The Burden of Diaspora Africans on the continent

Njoku SaintJerry A.

“France lives and breath on Africa, China cannot do without Africa, Europe lives on Africa and so many others, then why is these continuous humiliation and psychological torture of running away from motherland and choosing to live and die overseas

There is a video clip of a certain African president, precisely the sickly Ali Bongo of Gabon son to the late Omar Bongo who ruled Gabon from 1967 to 2009!, visiting the President of France, the young Emmanuel Macron in Paris.
The elderly African President, visibly shaking by virtue of ill-health and age albeit still clung to ruling his small, poverty stricken African nation, wobbled up the stairs to stand for a Presidential Photo Op with President of France, unable to stand straight for few seconds, he gave in to the pressures of his aging and sickly weak frame as he shook vigorously with one leg up, falling backwards. The young Macron held him up firmly and wedge him on until he was able to take the photos with his dark covid-19 facemask on.

A friend called me from China complaining very bitterly about his situation and many other Africans resident in China, according to his unverified complaints, he had alleged, China wants 85% of Africans out of China in the next possible years and that is as fast as possible. What method did they employ to achieve this, many African residents has had their visa duration cut short abruptly when they attempted to renew their stay, this has nothing to do with whether the applicant intend to continue to school after his first degree, he or she must go home first and try another chance of entering China if he or she is fortunate.

“It is to our collective shame regardless of the pretense of the African rulers running to China and Europe, India and now Doha every now and then crying aids, aids and loans to keep silence at the influx of Africans to Europe, to China, disgraced, hounded and humiliated, made object of documentary on 21st century slavery,

May 2021, Ethiopians youth stormed the street of Adis Ababa chanting ‘Stay Away’ to Americans ‘We do not need you to meddle in our internal affairs, leave us alone to solve our problems’ – as usual the mainstream media tagged them ‘pro-government.’
Courageous young beautiful woman leading the voice, shouted “Ethiopia for Ethiopians” – America had attempted to wade in in the age long Ethiopia- Tigray conflict by imposing sanctions and the Ethiopian said “No, you can’t do that!

In Nigeria as at November 2021, earliest visa application appointment date to the United States is perhaps August 2023, a year and half ahead and you will only get a response to your application attempt after paying the full sum of the visa fee to the designated bank. It implies entire Nigerian are running away from home and paying hard cash even for the attention.

“Diaspora Africans have a burden upon their shoulders to come home and join politics in Africa, push out senile men occupying African politics and governance with no tangible evidence for their long stay in power, establish modern state that match with the global challenge of economically viable nations,

By the Mediterranean Sea, Africans who have not been fortunate to secure any visa or have the privilege of flying airplanes out of Africa will have to swim the tortuous sea on ramps and dingy boats running to Europe, invading Europe in droves even if they die trying.
Europe is getting overwhelmed at the sordid sight of young Africans running away from realities of hardship in Africa, running away from home to places of thin hope of survival, some drowning in the turbulent seas, some rescued, deported, some clinging on forlorn hope. In a certain televised documentary of African immigrants washed off the Mediterranean shore, a young Togolese exclaimed, ‘if I must die on the water, it is better than returning to Libya.’

Then I asked; why the run away from Africa, why the rush to run away from home, blessed Africa, evergreen vegetation, blessed with stupendous wealth unimaginable, creative, hardworking, growing youth population, talented, happy innocent people, beautiful women at every region, young men with vibrant ideas, a land flowing with honey and oil, evergreen agricultural farmland, gold and diamond in excess. Cobalt, copper, coltan, name them, I have seen a lot of gold in tons, I have seen a lot of money in bails and containers waiting to be shipped out of Africa in raw notes, to mercenaries, to the Arabs, to the Caribbean Islands, to Europe – all from this so called poor and turbulent Africa that everyone is running away from except the devils in suits and tie.

China do not want the continuous influx of Africans to their territory, forget the chant, ‘China-Africa mantra.’ France won’t even take the dead and alive African immigrants washed off the Mediterranean shores to Europe despite Italy’s verbal attack to France to stop stealing from the African countries where these unfortunate young people are running away from.

