Amidst Challenges, Members of Abia LP remains strong and focused – Publicity Secretary

By Eric Mba, Steve Obu, Priscilla Orjiako

State Publicity Secretary of Labour Party Abia Comrade Njoku Jerry AJIKE has assured members and supporters of the party in Abia State to remain focused and committed to the demands of democracy in Abia.
Speaking to Journalists who paid a visit to the State Headquarters of the party in Umuahia, Comrade Njoku Jerry AJIKE stated that the party remains united in one purpose of service to the people and building internal democracy within the party and governance of the state, in a statement he declared to the journalists in attendance Mr. Njoku said;

“We are very much aware of the various discordant voices across the media platforms both Social Media and traditional media channels including the Radio on the situations of events in the ruling party and the government, amidst all that noise out there I wish to make clear that there is nothing wrong with the leadership of the party especially where it bothers on constitutional responsibilities of elected officers of the party comprising of members of the State Working Committee (SWC), elected candidates of the party, and Appointees of government 

As models of genuine democracy that Nigeria lacks and desired so much, it is incumbent upon us to continue to show practicing example of what a Government by the people and for the people should look like.

Like I have always maintained that Labour party in Abia State is a people oriented party, the moment we begin to deviate from that or lose focus on the people that holds the base of this Government we begin to derail and I can confidently tell you that we duly and passionately still holds the wills of the people in high esteem.

The wills and desires of the people is to give them quality governance that has the interest of the people at heart and doing it, not to serve mere Political rhetoric of what is not practicable.

The question we should be asking is; is the government doing that? Certainly, evidence are there to prove if we are doing that or not then another question is; is the people that laid the foundation of this quality governance being adequately taken care of, as our homegrown slogan indicate: “Onye ruo, O rie” (Anyone who works, Let him Eat), the answer is left with us as leaders who are making sacrifices to sustain this quality governance and model democracy Labour Party is exemplifying before Nigerians and not for the public to form opinions and debate upon.

One of the biggest problems of today Nigerian citizens is the adverse lack of reading habit and the crazy embrace of Headlines news that are often misleading. Which in most cases, gives the opposition or people with evil intentions the advantage to spread misleading information about you or any event they found challenging or above their primitive consciousness.

The challenges Labour Party in Abia under the leadership of Governor Otti faces today is their refusal to follow the abnormal Political system that was inherent here in the previous Abia state administrative system where a selected few were feeding fat on the commonwealth of the people, every other matter outside of this is within our ability as leaders of the party to settle with the kind of understanding we have brought into the governance of the state.

The problem is; those who felt they have been yanked off that awkward system of political patronage are running to the media to spread falsehood perhaps it will aid the disintegration of the party and its leadership but I am using this medium to assure you that we are not perturbed by regular misleading information going round against us or myself as the official spokesperson of the party.

I have heard all that accusations of the absence of the leadership of the party on the radio everyday or to appear on Headlines news for this or that sensational breaking news, although I appreciate such concern but I consider such as petty and nosey. 

However, my answer is; We are gainfully engaged and committed to the service of our political responsibilities to the people and not to entertain gullible folks that don’t read neither do they reason so they find time to engage in beer joint jive talking and foolish argument on events that are not there neither does it require their opinion. 

For the benefit of those who care to read, we have an internal mechanism of addressing Political situations that bothers on the constitutional responsibilities of our members and sustaining the party supremacy which is paramount 

The Otti government is a Labour party government, this is one inseparable truth as nobody won any elections on his name and credibility alone but on the platform of the political party of affiliation on the day of the election so I do not see the wisdom in judgment by separating the government from the party as every executive member in the government including appointees are subject by default to the party constitutional positions of hierarchy and responsibility to the party, where that is found missing then like I had said earlier, we have an internal mechanism of addressing such imbalance and it should not become a public affairs for headline news when there are so many issues that demands the citizens attention and input for a better Abia State

“Then regarding the coming LG elections, at the moment I want to believe that interested candidates are doing the necessary consultations and screening by their own people before coming to the party to assume any role either as our candidates or Representative.”

“I maintain that this is the people’s party, the situation where an unknown fellow that is so abysmally disconnected from his people at the Grassroots will come and pick a ticket through the backdoor probably on the basis of political patronage or with bags of money, to deceive everyone is no more acceptable with the existence of Labour Party.

Therefore those who are banking on their bags of money to buy up elective position in the Local Government may be in for a long surprise.

The people will decide who becomes their LG Chairman, our part is to make sure they’re not deceived by those Greek gifts of 10kg bag of rice and t-shirts and all that sweet talk of empty promises and secondly, that the party constitutional positions regarding the LG elections are dutifully observe 

This is our position and it remains sacrosanct and I will appreciate the people of Abia State and all lovers of democracy to respect that

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