Nigeria is not Afghanistan and will never tolerate the Taliban parading as herdsmen

By Njoku SaintJerry A.

“If the managers of Nigeria do not care about its ethnic diversity and continue to deceive themselves claiming tribal superiority and religious supremacy, it is going to learn a hard lesson at the appropriate time.

Since the reemergence of the Taliban in Afganistan, the Nigerian social media has been bombarded with opinion of a similar event unfolding in Nigeria with the likes of Boko Haram waxing stronger every year even after having been “Technically defeated” while the herdsmen continue to flex muscles in their wanton destruction of people’s farmlands and routing the indigenous people of Nigeria from their ancestral lands shouting “Alau Akbar’ at every community they burn down, they hoist their flags and kidnap helpless indigenes of the community including school children in their hundreds while the Nigeria government look the other way. As I write, there is a picture of a green color Islamic Flag hoisted at the reception of the headquarters of National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA alongside the Nigeria flag even when Nigeria continue to claim it’s a secular state.

The Nigeria’s security forces including its judiciary is likened to the class of the Afghan Soldiers, corrupt, weak and disorganized in their pursuit of the Taliban code-named “Bandits and Herdsmen” as loyalty is divided between religion and sympathy to Northern brothers that has been tagged; “Outlaws,” “Almajiris,” “Beggars and Kidnappers” but never as “Terrorist.” Even when they continue to terrorize entire North East and North West of Nigeria and now flexing muscles to claim entire Middle Belt as instructed by their ancestral Jihadists. In the midst of all these confusions, the Nigeria government likened to the Afghan government continue to look the other way and never hiding its sympathy to the “Taliban’s of Nigeria. Nigeria granted amnesty to its own home made Talibans in same manner US and Aghanistant did, finance them to oversea trainings, feed and clothe them and return them into the security forces overnight only for the ‘Nigerian Taliban’s’ to return to its enclave in the dark of the night to unleash terror en-masse to the Nigerian people and its weak constitutional government.  

Nigerians do have every genuine reasons to express concerns over the plight of the Afghans as they struggle to get out of the country with the occupation of the Taliban’s in Aso Rock, sorry, I mean in Kabul as it’s only a matter of time before the earthquake will begin to upturn the tables in Nigeria.

But before young people begin to run berserk shouting “the Talibans are here” let me give you one assurance; no matter how ‘Afghanistified’ Nigeria government chose to be and no matter how ‘Talibanised’ their Terrorists codenamed “Herdsmen” chose to continue to threaten the indigenous people of Nigeria, Nigeria can never be another Afghanistan!
It is either the Talibans of Nigeria restrict their excesses to their Northern enclave eclipsed in their religion of terror or they go ahead and ignite the inferno that will consume them.

Reason is not far-fetched; Nigeria, under the slightest invasion, will collapse like Afghanistan because of its corrupt government and everyone will be worse for it including their sympathizers.

Nigeria is a collection of indigenous people of tribes and cultures, kingdoms and territories of people of distinct nationality forced to coexist by their colonial lords for economic purpose.
That economic purpose has been so bastardised and the people taken for granted for too long, so much that they have chosen to stand up and confront their fears of being ‘Talibanised’ under the weak constitutional arrangement of political administration that is perpetually designed to weaken the indigenous people in their territories until the sympathy of the Nigerian government has paid off for the total takeover of the territory called Nigeria for the Nigerian “Talibans’ code named “bandits and herdsmen.”

“Nigeria certainly need the cooperation and trust of the ‘dot nation’ and the Oduduwa nation to survive any onslaught by marauders warming up to overrun the country and convert entire country into cow colony and have everyone shouting “Alau Akbar.”

You need to build new strong nations like Israel, Ghana and Rwanda out of Nigeria to survive and develop and that is where Nigeria will collapse under its own mismanagement of its ethnic diversities that naturally should have made Nigeria the strongest in Africa and respected in the global community.

Its only in the absence of such tough nations that determined ‘Boko Haram, Bandits and Herdsmen” will overrun the Nigerian state and take on the weak constitutional government of Nigeria whether they have the support of the UK government or the US to remain as one Nigeria or not.
Such tough nations are found in the South West region of the Yoruba speaking people and South East region of the Igbo people code-named the ‘dot nation.’

Among the Southern people of Nigeria has emerged strong and resolute people who are brilliant and focused. A hardworking people, dedicated, serious and committed to progress and development of its people and their communities, not dependent on free monies from Abuja code-named “Federal Allocation” distributed freely to some mentally lazy bunch thriving in the deceit of Eastern religion it knows very little about – at least Saudi Arabia has remained ever peaceful balancing its religion with economic progress of her people and region, not to mention Indonesia, one of the world’s most populated Muslim nations.
Nigeria certainly need the cooperation and trust of the ‘dot nation’ and the Oduduwa nation to survive any onslaught by marauders warming up to overrun the country and convert entire country into cow colony and have everyone shouting “Alau Akbar.”

More so, If the managers of Nigeria do not care about its ethnic diversity and continue to deceive themselves claiming tribal superiority and religious supremacy, it is going to learn a hard lesson at the appropriate time.
 With Millions of its northern youths flocking every corner of the North as beggars and littering Nigeria’s cosmopolitan cities in the South, homeless, living in shanties in forests under the guise of herdsmen, its only a atter of time, the Talibans will come knocking.

The Yoruba people or the Oduduwa nation are uniquely placed to build a strong, prosperous and tough nation like Cuba or any other in Africa. The Igbo people ‘the dot nation’ are determined to excel and establish strong economic ties with nations as Israel and create boundaries of resilience to any “Afghanistan and Talibans” boasting of born to rule over every indigenous people of Nigeria and determines who lives and who should be eliminated.

The Southern Nigeria has the resources, the people, the intelligence and capacity to make Nigeria a formidable nation united in its diversity to bring down any Talibans preparing an onslaught to keep the indigenous people under economic captivity and misery of poverty and disorganized, therefore it behooves Nigeria and its constitutional managers to confront their fears of the Igbo and a United Yoruba people to discuss their future now they have all the golden opportunity.

You cannot keep a people with ideological mindset of nationhood down for too long – you will only be delaying your progress and let the reader take this to archives. Nigeria is not Afghanistan and will never tolerate the Taliban parading as herdsmen to take everyone hostage.

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