The African ruler, weak, fragile and sick inside out is buoyed by France and allies to hang on, as long as they remain useful idiots for the rape of their homeland. France do not hide its mastery in deceit as all 14 former colonies of France continue to pay a colonial tax to France disguised under what it calls ‘pact for the continuation of colonization’ a fictious document where all 14 former colonies is forced to sign and agree to remit and deposit 85% of their Bank reserves to Central Bank of France under the control of French Minister of Finance – and if they wish or need to use the money they have to summit financial statement for the country and if approved they could only access only 20% of whatsoever they have deposited as a loan at commercial interest rate and this is still in operation till date. A very criminal document with clear criminal intent and grand larceny!

This is the burden on all Diaspora Africans, to rise up and confront the proxy, sick and weak idiots acting for the interest of the imperialists powers mentioned above at the shame of their own homeland, Africa.

This is one classic reason while the young Macron sustained that fragile and sick Ali Bongo of Gabon from falling backwards while wobbling to stand by his Master in that shameful and disgraceful photo op in Paris instead of asking him to go home and rest for his aging body.

Mr. Macron of France has no excuse for men without balls to stand up for their own. He knows this is shameful for rulers not to be able to take proper care of their own, Xi Jinping of China knows it is humiliating for rulers to disregard their people and treat their own region with so much disdain and contempt and run to foreign lands for welfare, medicals and aids.
Therefore, who cares if all Africans immigrants in China are kicked out overnight for every reason necessary.
These men and other foreign leaders in their category whether it be Russia, India, Japan etc. knows that their people and the environment comes first and they take extra step to establish that by looking out beyond personal comfort of aggrandizement, flying around the world screaming for aids with ‘begging pans’ stuck in the hands all the time.

Ethiopia is living its role as a classic African hero with its energetic young Prime Minister Abiy leading an African nation with pride to stand for itself. Rwanda is living its role as emerging African young giant and more – despite none of them is without blemish and human limitations.

Until former AU ambassador to the United States Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao came on board to blow the cover of what France is doing in Africa – they’re still practicing a pseudo colonialism, stealing from all former colonies except perhaps 2 and nobody cared less.
This is Evil and more as no African ruler has been able to summon the courage to raise an eye brow at the evil of France continuous grand larceny in Africa, however, they are still in the mad rush to run to France, China, Japan, India even to Doha in droves to take medical aid, take endless loans stringed with baits, buy up mansions, build storage for funds they will never ever use even in their cursed graves – Why don’t you sit down and build motherland, my dear African rulers!

France lives and breath on Africa, China cannot do without Africa, Europe lives on Africa and so many others, then why is these continuous humiliation and psychological torture of running away from motherland by all because we have made motherland Africa unhabitable for humans.

This is the burden on all Diaspora Africans, to rise up and confront the proxy, sick and weak idiots acting for the interest of the imperialists powers mentioned above at the shame of their own homeland, Africa.
There is nothing to die for in Europe, in America, in China but at home in Africa, there is everything to live and die for.
It is to our collective shame regardless of the pretense of the African rulers running to China and Europe, India and now Doha every now and then crying aids, aids and loans to keep silence at the influx of Africans to Europe, to China, disgraced, hounded and humiliated, made object of documentary on 21st century slavery, this time voluntarily hording into ships, some swimming by themselves hanging on dingy ramps just to get to Europe alive – while France is stealing from many of these African countries.

until every African begin to take responsibilities for this collective shame and humiliation, your brothers and sisters, your families will remain the butt of all jokes of misery and poverty in the world and this a worse burden than the former.

Diaspora Africans have a burden upon their shoulders to come home and join politics in Africa, push out senile men occupying African politics and governance with no tangible evidence for their long stay in power, establish modern state that match with the global challenge of economically viable nations, such that will compel nobody from ever nursing the ambition to run away from Africa any longer. Disconnect yourself from weak and myopic men parading as African rulers but acting proxies to the shame and stealing of Africa’s wealth by France and all the rest.

Cease from your inexcusable complains and bring your wealth and talent home to Africa, bring your money to the grassroots and unseat the devils and their agents destroying Africa – they’re not fit for the honors you run to them for Photo Ops, they do not deserve no honor nor respect anymore from the Diaspora Africans and until every African begin to take responsibilities for this collective shame and humiliation, your brothers and sisters, your families will remain the butt of all jokes of misery and poverty in the world and this a worse burden than the former.

I remain your Humble Servant Jeremiah Ajike Njoku, State of African Diaspora and Minister of Information, South West African Forum

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