The most Ungrateful People on earth

By Njoku SaintJerry A

“African should learn to appreciate their own; African should learn to stick with men who chose to stand tall and make their electricity shine, men who chose to stand firm to build healthcare facilities, schools and industry, build basic infrastructure for their own people

Libyans killed Muammar Gaddafi, Tanzanians killed Magufuli, Bukina man killed Thomas Sankara, Congolese man killed Patrice Lumumba and the list goes on. Without the niceties of history – where are the most ungrateful people found and who are they.

Paul Kagame is rebuilding Rwanda from the ashes of misery and agony of yesterday and some ingrates are struggling hard to open the backdoor for the mischief makers to come in and disorganize everything, so it was with Magufuli, so it was with Gadhafi, so it was with Thomas Sankara.
Till date, the Congolese are still struggling to breathe, living in abject poverty in the midst of godamn wealth, the people can’t even afford ordinary decent living, yet these where the ills the late Patrice Lumumba had stood firm against. Today, the Libyans live in perpetual confusion and disruption of their once beautiful life of splendor with streets and buildings devastated by bullets and factional gangs battling for the soul of whatever is left of Libya.

Anytime a man of honor with self-respect and dignity chose to stand up to rebuild homeland Africa, devastated by mercenaries and enemies of the indigenous people, somehow by the devils design, some group of ingrates will emerge from the blues and mount series of opposition that celebrates nothing but pride in ignorance, greed and arrogance until such an African nation is brought down on its knees begging for even a crumb from whoever cares.

There is no great leader without the signs of dictatorship. Naturally there is pride in power, how much more when it gives you and your people a sense of belonging as in every American, very proud of his democracy and his constitution.

Paul; Kagame

There is no great leader without the signs of dictatorship. Naturally there is pride in power, how much more when it gives you and your people a sense of belonging

Come to think of it; If Rwanda has remained in the mess of yesterday, the mainstream media will be good to celebrate its misery on front page tabloid. Ethiopia used to represent Africa’s poster Child of Poverty and Hunger until the young men of history in the likes Abiy Ahmed Ali came to the fore, so it was with Ghana in those dark days of confusion until one able young man in the likes of the late Jerry Rawlings chose to stand firm against all odds and forges a path for the new Ghana of today that has maintained a steady growth both in its politics and economy.

There is a classic example of men who chose to stand out for their state and their people against all odds and till date, history as well as the people celebrate them.
Even in death, the Chinese still show ultimate appreciation to Chairman Mao Zedong and his families, the tiny Singapore nation never at any moment fails or hesitate to refer you to the man who contributed immensely to make Singapore what it is today, they do not merely do this as a matter of vain rhetoric, they live it and let the appreciation transcends to leaders upon emerging leaders and followers alike.
Apart from the great late Nelson Mandela of South Africa whom became a global icon even while alive, Africans has at every turn contributed to the demise of men who chose to stand tall against all the bad winds to liberate the continent and its people and this gives me a concern as a sign of ungratefulness the Almighty God and the ancestors of Africa should punish severely right here on earth not when we die.
African should learn to celebrate the people’s heroes. Is it not a continual rude shock that a nation like Nigeria should ban history where young people learn the impacts of heroes like Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo, Queen Amina, the first republic, the exploits of the Biafran scientists, etc, or anything in like manner that teaches the people about those who paved the way for whatsoever you enjoy today as a sovereign nation.

“Why is every Patrice Lumuba, Muamar Gadhafi, Thomas Sankara, Jerry Rawlings, John Magufuli and even Paul Kagame of yesterday always branded a Dictator only to be replaced by Dummies and sleepy heads given the microphone to speak as Presidents

Muamar Gadhafi,

African should learn to appreciate their own; African should learn to stick with men who chose to stand tall and make their electricity shine, men who chose to stand firm to build healthcare facilities, schools and industry, build basic infrastructure for their own people and water the soil for our agriculture in the midst of so much turbulence, both political and religious.

Turbulence which in most cases are completely foreign; As in the democracy many African practices today, they are too experimental and continue to destroy the people and their original indigenous values of governance.

