ABSIEC, LG ELECTIONS, Otti and the leadership Abia wants

By Njoku SaintJerry A.

With the inauguration of the Abia State Independent Electoral Commission (ABSIEC) to coordinate the conduct of the long awaited LG elections across the 17 LGs, and the recent official announcement of the election times table, one thing remained paramount, and that is, delivering a successful election that mirrors the kind of leadership the Labour party leader, H.E. Gov Alex Otti has brought into the governance of ABIA State.

This is a task that demands the participation and support of everyone who wants the best for homeland Abia State, it is not a hard task to be engaged with such responsibilities but another test of the people’s resolve to rebuild this God’s own State from the ruins of yesterday that previous administrations has inflicted upon the state.

We owe the good people of Abia state a responsibility, to make sure that every citizen will join hands in sincerity of purpose with the leadership of Labour Party and all supporters of good governance to fulfill this demand destiny has brought upon us to rebuild our homeland from the Old order into a New Abia for all people of divers interest, political affiliation and religious differences.

As we kickstart the journey to the long awaited grassroots government of the people and for the people, every indigene and residents of Abia state should embrace this great assignment as a call to duty to rebuild this God’s own state to its original position as a model center of commerce and Industry, arts and culture and political leadership that produced iconic Nigerian leaders like the late Michael Okpara, Dee Sam Mbakwe, and others, men whose leadership examples has remained unmatched until the reemergence of leaders like Dr. Alex Otti

Governor Alex Otti has set a model template for the kind of leadership we want in Abia, therefore, as we continue on this journey to the new Abia of hope and a brighter future for all, it becomes incumbent on all aspirants and would be candidates of the coming LG elections to follow the footsteps of the leader of the New Abia and replicate those virtues he and everyone of us in the party holds esteem, that has opened up Abia to the world.

For the benefit of doubt, this is a Labour Party trade mark, a leadership that genuinely seeks for the welfare and development of the people and their environment and building a sustainable legacy of leaders committed to their campaign promises.

It is not enough to sweet talk the people into accepting your candidacy or foisting anyone against the people’s wish, a nightmare that the people of Abia State has long awoken from and never to return to sleep while men of wicked intentions occupy the political space.

The peace and development and the good name Abia state is enjoying today all over the world is because we the people chose to wake up and never to be manipulated again and God almighty gave us victory over that wholesome decision.
That victory is about to happen again under the leadership of the people’s party, Labour Party, For the benefit of doubt, It is approximately 18 months into the Labour Party administration of the new Abia under the leadership of H.E. Gov Alex Otti, and it is a clear reality that the manifesto that opened the doors of this great Government of our time has remained constant with each promises being fulfilled, one after the other.
This is the kind of leadership we want in Abia State, a leadership that is sincere enough to fulfill it campaign promises, a leadership that is people oriented and passionate to see our communities networked with quality basic amenities for the benefit of development for all.

Arising from a meeting with the Labour Party leader and the executive governor of Abia State H.E. Dr. Alex Otti, one experience remained remarkable, the sight of a focused leadership with calculated patience to listen, analyse and deliver in the most humane expression I consider alien to many political leaders of Nigerian descent that I am privileged to have worked with in all my sojourn within local and international politics.

Attendees at the meeting held no barred breath in asking the governor divergent questions that bothers on the welfare of the people, leadership of the State and the party.

From the meticulous response of the Governor in the cause of the meeting, I saw a leader that is genuine in his intentions to provide solutions to diverse man made problems bedeviling the state and her people, most importantly I saw a man sincerely committed to doing what is right and acceptable by the people and the laws of the land, I saw a man that is willing to admit mistakes and correct it without excuses nor blames.
More so, I saw a man who holds the welfare of the people under his leadership to heart and pursuing his mission on the new Abia with a zeal that is remarkable and worthy to emulate.
For instance, It takes the careful intervention of Gov Alex Otti to put the leadership of the Labour party in its right direction and maintain order in the leadership of the party.

This is the kind of leader we want in Abia State. A leadership that is produced by the people and for the people and, as the Local Government elections commences, Abia people are about to give their mandate to the man or the woman to trust to deliver the kind of quality governance that the Labour Party government under the leadership of Gov Alex Otti has brought into Abia State.
This is the mandate, it is a trust the people has bestowed upon a man they trust to do things right and acceptable before God and man to reposition the state to its right direction 

Now it behooves you the candidates of the party both at the LG and ward Councilors to emulate these great virtues and let us solidify the foundation of the new Abia across the 17 LGA as our leader Gov Alex Otti has started.

Do not imagine to be foisted upon the people only to wake up one day as the new LG Chairman or Ward Councilor to torment the people because power is now in your hand, Gov. Alex Otti never did that because we chose him without being manipulated to do so. Therefore nobody should expect to be foisted over the good people of his or her community because it is against the Labour party principles.
Do not steal our money and ask what can we do because the leader Gov Alex Otti never at any time tolerated such rascality, rather he applied judicious use of the people’s resources for the benefit of the people, the good people of Abia bear me witness.

If you are elected into office, do the job that is required of you as a leader, respect your workers and honor the people that elected you into the office, as you eat and enjoy the luxury of power remember the ordinary Abians in your community that has committed so much to bring the kind of leadership we are all enjoying today, it was a collective efforts upheld by the principles the labour party holds esteem, the principle of “Onye ruo, ya Orie.” (He who work, let him eat)

If there is any time to show loyalty to the leader Gov Alex Otti and give ultimate support to the great work of rebuilding this great state into what the Almighty God has made it to be, it is now and duty demands that every Abians stand up and be counted.
Thank you

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