New Guinea Ruler lashes at AU, ECOWAS and Senile African rulers

By Folarin Tony Olajide

“Stop interfering in the affairs of Guinea, stop lecturing us on democracy, stop your colonial mentality, concentrate on fighting poverty in your countries, and serving our people well on this Continent,

New Guinean ruler Col Mamady Doumbouya in a swift response to messages he considers a threat from African Union and Ecowas lashes out at African head of states that make up membership of the regional body, comprising of ‘Sit tight’ rulers like Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, Paul Biya of Cameroon and other endless serving African head of states that continue to manipulate the frustrated citizenry at the interest of colonial powers that derives fulfilment at the confusion of leadership in Africa. In a terse worded statement, Doumbouya had described African rulers like Muhammadu Buhari, Paul Biya, Yoweri Museveni that has plunged their nations into chaotic situations in ethnic bias, hate and bigotry and serving as stooges to the interest of France and the UK that continues to show heartless support to their stooges in Africa for doing their dirty bids in continuous destruction of the continent and setting the good people of the continent against each other using the likes of Yoweri Musveni, Paul Biya, Muhammafu Buhari etc.

Doumbouya Introduced the letter in a succinct but straightforward response;

“We respect you as ECOWAS but we will not take your orders.”
 Reminding African continental rulers he considers as stooges to imperialists powers used to keep the continent in perpetual confusion of leadership role models and underdevelopment that they should desist from acting the “ostrich”
“Don’t assume powers you don’t have, Guinea is an independent nation, and not your family business where you will go around dictating.”

The statement continued and read;
The Army removed a dictator who changed our constitution to remain in power; the people are up to now celebrating his downfall, why do you want us to restore his Government yet people are against him, go on the streets of Conakry and talk to people and you will know their position.

Please stop dictating, don’t lecture us on democracy. ECOWAS and AU are a batch of dictators with mentality of occupying and colonizing Africans. Dictators think they will rule African countries as if they are running their families.

We are closely following the events (in Uganda) and we have learnt that Museveni hasn’t slept ever since we took over power. He has been calling fellow dictators to undermine our leadership.

Museveni should instead focus on his country and rebuild it since he destroyed it long ago to the extent that there is no constitutional order in Uganda. Museveni is the constitution in Uganda and he is still protected by AU, a batch of tyrants on our Continent.

Museveni family rule in Uganda, he dominates everything and Ugandans have suffered under his hands.

Dictator Museveni who is writing missives against us accusing us of being backed by western powers, but he himself is the real agent of the western powers…He was used to gather Intelligence on Omar Al Bashir, he was used by the west to spy on Gadaffi..and he is still doing more for the west..

If he, Museveni, is working for the west, he is the kind of puppet leader who doesn’t know his place in history and is responsible for the death of Thomas Sankara and Patrice Lumumba, Museveni is a traitor to the new African order… If he continues his outbursts against us, we have more capabilities to undermine him on the African continent and beyond including ending his tyrannical missile in Uganda.

For Museveni and his fellow African dictators at AU, Please stop interfering in the affairs of Guinea, stop lecturing us on democracy, stop your colonial mentality, concentrate on fighting poverty in your countries, and serving our people well on this Continent, they are suffering. Doumbouya called out Yoweri Museveni and declared “you have tainted your legacy and you have destroyed all your achievements and credibility.” Good leaders must learn to serve, and retire peacefully.

However, till date, neither the young leader, considered charismatic by the Guinean people nor any of member of his cabinet had come out to state the obvious.

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