Why it took the Israelites 40 years from Egypt to get to Jerusalem: A case study for the Obedients in Nigeria

They had all been poor slaves barely two months before. They could not see themselves as successful. They had all been poor slaves barely two months before. They could not see themselves as successful.

According to the Bible, it took 40 years to get to Cairo from Jerusalem.
It’s a 6-hour drive which would be a few days by foot. Why would it take 40 years?According to the Bible, it took 40 years to get to Cairo from Jerusalem.

It’s a 6-hour drive which would be a few days by foot. Why would it take 40 years?

It didn’t take them 40 years. It took the large group of men, women, children and old folks, plus animals, about 6 weeks or so to walk across Sinai, and get to the border of the Land.

One person, hiking long hours daily, could have done it a lot sooner, of course.

The Biblical account is pretty clear – the whole group got to the border of the country. Then 12 of the group were sent out to scope out the land and the possible competition.

They came back after their scouting trip, and only TWO of them said ‘we can do it’. The other ten said ‘no way, we are TOO WEAK’

Whether they were or were not isn’t the issue. The point is, the majority of them ASSUMED they were FAILURES. 

They had all been poor slaves barely two months before. They could not see themselves as successful.

So they turned ‘aside’ and spent ’40 years’ (Biblical trivia – ’40 years’ like ’40 days’, means basically – a very long time) wandering in the wilderness – which is another word for living a nomadic lifestyle in the region nobody claimed as theirs.

And in that 40 years, the fearful older generation died off or got very old, and a new, younger, more confident generation who had never been enslaved, grew to adulthood – and THEN they were ready.

This is a reference for all the Obedients across the globe – The deliverance of Nigeria lies on their shoulder and they do not appear to give up no matter the level of manipulation by the rulers and cabals running the Nigeria lawless and dysfunctional system. With that resilience, the foundations of Nigeria criminal and rogue political rogue elements is bound to be shaken to its total collapse – its only a question of time.

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