Prince Okey Kanu
On August 27, 1991, 33 years ago, the Military Administration of President Ibrahim Babangida created Abia State from the old Imo State. This pivotal event has since become an annual celebration, with successive administrations marking the day as a symbol of Abia’s status within Nigeria and showcasing the achievements of the government in power. 

In August 2023, just three months into the current administration, Abia State marked its 32nd anniversary. Unlike previous celebrations, the occasion was used to reflect on the early successes of the new administration and to launch new projects while commissioning completed ones. This marked a shift from past celebrations, focusing on achievements rather than festivities. 

As we mark the 33rd year of creation of Abia State today, the pressing need to rebuild the State from the remnants of its inglorious past has necessitated a more introspective commemoration of the day. This year, His Excellency, Dr. Alex Otti, OFR, along with his appointees, will dedicate the day to their duties, fully committed to the ongoing task of actualizing the vision of a new Abia. There will be no outward celebrations, as the administration remains focused on its agenda. 


Since its creation, Abia State has been a land of untapped potential, blessed with abundant human and natural resources and a population known for its entrepreneurial spirit. 

However, decades of mismanagement, corruption, and ineffective governance left the state struggling to provide basic infrastructure, sustain economic growth, and meet the needs of its citizens. 

The once-thriving city of Aba, a hub of entrepreneurial activity, fell into disrepair, plagued by poor infrastructure and declining economic opportunities. 

In the rural areas, agriculture—the backbone of the state’s economy—suffered from neglect. The disconnect between the government and its people deepened, leading to widespread disillusionment and scepticism about the state’s future.


The election of Dr. Alex Otti in 2023 marked a pivotal moment in Abia’s history. With a strong background in the private sector, particularly in banking, and a clear vision for change, Governor Otti has introduced a new governance model that prioritizes comprehensive development, financial prudence, transparency, and a genuine commitment to the welfare of the people. 

In just over a year, his administration has implemented strategic reforms across various sectors, including the civil service, infrastructure, healthcare, education, agriculture, security, waste management, and social services. Dr. Otti’s expertise in financial management has been instrumental in resolving long-standing issues, such as the payment of outstanding salaries and pensions—a move that has alleviated financial stress for many Abians, revitalized the state’s economy, and restored trust in government. 

Infrastructure development, particularly in road construction and rehabilitation, has been a key focus. The construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of roads in Aba and other parts of the State is revitalizing economic activities, enhancing access to markets and essential services, and boosting overall economic growth. Complementing this infrastructure agenda are initiatives aimed at improving the ease of doing business, positioning Aba as a business hub and Abia State as a preferred destination for investment. 

Governor Otti’s administration has also launched comprehensive reforms in the healthcare and education sectors. The renovation and retrofitting of 17 General Hospitals and 200 Primary Healthcare Centres in 100 days are improving access to affordable medical services across the state. The construction of model primary and secondary schools, coupled with curriculum reviews, teacher training, and incentives, underscores the administration’s high regard for education.


As Abia State turns 33, today, the occasion serves as a moment for introspection—a time to reflect on the state’s journey, acknowledging both the challenges that have been overcome and those that remain. More importantly, it is a day to look forward with renewed hope, resolve, and purpose. 

The emergence of a new Abia is not solely about the achievements of the past 14 months, significant as they are. Rather, it represents the adoption of a new governance model rooted in transparency, accountability, and a genuine commitment to the welfare of the people. This new approach is already yielding tangible results and holds the promise of a future where Abia can finally realize its full potential. 

As Abia State celebrates its 33rd anniversary, the state stands at a crucial juncture in its history. The progress made so far under Dr. Alex Otti’s leadership offers hope that the state can overcome its past challenges and build a prosperous future for all its citizens. 

This anniversary is not just a commemoration of the state’s creation; it is a celebration of the new direction that has been set for the state. It is a clarion call to action for every Abian to contribute to the realization of the new Abia—a state that exemplifies good governance, development, and prosperity. 

The foundation has been laid, and the journey to a truly prosperous Abia has begun. As the state moves forward, guided by the lessons of the past and the promise of the future, it is poised to take its rightful place as truly Nigeria’s number one state.

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