JAMB’s accuse against Mmesoma, a painful reality of a nation lost in self deceit

“From INEC, to NNPC and now JAMB, the Nigeria state institutions needs a lot of overhauling from not only poor workforce but criminal elements bent on frustrating every act of civility to mould a nation of people of diverse ethnic and cultural affinity”.

By Njoku SaintJerry A.

A Nigerian student at the young age of 16 sat for the UTME exams and emerged victorious with high scores in all core subjects culminating 362 published as highest score for the year, her state took notice of her, another Illustrious indigene named Chief Innoson of Innoson Motors celebrated her with a gift of cash to support her further education in life.

What comes next, the exam organising body Joint Admission Matriculation Board, (JAMB) all of a sudden, from the blues, after reading news of the bright young girl successful performance in the exams and all the awards, went on Air and screamed…The result is Fake, the student is a Fraud.

The school where the young girl had her secondary education heard the bad news and got involved.
The Department of State for Security (DSS) is invited for investigation and they took the young girl to question and promised to look into the matter.

While in the process of looking into the matter, JAMB and its Spokesperson went to the media, perhaps with a veiled intention to discredit the academic exploits of a young female student of the South East origin, while the DSS is still looking into the matter JAMB went a step further to announce on the media that the student has been banned from taking further exams for 3 years and her results withdrawn.

Till date, no reported outcome from the DSS that has gone to look into the matter as promised, no background check on the history of academic performance of the poor young girl to ascertain if she has ever in history registered such record of academic excellence.

The younbg school girl Mmesoma  Ejikeme said; “I have been a grade A student all through my school years, her school is there to prove such claim, if JAMB and her handlers sincerely mean business of picking out frauds and cheats brandishing Fake results, its virtually easy to conduct a detail research and serve the public a clear evidence of a dull student turned bright kids only at JAMB exams but this never happened, rather the poor Nigeria media found a headline to trade on, because a young bright kid from the South East, people from the dot nation should be hounded by every means necessary for every reason.

No Nigerian journalists has taken the pains to find out from Mmesoma her own side of the story until a spirited citizen made available a phone recording of the poor young girl narrating her own ordeals in the hands of the Nigerian Institution of disrepute. The journalists and social media activist swelling page visitors never bothered to dig deep because many are busy running around rogue elements parading as political rulers.

As much as this is a painful reality the kind of Nigeria the political elites and their hanger-ons wish to project to the world, this practice and the characters behind such will remain unacceptable to sane people of the world.

Mmesomma said to the DSS that visited her; “I went to the business center and printed my results from JAMB portal, and this is what they gave me 368, I am not capable of influencing any fake results, I have been a bright student all through my High school days…I am traumatised”, yet JAMB went ahead and withdrawn the result and slashed a 3 year ban on her.

This is what you get in a nation named Nigeria brewing in self hate and deception.
This is what you get where mediocre and villains are celebrated as heroes
This is what you get in a nation where the electoral body represents fraud and take pride in defending criminal behaviors for a financial benefit but my concern now is, I don’t know what financial benefits both JAMB and her Spokesperson running to the media and spitting from both side of their mouth stands to gain from this deception and blackmail of a singled-out bright kid of South East Region, all in a bid to score cheap publicity stunt or to affirm the brewing hatred and fear of people of the South East Region as displayed by another branch of the Nigeria institutions named INEC whom declared a Presidential win against most competent and People’s choice of a President with just 31% of votes cast in the most disputed shamefully acclaimed electoral victory.

Both the Spokesperson and JAMB never bothered to take the pains to investigate the young school girl, Mmesoma and her previous academic background to ascertain if she merits such a score in her history of academic feat or not but as INEC Chairman did they went on air shouting fake and fraud, even when it is very clear the young student displayed a printed result slip from JAMB website, citing ‘Funny’ Manipulation as in INEC’s technical glitches’

As much as this is a painful reality the kind of Nigeria the political elites and their hanger-ons wish to project to the world, this practice and the characters behind such will remain unacceptable to sane people of the world.

How can you go on air and abuse such a young student and make a public show of shame of actions under investigation without valid proven claim of your accusations.

From INEC, to NNPC and now JAMB, the Nigeria state institutions needs a lot of overhauling from not only poor workforce but criminal elements bent on frustrating every act of civility to mould a nation of people of diverse ethnic and cultural affinity bounded under a forceful relationship that has remained continually abused and questionable.

The result printed from Jamb website was not only complicated but outright confusing and criminally manipulated with the bar code indicating the name of another candidate with a different score while the certificate has the name of another candidate with a different result in a similar manner with INEC iREV results of fictitious figures and characters that INEC has even gone to court to defend as genuine despite glaring evidences of falsehood and deception.

Nigerians and people of the South East Region should rise up by every means available within the law to reject this growing deception and abuse of office by people with criminal intent disgracing entire African race in their brazen hate against nobody but themselves and disregard to rules and order

Mmesoma needs all the legal assistance she deserves and I give credit to lawyers like one Ms Anike for standing up to defend the young student and another great son of the South East Bitcoin King Gaius for offering her 100% Scholarship positions anywhere in the UK, USA and CANADA to boost the morale of such bright kids in a nation that kills her brightest on a platform of mediocre and rogue elements running its public institutions.

Njoku SaintJerry A. writes from Umuahia

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