Nigeria; a nation sore afraid of its ethnic nationality

By Njoku SaintJerry A.

Nigeria trembles at everything Igbo so much that the entity has become paranoid even to the point of destroying itself, from its Presidency to the least of the Nigerian authority, their fears is very evident in the manner they react at every matter involving the Igbo nation and its people

Residents of South East Nigeria is made up of 80% of the Igbo speaking tribe of the 3 Major ethnic nationalities that was merged in 1914 to become what is known as Nigeria today. Each tribal kingdom is unique in its own way and culture while the Igbo stands out in commerce and trade, wealth creation and academics with an egalitarian attitude in pursuing affairs of life and happiness of humanity. It is said that the Igbos are Republican in nature and has been practicing the doctrine of democracy before Nigeria was ever considered as an entity by its colonial managers.
Time and events has taken toll on the history and activities that has brought the Igbos this far in life so much that their presence in the union of 3 ethnic nationalities known as Nigeria today has begun to generate caustic apprehension and paranoia in every way by other members of the union claiming unfound supremacy of Northern elements.

Nigeria trembles at everything Igbo so much that the entity has become paranoid even to the point of destroying itself, from its Presidency to the least of the Nigerian authority, their fears is very evident in the manner they react at every matter involving the Igbo nation and its people. Unfortunately, Nigeria will remain helpless in this matter until they are courageous enough to confront their weakness and fears.

Let’s not discuss their sympathizers and foot soldiers – times are hard and some individuals has descended so low beyond morality in order to maintain a grip on what to eat, what to wear and who to lean on in such a disorganized society where party politics and elite affiliation is a guiding principle therefore the Igbo political elites could be forgiven for their ignorance.
One would imagine that it is only natural to be envious of anyone or a group of people with some extra ordinary traits and wisdom of human and society development, however it becomes a mental disorder where such envy becomes overblown to the point that it becomes a national policy as the individual begin to lose sleep because of the extraordinary features that he has observed in the other person, that is far above his inferior psyche.
This is the situation of Nigeria today as an entity of a union forged in falsehood by mercantile colonialists, expired and unlawful after its centenary anniversary of 2013.

Fear is destructive, fear makes you inferior and bring you down to the place of crude behaviors, fear is devastatingly blinding, like the crabs in the barrel, anyone who dares to walk out is pulled back into the ditch, everyone remains blind and circling in a vicious circle of hate, envy, deceit and vanity, now, the worse off, Nigeria, may remain imprisoned in this fear until it is completely grounded.

The good news is; Nigeria can walk out of its own fears to a liberated country of technological advancement and civilized society but on one condition; she must engage the Igbo’s and other ethnic nationality she does not consider acceptable in its vain claim of superiority and dominance, she must be willing to sit at table and ask sincere questions on unity, peace and progress among the ethnic nationalities forced into the union whose existence has become subject to suspicion.

The Nigeria – Biafra War 1066 – 1969

…yet the Nigerian authority has never seen the need to engage the Igbos in any kind of dialogue to discuss its future whether in its economy or managing its excess wild populations of disillusioned young people

Now the question is; who is afraid of the Igbo people in the union and for what. They were the principal actors in the 1967 Nigeria civil wars that wiped out about 3 million of their people out of existence, Nigeria took the glory and pride of victory of that infamous battle of blood. More so, the current Nigeria president Alhaji Mohammadu Buhari in a national tweet message on 1st June 2021, did reminded the Igbos, that he could repeat that feat of battle if they did not comport themselves in a manner, he considers acceptable. That statement leads to a backlash and cost Nigeria the loss of over 6 billion Naira worth of investment from Twitter alone within 3 days! That is what hate can do.

The Igbos had to lick their wounds and had merely made and continue to make just one request; “If you cannot accommodate us in our egalitarian way of life, reverence to humanity and pride in the growth of all and wealth creation, then let us go our separate way”
Nigeria has not responded to this request neither has it ever dared to answer this question of injustice and abuse that led to the war of 1966 – 1969. More so, Nigeria has never bothered to reason with members of the forged union even after the declared truce.

