Amidst political turmoil, Otti remain focused

Njoku SaintJerry A.
In times of uncertainty, leadership requires tough decisions, focus and commitment to navigate a tumultuous terrain and bring your ship to safety.
There is no assignment so challenging as political leadership, navigating your ship of state through oppositions, both internal and external and maintaining focus requires a great deal of wisdom and strategy and this is not a mean feat for the average politician.

Oppositional politics has in most cases relied on the loophole internal political antagonisms has created to disrupt the ruling Government, perhaps to whip up sentiments and unwarranted sympathy to their cause but no event is most disturbing and causing distraction as internal political misunderstanding, it’s likened to the biblical household enemy or the Yoruba adage that says; “the insect eating the vegetable causing it not to grow is inside the vegetable”.

This has been the albatross of the ruling party led by H.E. Alex Otti, the executive governor of Abia State.
As the bible did say; you’re the light, a city set on a hill cannot be hidden likewise nobody lights up a candle and put it under the bed but keep it at a vantage point where it gives light to all.

No doubt, Abia has been set on a hill by the efforts of governor Otti’s government. He has light up a candle in Abia and it is obvious certain unscrupulous individuals are hell bent in putting off this candle light and it behooves every responsible citizens and resident of Abia to rise up and protect the flame from the candle of light that has opened Abia state to the world from its days of darkness and manipulations under unscrupulous political state actors.

Abia was rescued from its dark days of infamy by the Alex Otti led Labour party administration; this is one fact that cannot be swept under the carpet easily.
Governor Otti, brought in reforms and discipline that revolutionises the administrative systems of governance that almost destroyed the socio-economic fabrics of Abia under previous political administration, he has spearheaded infrastructure development that lights up the city and opened it up for serious business and investors, he has changed the course of governance so much that the oppositions couldn’t see much to lay claims and antagonize the ruling party, therefore they resorted to sowing seeds of discord, campaign calumny and falsehood perhaps this will accelerate the disintegration of the journey to the New Abia that was embarked upon by the Alex Otti Labour Party administration.

However, the good news is, Otti has remained unperturbed and focused on the business of governance in fulfillment of the mission that brought him into the great mosaic leadership position – Abia is on a journey to a new home of hope and bright future and the driver cannot afford to contain these growing distractions and remain the same, therefore the leader has chosen the greater path of wisdom by paying serious attention to the necessities of governance without being dragged into this politics of acrimony rearing its ugly head in the state and worse, within the ruling party.

As a leader of the New Abia under Labour Party, Otti has a great assignment to reposition this state from its former moribund status to an active player in Nigeria economy. He deserves all the support from friends and foes as long as Abia do not have the grace to slide back into those shameful years of political manipulation and economic retrogression.

The political turmoil bedeviling the ruling party remains a matter within the prerogative of political state actors to curtail for the interest of the business of governance that Abia desired so passionately.
The Governor H.E. Alex Otti needs all the support. He has not at any time admitted perfectionist rather he has continually declared his willingness to accept corrections whenever errors are observed.
More so, the governor has at many fora declared to do the right thing for a decent and organized administration as there is no long lasting benefit to cutting corners but undue consequences and the Labour party leader has remained focused under such principles of taking the right decision at the collective interest of all concerned.
This is what he has done regarding the present position of the ruling party

Truth be told; this strategic decision although not comfortable to many, is certain to prevent rival parties from capitalizing on any loophole created by the ruling party internal misunderstanding to unseat the party in future elections.

By doing the right thing when it is most required, the governor has paved way for the future of the party by averting unwarranted losses and ensures continuity in governance.
More so, the leadership of the party remains under the wise decisions of Gov Alex Otti to navigate through the troubled waters of internal politics and like I had mentioned earlier, where errors are observed, it remains within the prerogative of the leadership to find every means of truce to bring everyone back to the table.

Thank you
Njoku St.Jerry A is the State Publicity Secretary of Labour Party, Abia

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