed practices you must observe and abide by to bring quality results and bring God’s promises to your life to fulfillment, You will have to;

1. Initiate and Invest in a meaningful relationship with God – Investing in a meaningful relationship is simply summarized under a single instruction;

“Love your neighborhor as yourself – That’s all! The relationship begins with your neighbor.

3. Remember Jesus’ teaching about who’s your neighbor using the Priest, The Levites and the Samaritan? Its not about who is the most religious and some ecclesiastical positioning but by building a relationship with humanity. A humanity representing God on earth

4. Jesus while on earth never messed with relationship.
In the book of John 3 and 4, the Teacher, Nicodemus came by night to find the truth to his existence and relationship with humanity and God

5. When Jesus talked to him about being born again, he was talking about relationships, Jesus Christ built a relationship with Nicodemus that lasted till his death and it happened even in death that the relationship brought honor to both friends 

6. Imagine if Jesus Christ had chased Nicodemus away, there would have been no relationship established

It was that relationship that emboldened Nicodemus to go to the ruling council when Jesus was dead on the cross and demanded for the body of Jesus Christ to be interned and the authority honored him at a time the entire disciplines had ran away out of fear

7. When you mismanaged the relationship it is certain to prolong your matter on earth

If you must learn anything, learn to manage relationship very well.
Most braggart are actually people of inferior complex, do not talk until you’re asked to.. Sometimes you’ll have to willingly lose some argument and allow yourself to be manipulated, not because you do not know, sometimes these are subtle avenues of managing relationship not because you do not understand, you just let some issues go past by.

It was a relationship Jesus Christ built with the Samaritan woman that opened the door for the salvation of that community

A relationship built by the art of communication and just by that talking moment, Jesus Christ made the woman to reveal the heaviness on her heart and she just building on that relationship pulled entire community over to the light of the gospel

That is what managing a relationship can bring in the life of a person

Another example is the man David in the house of King Saul, If David had not managed his relationship with all the king court men, when he wanted to escape from king Saul arrow hauled at him, the Kings courtiers would have caught him and handed him over to be nailed but No, David had built a cordial relationship with virtually everyone in the palace so much that when they saw dangers coming his way they let him escape.

Manage your relationship with God very well

Let your actions be louder than your voice to the people and you would have built a very cordial relationship naturally.

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