It is 50 years and over, Nigeria is yet to overcome its own fears, the fear of the Igbo man. but come to think of it; fear is creative, fear operate like an adversity, fear is an inspiration and you only need to be human and alive to react. Reaction is impulsive then you come back to your senses, even the Lion react on impulse. It is only natural to all creations to react then after that sudden display of fear and shock, you are put in check. In that state of mind, creativity arise, inspiration may come up too and whatever you do at this point always lead to solution and not to heighten your own fears otherwise you will be simply referred to as a condemned Idiot and humanity will not waste time and resources with you always except there is anything to take from the Idiot.

“Nigeria can walk out of its own fears to a liberated country of technological advancement and civilized society but on one condition; she must engage the Igbo’s and other ethnic nationality she does not consider acceptable in its vain claim of superiority and dominance,

Nigeria has put itself in this condition at the moment and the world actually cared less except to explore every loophole the disunity of Nigeria has created to build its own industrial base, its own society and wealth while Nigeria battles in unforeseen fears of the Igbos she has failed to come to terms with.

Do not be mistaken; Nigeria is a wonderful union of people, divers in strength, creative, multi-talented and industrious with a very agile bludgeoning population of young people. across the North, West, Middle Belt and South-East Nigeria, these young people are deprived virtually of everything, disillusioned and perpetually being deceived by their elites who claim ownership to Nigeria – a false expired union that is due for renegotiation.
The young population of Nigeria has created a large consumer market of everything the Nigeria authority has denied them, I mean everything! The Igbo people in their industry and egalitarian attitude decided to explore that loophole and Jackpot!
They had never failed to reap massive positive result of creating their own society of communities of wealthy men, industry, academic, trade and commerce, virtually everything the Nigeria authority has taken for granted the Igbos has explored that singular loophole and today, they have built massive wealth virtually in all circles of life, they are in control while Nigeria continue to bites itself in vain envy and hate, discussing cow herding on peoples farmlands in a forest primitive pride.

Nigeria, rather then learning from the Igbo creativity, industry and egalitarian nature is seethed in hatred and envy and struggling to destroy everything the Igbo stand for perhaps it could destroy the Igbo’s and bring them down to Nigeria’s level of psychological wretchedness of the mind and soul – a tall dream in itself;

“Till Date Nigeria continue to frustrate the building of any Sea Port in entire south East that will encourage industry rather it focuses all its energy in the tiny Lagos Port that has forced 70% of the Igbo businessmen to be resident in Lagos.

Till Date Nigeria continue to frustrate the building of any Sea Port in entire south East that will encourage industry rather it focuses all its energy in the tiny Lagos Port that has forced 70% of the Igbo businessmen to be resident in Lagos. Even at that, the Igbo still went ahead to convert the ignorance of the Nigeria authority into a mega idea of real estate development, commercial centers created virtually in every corner of Lagos including developing the swamp of Amuwo Odofin into a beautiful town of real estate. Virtually in all corners of trade, commerce and economic development including academic, the Igbos hold sway while children from other Nigeria ethnic nationality claiming vain superiority and ownership remain the dirt of the society, miserable beggars, dirt parkers, shoe shiners, street urchins without homes left to wander in the dark as cow followers and miserable artisans only to be used for all the wickedness against humanity in their Nigeria while their elites in parachute dressings pride in their idiotic claims of dominance and superiority. This is shameful but hate is blinding and very destructive.

In entire Northern Nigeria including Abuja, Nigeria capital city, 75% of supplies of every basic items for sustenance and survival of the people is in the hands of the Igbos, from real estate to all kinds of amenities to supply of basic household items, the trade and management is controlled by the Igbos, including hospitality business, the same applies in the West and virtually every part of Nigeria yet the Nigerian authority has never seen the need to engage the Igbos in any kind of dialogue to discuss its future whether in its economy or managing its excess wild populations of disillusioned young people resorting to all sort of criminality to eke a living rather it continue to brag of its spider web power of dominance and Northern supremacy that continue to expose its foolishness and crass ignorance in a world briskly walking away from people of low mental capacity to think outside the box.

Nigeria can become a better country, united in diversity, Nigeria can turn the mistake of 1914 into a creative union of Africa’s Ubuntu and expand in all frontiers of development but only on one condition; Until Nigeria learn to eschew hatred of its own, learn and adopt the art of tolerance and negotiation then she can win.

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