Alex Otti and Abia civil servants; the real story behind withheld salaries

“The Alex Otti LP led administration clearly understands its obligation to pay workers and pensioners their entitlements as at when due, it is the hall mark of Labour and this administration do not in any way intend to owe the laborers that keep the economic wheel of the state running – rather few officials whose duty it was to send the payrolls of their offices to the relevant agency of government declined to submit their staff payrolls as directed.”

By Njoku SaintJerry A. & Dodo Okafor

The LP led government of Alex Otti continues to call for the generous understanding of all civil servants in particular and Abians in general on the lingering stories on salaries and payment of pensioners. 

This government has taken the path of reforms and institution building. These are no easy tasks but remain very necessary if we are to adequately address the rot that gave birth to the tragedy of owing workers and pensioners their legitimate entitlements in the first place.

It will be recalled that the Alex Otti LP led administration clearly understands its obligation to pay workers and pensioners their entitlements as at when due, it is the hall mark of Labour and this administration do not in any way intend to owe the laborers that keep the economic wheel of the state running

2. More so, if there is any leader who appreciates that people should get their entitlements promptly, it is Dr. Alex Otti who understands the economic and social angles to salary payments as a first class economist, banker and manager of men and resources. 

3. During his campaign, the governor made the issue of salary and pension payment a major issue, assuring the workers that upon his election, measures would be put in place to ensure that everyone gets what is due them at the end of the month. 

4. On the day of his inauguration, he also assured that payment of the genuine entitlements of workers and pensioners would get priority attention and that all dichotomy regarding payments would cease to exist. 

5. The governor clearly was committed to not just paying salaries as at when due, he was in fact ready to start offsetting accumulated arrears.

6. At any rate, in addition to ensuring prompt payment of salaries and pensions, the governor was also determined to cut channels of wastage and blatant corruption in the salary payment. He wanted to make sure that only persons genuinely employed and working for the state would be paid from the state’s coffers. 

7. So he directed the relevant offices to put in place, strict measures to reduce corruption in the payment of salaries and pensions. Don’t forget that he has a good understanding of much of what goes on in the system and how to keep things under firm control. 

8. Ministries, agencies and parastatals were asked to submit their payrolls so that government can know exactly who it is paying and how much, unlike what obtains in the past when lump sums were handed out to heads of agencies to do as they like. Now the government wants to pay directly through a central system for ease of monitoring and accountability. 

9. Sadly and in deference to the old order, a few officials whose duty it was to send the payrolls of their offices to the relevant agency of government declined to submit their staff payrolls as directed.

10. Government will in time take necessary actions to deal with these individuals whose apparent design is to sabotage the new reforms. There shall be no form of tolerance for insubordination, especially in places where strict discipline and order are required. 

11. At any rate, government has actually taken practical steps to address the issues and has gotten hold of the payrolls, albeit lately. Subsequently, all outstanding payments, including pensions, are currently being processed and affected staff will start getting their payments today, Tuesday, August 1. 

14. After this initial phase and the challenges related thereto, things will become smoother and in line with the commitments of the governor, workers and pensioners henceforth shall be paid by the 28th of every month. 

15. It is the New Abia of our collective dreams, our path to the Promised Land would not always be smooth but with determination, focus and collective support of everyone, we shall get there and never again shall we talk about delays and troubles paying people, especially hardworking civil servants and respected senior citizens.

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