Africa used to possess one of the strongest means of Checks and balance in its native political administration before the advent of this so-called democracy. Do not get it mumbled up; Democracy is good for those who chose to abide by its principles of election and appointment, however those who understand very little of its origin will always and continue to fumble with it because it is strange and could be abused and messed up like little children do with any object or knowledge that is strange to them.

The same applies with our religion. I can’t imagine a religion which continue to see our ancestors as witches, that has placed curses on everyone so much that electricity will not shine, you will graduate from school and for 5 years you are still roaming the streets of Lagos looking for any kind of job with your first class degree certificate and some clergy is struggling to convince you to go for a deliverance session from some ancestral demons torturing you from earning ordinary decent life that do not require any fasting and prayer should you be fortunate to smuggle yourself to any oversea country whether it is the atheist nation of China, the mystical India or even the Egypt of yesterday that has been so vilified in our prayers.

“Those who claim to love the African continent so much that they do not want the emergence of any dictator, do they love these images of poverty and misery and economic failures in the midst of plenty?, perhaps they love the gory images of Rwanda of yesterday or maybe there should be a broader definition of the word ‘Dictator’ because Africa do deserve a lot of it,

Africa do deserve a lot of Dictator
Come to think of it, why is every Patrice Lumuba, Muamar Gadhafi, Thomas Sankara, Jerry Rawlings, John Magufuli and even Paul Kagame of yesterday always branded a Dictator only to be replaced by Dummies and sleepy heads given the microphone to speak as Presidents and Head of States, they run to London to treat ordinary malaria and stomach ache while healthcare in the countries they so much love are in complete mess, education in disarray, endemic poverty in the increase, kidnappings and most recent, some ‘cowheads’ branded herdsmen killing every indigenous people with no single objection by such African prescient’s. While the nation’s economy is in disarray, such acclaimed head of states shuttles all over the world begging for alms in the name of loans only to impoverish the nation and the people the more.

Those who claim to love the African continent so much that they do not want the emergence of any dictator, do they love these images of poverty and misery and economic failures in the midst of plenty?, perhaps they love the gory images of Rwanda of yesterday or maybe there should be a broader definition of the word ‘Dictator’ because Africa do deserve a lot of it, if all the characters mentioned here has brought in the much desired dividends of good governance and development the African desired so much then the most ungrateful people should be those who chose and continue to stand on the side of the likes of all the Dummy heads bringing Africa so much shame and ridicule all over the world because they cannot stand up firm for their own neither can they stand for the continent they claim to love so much without the help of mercenaries and questionable characters brandished as friends of the Africa people.

Muammar Gaddafi could have represented the black panther of Africa, Magufuli could have represented an austere fellow that won’t allow others to get a chunk of free government money and free aids flowing in from Europe into Tanzania for the political elites to live in stupendous luxury while the citizens suffers in abject neglect, even Paul Kagame could be portrayed as your new dictator as would be defined by those who has chosen to live in the deceit of loyalty and friendship to the African people by mercenaries.
So it was in the Congo of Patrice Lumumba, so it was in the Bukina Faso of Sankara, so it was in Tanzania of Magufuli until he was cut short like his predecessors.

Muammar Gadhafi could have rolled up the entire continent of Africa in riches, he lived it and proved it and was going around Africa to convince the rest that you can wear your own colors, wear your textiles made in Africa and be proud of it, build your own hospital and stop going to London to treat malaria, build your own schools, run your own government and stop running to every region of the world begging for aids.

The Libyans never see it coming, the Congolese never see it coming, perhaps Tanzanians may escape from their own ingratitude to Africa’s blessed leader that come up occasionally to upturn the tables and change the gameplan.
The most ungrateful people are those who do not show appreciation to the blessings of the ancestors and the almighty God upon Africa whenever such men of courage emerge by any means necessary to make the African see pride in himself and his continent only to be running around backdoors struggling to bring the continent down to its knees in their fake claim of friendship and loyalty to nobody but the mischief makers.

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