Labour Party faults National Assembly members on manipulation of the Electoral Act Reform

By Njoku SaintJerry A.

“We are baffled as to who the National Assembly is representing if they cannot reflect the demands of Nigerians in the electoral process.  – Comrade Julius Abure, LP National Chairman

Labour Party has joined forces with ordinary Nigerians and stakeholders of the civil society to call on the National Assembly to pass the Electoral Amendment Act as recommended by relevant representatives of the Nigerian people in their various deliberations.

Barrister Julius Abure, National Chairman, Labour Party Nigeria

Section 50 (2) of the electoral laws granted INEC the powers to introduce technology that would improve its duties and safeguard  the integrity  of future elections in the  country.  
Speaking with the National Chairman Comrade Julius Abure during a telephone interview he cited concerns in the removal of the proposed amendment to the Electoral Act which ensures electronic transmission of elections results. A situation he described as ‘a rude shock.’

“A golden opportunity has risen for the lawmakers to prove to the Ordinary Nigerian electorates that they mean business in moving the country forward especially for a matter that will see to the peaceful coexistence of the country and its divers ethnic nationalities, instead of grabbing such an opportunity to safeguard the nation from future leadership crisis produced by false electoral victories, it is disheartening that some groups of individuals and worse still, elected law makers will be kicking against such move”

It is no longer news that the members of the National Assembly are in frantic efforts to scuttle this golden opportunity to correct our errors and weakness in electoral administrations in this country.

For the benefit of doubt, the removal of the proposed amendment to the Electoral Act which ensures electronic transmission of elections results would set the country in another vicious cycle of experimental leadership and I do not think Nigeria should be subjected to such painful experiment worse than the one it finds itself presently. He said.

“PDP had all the opportunities to make laws to prevent political office holders from cross carpeting but they resisted the attempts and failed to do so. Today, three PDP Governors have so far cross carpeted while PDP battles to maintain its hold. If the honorable members of the National Assembly fail to do the right thing, they will no doubt be at the receiving end tomorrow; posterity will never forgive them

Labour Party frowns at such attempt and condemns it entirely.  It is unacceptable, unpatriotic and a calculated attempt to rig the 2023 general election and foist individuals with ulterior motives in power. Nigeria should not be pushed beyond this point therefore we are using this medium to advised the National Assembly as a Stakeholders of a better Nigeria we all hope for, to wear the toga of patriotism when amending the Electoral Act and other laws leading to a reliable and credible electoral process which is a panacea for growth and development in Nigeria.

This is much desired change Nigeria electoral system deserves at the moment which will create the ambience for an enabling environment for patriotic, intelligent, result oriented Nigerians to emerge as leaders of the country.

At the moment Nigeria needs such leadership in order to confront the plethora of problems confronting the Nation.  The country must be repositioned for service delivery to its citizens.

Therefore it is pertinent for us as a country to embark on comprehensive reforms of our electoral process which the National Assembly is truncating. We as a party have mandated our members in the house to reject this diabolical move.

We again call on the National Assembly to wear the garment of patriotism and for once take hold of the momentous opportunity of the ongoing amendment to reflect the yearnings and aspirations of Nigerians to have election results electronically transmitted.  This will prevent rigging and engender confidence in our electoral process.

We are baffled as to who the National Assembly is representing if they cannot reflect the demands of Nigerians in the electoral process.

Labour Party wishes to remind the National Assembly members that power is transient.
Yesterday it was PDP, today is APC tomorrow may be the turn of another political party and the APC will be at the receiving end just as PDP is at the receiving end today.

PDP had all the opportunities to make laws to prevent political office holders from cross carpeting but they resisted the attempts and failed to do so. Today, three PDP Governors have so far cross carpeted while PDP battles to maintain its hold.

If the honorable members of the National Assembly fail to do the right thing, they will no doubt be at the receiving end tomorrow; posterity will never forgive them

 We therefore call on them to restore Section 50 (2), grant INEC the powers to introduce technology that would improve its duties and safeguard the integrity of future elections in the country.

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