The Hausas, the Fulanis as victims of an irrational one Nigeria

By Ajike Njoku

“We are the largest black nation on earth even without Nigeria. We must never remain stagnant and blinded by fake arrangement. Colonial nation states arrangement like Nigeria are fast losing relevance.

During an online conversation to take up a remote business assignment, the interviewer asked; where are you from? I hesitated to reply and she insisted to know and I blurted ‘Africa’ and she said where exactly in Africa, I hesitated again and she refused to give up and pressed further and I said West Africa, she paused and after about 20 minutes, she repeated the question again and I reluctantly said ‘Nigeria’ – She ended the communication and never discussed the job anymore.

This is the shame and burden people in this side of the world bear for living in deceit of false claims of unity in diversity and answering to a name that is reminiscent of everything shameful, oppression, failure and negative. You lick your wound alone.
I came across this article written by one Tukur Danmuazu, A Northern Nigerian I presume, Tukur has taken pain to vent his frustration of a Nigeria where everyone assumes he is the architect of the Almajiri miserable beggars, the terrorists codenamed herdsmen or the gullible politicians nicknamed Northern oligarchs that has wrecked so much havoc, leaving the entire Northern region in misery and excruciating poverty while they flock in Abuja like owls and only shuttle to Dubai for momentary escape only to return to the skewed political administrative structure named Nigeria to steal more money under the guise of one Nigeria, leaving the region in a pitiable ruin of every signs of development.

Danmuazu has lived in the pains of a false appellation for too long and he decided to summarize the quest for restructuring of the colonial hangover of old men without shame addressed as Nigeria rulers.

Tukur Danmuazu writes;

 A man without colonial mentality will face his deficiency
and solve his own problems

For a hundred years past we have lived in mutual suspicion and bitterness with these strangers, sometimes leading to carnage. Why must we live as some dead colonial masters wanted us to live?

I believe Igbo should have their Biafra because I find no single positive reason why we must live as one nation while other people closer to us than the Igbo are having separate nations. As a man without colonial mentality, I do not allow colonial hangover to becloud my reason.

There is already Biafra. No Hausa/Fulani dares dream of going to the east for whatever reason. So where is the One Nigeria? Is it not better to make the separation formal so that we can trade freely and even send ambassadors? Can’t you see how we relate with Niger Republic, Cameroon, Ghana, Chad and Benin Republic? We related with some of them for ages even before we know the Igbo. What is wrong if strangers, Igbos, have their separate nation like our old friends in Niger Rep, Ghana, Chad etc do? For a hundred years past we have lived in mutual suspicion and bitterness with these strangers, sometimes leading to carnage. Why must we live as some dead colonial masters wanted us to live?

Only truth can solve this problem not a python and not a civil war mentality.
We, the Hausa/Fulani, are already the victims of this profitless irrational one Nigeria. Countless Hausa/Fulani people have died like dogs, unmourned, uncompensated for, unavenged. Why must we accept economic blockade and massacres in the name of a fictional arrangement? What is our gain and what is our profit? Northern muslims have never met with disaster in all of their history that consumes more blood, that destroys livelihood, that poisons the pyschic like one Nigeria. I care more for my people than Nigeria. I do not see Nigeria as worth the death and continuous humiliation of my people.

We lack everything because of one Nigeria. Our markets are not ours. Our banks are not ours. Our telecommunication business are not ours. Our schools are not ours. Our foreign scholarship are not ours. We have no control over anything except our mouths that we are forced to shut up. We are the poorest in all developmental indices in Africa because we gave up everything to one ungrateful Nigeria.

We must resist the false suggestion of greedy thieves posing as our leaders whose only vision is to own a mansion in Dubai. Neither shall we fall for the error of old men dreaming of past personal glory.

Let us reassess our condition rationally and boldly. Let us define the direction of our own future.
Let us choose what we believe is the best for us and our children and fight for it. We and our youth must think for ourselves and give direction to our history. The world has changed and so we must change. We are not less than 90 million in population.

We are the largest black nation on earth even without Nigeria. We must never remain stagnant and blinded by fake arrangement. Colonial nation states arrangement like Nigeria are fast losing relevance. The world is dealing in regions made up of real mutually compatible groups of people. Every great compatible group of people are striving to be truly represented in regions. Each mutually compatible people wish to, directly without acrimonious hinderance, exploit the opportunity offered by regionally organised globalized world. Each also wish to enrich the world and preserve their common heritage. This is the reason for anti-colonial self determination struggle across the globe from Europe to Asia and from Australia to Americas.

The Igbos wants to face the world on their own terms and not Nigeria

The Igbos had travelled and mingled among free nations. No power on earth will stop them from dancing in the rising sun of growing freedom of people away from the stagnant historical dustbin of nation statism. They want to face the world on their own terms.

“We must resist the false suggestion of greedy thieves posing as our leaders whose only vision is to own a mansion in Dubai.

We, on our part, must not continue to be victims of short-sighted local helmsmen who can not think beyond what those dead imperial masters had ordained by force of arms. If our parents were ruled by them, we must never accept their ghosts to rule us via greedy hosts.

90 million people are by far larger than 60% of individual nations in the world. We will not be the poorest. We will not be the weakest. We will not be isolated. Infact, we will be the biggest in Africa and among the richest.
So why all the self imprisonment in an old moribund, no longer safe and no longer relevant Nigeria?

We will not be the weakest. We will not be isolated. Infact, we will be the biggest in Africa and among the richest.
So why all the self imprisonment in an old moribund, no longer safe and no longer relevant Nigeria?

I choose my people, the Hausa – Fulani over Nigeria

Every wise man when given the choice of saving the house or the family, would certainly choose to save the family. So I choose my people. I want them to be free anywhere in the world including in Biafra, and I want them to be in control of what is theirs at home.

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