Governor Otti has shown capacity and clarity of vision in the way and manner he has handled the affairs of the State. By Emeka Nwosu, PhD. A few days ago, the Governor of Abia State, Dr. Alex Chioma Otti, carried out a reshuffle of his cabinet which saw some Commissioners moved to new Ministries. There was also an injection of fresh persons into the team; all aimed at strengthening and re-energizing the structures of governance in the State. A new Commissioner was also named for the newly established Ministry of…

End bad Governance Protest ends in futility; exposes the deep rot in the Nigeria socio-political system

While there were some youth leaders with genuine intention to see a realistic change happen the protests only exposes the dangers of the rot with the Nigeria system, the protests has revealed that all you need to influence any decision including criminal and lawless behaviors and get supporters even for your unlawful choice of life is to possess enough money, flaunt it in front of the average Nigerian and you will get whatever you want.