Dealing with the Vaccine ‘PLANdemic’ and maintaining sanity

By Ebube George Ebisike

“What’s the ethical, scientific and logic justification to force the entire world to receive a product made by habitually criminal companies who aren’t liable for injury or death, when the product doesn’t even stop transmission

At 8:50pm on 23 November 2021, Daniel Alexander tweeted under the handle @Alec_Zeck and asked a question a few days ago after the emergence of the Omicron variant was announced by the CDC and causing extensive International restrictions globally. He said “I’m honestly asking anyone who’s willing to answer: what’s the ethical, scientific and logic justification to force the entire world to receive a product made by habitually criminal companies who aren’t liable for injury or death, when the product (Covid19 vaccine) doesn’t even stop transmission?”. Vaccination has proven not to be as effective to prevent transmission, these are the challenges of the current pandemic, that parts of the scientific community and science intelligentsia have termed a “Plandemic.”

The accessibility of the vaccines have been a challenge for some, but the NIGERIA Ministry of Health has been working to increase accessibility.

On the non-conformity of people and as well Nigerians to the myths of Covid19, it has remained a sustained mindset that Covid19 is about financial misdemeanours of the economic and monetary system using a weaponised disease as a scapegoat to achieve what has been referred to as the great financial reset which has made the rich richer and the poor more destitute.

The other is that Covid19 is considered to be nothing more than the common flu or cold which is universally known to have no cure. The other view by myth propagators is that Covid19 is a weapon for Africa’s population reduction using not the disease or virus itself but a gene therapy based forced vaccines scheme, since there is a global perspective that the earth is overpopulated, which is not founded.
The website and speak the global misadventures for people to investigate the issue of lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing cultures applied across society and other transmission barriers thought to scientifically needed to curb Covid19’s spread. Governments around the world have started vaccine mandates to the population in various schemes and policy directive and these have sparked counter reactions from the mass of citizens in different countries. The UN charters on human rights are barefacedly violated by global bodies as the CDC and a world seemingly more repressive yet cosmetized. Institutions which were meant to curate over humanity and sustain protection and preservation of its essence are perceived to be compromised. The science and ethic of human essence has been called to questions again in the Covid19 global reset era.

The Covid19 vaccination experience globally has been called to question.  The scientific methodology of manufacture, testing and roll out of the Covid19 vaccination is at variants with established scientific logic within the R&D driven body of knowledge of the scientific community. It seems more like a profiteer driven scheme by BigPharma with particular reference to how the Plandemiic didn’t eradicate Africa yet.
Myths of Covid19 and biblical numerology which speak to eschatological writings have become rife on social media. The Global loss of rights, disinformation, suppression of the non conventional media and gagging of the traditional media and supremacist mind control by state institutions are some of the biggest challenges to the right to quality healthcare that doesn’t infringe on citizen.

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