The Islam that I know and the Political Islam

By YQ Quadiri

Let us all therefore, Christians, Muslims, Traditionalists, unbelievers and even the cynics alike rise up in unison with everything we’ve got, and repudiate this catastrophic onslaught of this fiendish gangsters that are seeking to overrun, overtake, and dominate everybody

This Islam that kills was not the Islam I was born into. The Islam I know shows and demonstrates care, concern and consideration which was driven by love at the heart of its Creed.

My father, Alhaji Fatai Quadiri exuded that piety with stubborn fealty. He loved all equally – the Christians, the Muslims, the Traditionalists, the secularists and even the agnostics. My father embraced all, but gently peached his faith with focused single-mindedness.

He insisted that his Islam is a religion of peace and he lived it out. Everybody that knew my father from all walks of life loved my father, and his favorite child unto death was my Pastor Sister. Yes, my sister who is a Pastor and is married to a Pastor.

This is the Islam that I know. It is the Islam that seeks to connect an individual only to his creator and not the Islam that seeks to coerce the whole world into atavistic savagery. It is the Islam of personal relationship with God and not of public disturbance, chaos and mindless barbarism.

Though my father died and was interred a Muslim, our hearts connected so much that his, was the corpse I got closest to all my life.

El Zak Zaky and His Shiite Followers

I therefore will not accept this POLITICAL ISLAM of death and bloodshed, of kidnappings and rapes, of brutality and terrorism, of oppression and subjugation, of covetousness and avarice, of insensitivity and inhumanity, of state capture and destructive brigandage. This is not the Islam I know and this type of sinister Islam that seeks to grab people’s lands will not thrive here in Nigeria or anywhere else in the world.

I challenge my true brothers and sisters in Islam to therefore rise today, in whatever way they could to begin a new campaign to rescue Islam from being defamed and destroyed by those who have adulterated and bastardized the faith for personal and selfish purposes.

Some of my great friends are Muslims, and they are awesome guys that I love and cherish, and they know it. They are not in any way worse than my Christian friends.

Nobody can fight for God if indeed, he is God. No true God will require any human being to fight for him. This offensive bloodshed and beastly monstrosity is no longer tolerable and it must stop now!

For the sake of our collective humanity, we must resist and push back this insanity that is threatening the existence and survival of us all.

Crowd of Muslim Faithfuls during Jumaat Friday Prayer

Let us all therefore, Christians, Muslims, Traditionalists, unbelievers and even the cynics alike rise up in unison with everything we’ve got, and repudiate this catastrophic onslaught of this fiendish gangsters that are seeking to overrun, overtake, and dominate everybody including the liberal Muslims and adherents of genuine SPIRITUAL ISLAM.

We must live and let others live. No human being is better than the other, it’s all a matter of opportunity. Let each person pursues own faith and life without let or hindrance.

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