Labour Party vows to pursue a people-driven government in Abia state

By Eric Mba

“The genuine drivers of the economy of Abia state comprising of the teachers, traders, business people, students and the working class has been assaulted and harassed for too long by the people they call their leaders and if the people must walk out of this self-imposed bondage of frustration, poverty and crass neglect of our homeland, they should join forces with Labour Party”

Countdown to the peak of primaries as political parties jostle for delegates to select ‘preferred and anointed’ candidates in the forthcoming Primaries scheduled between month of May to June 2022. Umuahia, the political capital of Abia state will play hosts to delegates to congress meetings and underground scheming to upturn the table of Abia state politics come 2023.

Hon. Ceekay Igara, Chairman and leader of Labour Party, Abia State vows to lead the party to victory. Speaking during the State SWC meeting in Umuahia; He said; “it is not campaign yet, we cannot begin to run before our shadows, at the appropriate time, we shall make public what we have put in place for the new Abia of our time, the kind of leadership we want.”
“It is worth mentioning, Abia belongs to the working class, the artisans, the students, industrialists and traders, you cannot continue to take advantage of the people of the state for this long and expect them to continue to clap for you.”
The people of Abia state have been dragged in the mud for too long and it seems it has become commonplace for politicians and men and women of weak leadership qualities and characters to be foisted upon the people at every electoral year turn after turn without genuine participation of the ordinary people who drives the business and sustenance of this state. Labour Party is positioned to bring that to an abrupt end. He said.
Hon. Ceekay Igara who doubles as the Chairman, Inter-Party Advisory Council (IPAC), Abia state chapter promises to guide all stakeholders in the political dispensation of the state judiciously in order to have a peaceful transition of power.
“My duty is to make sure that all duly registered political parties present in the state work harmoniously within their ranks to have a violence free election where the wishes of the people prevail and that is what we have vowed to establish as Labour party in Abia state.”

“The frustration, suffering and hunger unleashed on the people of Abia State by the current administration does not bode well as a government that claims to be working for and representing the people”

In agreement, the State Publicity Secretary, comrade Njoku Jeremiah Ajike., re-echoed the sentiment of the Party Chairman as he declared;
“Come 2023, the workers and ordinary people of the state are going to take back what is rightfully theirs, Abia state was built for commerce, industry and trade and not for some ‘bourgeoise, elitist class that are completely disconnected from the plight of the hardworking people that drives the economy of the state.”
Labour Party as a party of the working masses of the state is going to lead in the paradigm shift in leadership of the state. As the Chairman has stated; it is not campaign season yet, therefore we are not going to run ahead of our shadows until the appropriate time. He said.

The genuine drivers of the economy of Abia state comprising of the teachers, traders, business people, students and the working class has been assaulted and harassed for too long by the people they call their leaders and if the people must walk out of this self-imposed bondage of frustration, poverty and crass neglect of our homeland, they should join forces with Labour Party and let us establish the true Abia of our hopes and fulfillment. Said Njoku.

“You will recall that In November 2021 Workers shut down operations at the Abia State University Teaching Hospital due to endless months of unpaid salaries, prior to that, in 2020, the same incidence occurred and now in 2022, the situation continue to get worse as Health workers on the 21st  April took to the streets to cry against the continuous neglect of government to the plight of workers in the state, from health Workers, to Teachers, to Skilled and non-skilled workers in the employment of Government of Abia state to the crass neglect of the environment that drives commerce and trade. I do not think this is the kind of government anybody will wish for his own homeland. Said Njoku.
The frustration, suffering and hunger unleashed on the people of Abia State by the current administration does not bode well as a government that claims to be working for and representing the people. As at November 2021 and counting till date, the workers in Abia state has been owed over 28 months’ salary alongside Pensioners, aged men and women who has worked effortlessly for the development of the state only to be abandoned by those entrusted with the welfare and security of people of the state. Are these the same people that is going to vote for these characters I will classify as ‘leeches’ – I doubt the people of the state will descend any lower than this.

“This is not acceptable, and I promise you, as proponent of labour and representative of the people and the official political platform of the working masses of Abia state, we have resolved to put to a stop this level of abuse of power and privileges”

Hon Njoku Jeremiah Ajike declared his willingness to go every length within the ambit of law to make sure Abia state do not remain in the hands of the previous administrators both by proxy and by default.
“This is not acceptable, and I promise you, as proponent of labour and representative of the people and the official political platform of the working masses of Abia state, we have resolved to put to a stop this level of abuse of power and privileges especially for such positions that it is obvious that without the people you cannot operate alone. He said.

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