Abians found hope in a democracy that works; paved way for a people-oriented leadership

By Njoku SaintJerry A.

In a statement obtained from the Democracy day broadcast of the Executive governor of Abia State, H.E. Governor Alex Otti, He said; “Abia has become a model democratic society where the leadership is absolutely accountable to the people, not to a tiny cabal of godfathers”

Today Abia state represents what Nigeria as a country continue to hope for, an organised system of government where the will of the people thrives and is sustained because it is the people’s choice. 

Like the golden adage says; the voice of the people is the voice of God!

God is the author of democracy, it was in the book of Genesis Chapter 1 verse 26, and He said; “Let us create” and that was the beginning of democracy on earth, and at any time mankind has rebelled at that Holy instruction, the result has always been chaos and socio-economic disorder and Nigeria as a country has continued to suffer terribly for disobeying that divine instruction of “let us make.”

We are celebrating Democracy in Abia state today and the dividends of democracy because those who were entrusted with that divine assignment to midwife the democratic process did not abuse that divine order, unlike what was obtainable in the past and Abians suffered abysmally like Nigeria as a country is suffering today for disobeying that divine order of allowing the people’s will to prevail.

We cannot act God and expect things to work in our favour, No it doesn’t work that way, the moment we choose to act God and rebel against his instructions we must suffer the consequences.

Abians have hope today for a brighter future because both the people and those assigned to manage the electoral processes obeyed the divine instructions on democracy and that is why we are celebrating democracy today in Abia state.

 Like our governor said; “Great things are happening and millions of Abians at home and in the Diaspora are genuinely proud of the transformation that has taken place over the past 12 months.” and we do not need to deceive anybody on the pages of social media or paid TV hyped advertorials, all you need to do is just visit Abia today and you will notice the difference 

That difference of positive outcomes we see in Abia State today is because we embraced the democratic norms of selecting those whom necessities has placed the incumbency on them to take the lead to guide the people to a place of hope, a brighter future of everyone dreams.

Abians suffered terribly in the past, so much that they were the butt of every silly beer parlour jokes as one of the least developing state in the south east. It was a painful experience we all were forced to undergo because certain groups of people deliberately refused to honor that divine instructions on democracy, they continued to steal the votes and suppress the people’s will for over 2 decades and that disobedience brought Abia to its knees because it was against God’s divine arrangements for his people.

We must choose our leaders and democracy remains that most important vehicle for choosing and changing the fortunes of a society especially when the leadership is instituted by those democratic norms that gives everyone of us the right to take part in the building process of our homeland. 

Like our governor and the Labour party leader said:  “democracy is not just about votes and the push to occupy political offices. It is about what we do after the polls are closed, how we use the power that has been conferred on us as citizens, voters and leaders of conscience to steer the ship of state in a desirable direction”

Abia has a brighter future today because we did not only obey the voice of God but we fought by every means against those who do not have the capacity to understand that occupying political offices is a divine assignment to lead the children of God to a future where the people will be happy to serve their God in truth without cutting corners due to terrible economic situations made possible by those who could not manage the political offices and the responsibility attached to it.

Every political leader is a representative of God here on earth however if that position is stolen and the individual do not have that understanding of divine mandate to lead, the people will groan under that yoke of abuse of the democratic norms

Abians were in that sordid situation of a burdensome political administration in the past, despite all our giant strides as center of commerce and industry, we could not perform as a functional state but today that is history as our situations today is far better and our future full of bright hope because we obeyed the voice of God and chose a leader that enjoys the support of his people.

I am happy to announce to you that what is happening in Abia State today is nothing but the hall mark of Labour Party, the will of the people is the will of the party, and as a party that operates on the principles of people oriented policy, we remain the original champion of democracy in Nigeria today, Abia has only served as a litmus test to what Nigeria could become when Labour Party take the mantle of leadership to guide this great country to a future of hope and fulfillment. 

That’s the main reason victory was accorded H.E. Governor Alex Otti the moment he joined Labour Party, God honored his efforts for the past 10 years he has embarked upon this journey to rescue the state from the old order of confusion and rebellion from God’s divine mandate for his people, God honored him and spoke through his people and not through a selected few codenamed ‘godfathers’ because the voice of God is the voice of the people and not the voice of some bunch of men errornously addressed as ‘godfathers’ in a democratic nation like ours. 

 Finally, on behalf of the party I want to specially thank every Abians and supporters of Labour Party whom have made our practice of democracy in this region of Nigeria a successful reality that has put Abia on the world map today as a model of democracy and has exemplified what Niger and its people can achieve the day they allow God’s divine instructions to thrive in their political administration and homeland

And like H. E. Governor Alex Otti had concluded in Democracy Day speech;
“Our victory in 2023 was not essentially about any particular individual. It is about the Abia people, the men and women who never lost faith in democracy, who never stopped believing and stood their ground until victory was achieved.”
In this month of June and henceforth, we will continue to celebrate that faith that our people have in this God’s divine order for our political existence – the doctrine of democracy as instituted in the book of Genesis Chapter 1:26, In this lies our hope for a brighter future and a happy nation.

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