Those Running To Court To Steal The People’s Mandate

It will be gross injustice and an invitation to anarchy not to draw the attention of both court judges and their sponsors to the attempt by certain group of people to steal and deny the ordinary people their god given right to choices 

By Ajike Njoku
On the recent court cases and judgment issued against the people’s popular decisions of who they have chosen and voted to represent them in government only to be upturned in the court by selected men sitting as judges, as much as one will be cautious to comment on Nigerian judicial pronouncement which of a recent has become worrisome and disturbing to the teaching of common sense and justice.
It will be gross injustice not to draw the attention of both court judges and their sponsors to the attempt by certain group of people to deny the ordinary people their god given right to choices.

A case where a candidate scored about 6,000 votes against another candidate of 2,000 votes and the candidate who scored lesser counts of votes is busy running around behind closed doors to seek favours of the judicial system to perform magic in his favour would be likened to a criminal attempt and is merely an invitation to anarchy and disruption to peaceful order of competitive electoral system, this amount to throwing a spanner into the wheel of progress against the people who willingly and in confidence chose their representative in government and not the court to choose for them, it makes a mess of the entire electoral system if decision of who represents the people is now at the discretion of the court and not the people.

I do not know where such democracy is practiced in the world and where it exists, I do not see progress of any kind among such people both economic and social.

Take for instance the case involving Labour Party, Senator Darlington Nwokocha representing Abia Central and Winner of the February senatorial election and Retd.Col Akobundu of PDP
In the Judgment as delivered

Case No. 1 case on the list for Judgment: AKOBUNDU V. DARLINGTON: Court: Labour Party breached S. 77; Darlington disqualified; Certificate of Return to issue to AKOBUNDU.

Case No. 2 case for judgment is AGBAZUERE V. Ginger Onwusibe. Court: Breach of S. 77 is no ground to question election. Appeal dismissed.

Same judges under five minutes gave two totally different opposite decisions. Where does this happen.

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