Youth Group thanks Gov Otti for tackling the menace of flood in Aba

Njoku SaintJerry A.
With sights of recurring flood in the mega city of Lagos sweeping across busy highways and submerging residential areas disrupting lives and businesses, a youth group in Abia State known as Better Abia Movement founds it expedient to send appreciations to the Labour party led government of H.E. Governor Alex Otti
In a message delivered to the media by the State coordinator of the group, Comrade Ihunweze Ifeanyi, He said; 

“On behalf of Better Abia Movement, I will love to thank the Governor for his proactive approach, steadfastness and commitment in tackling the infrastructural decay around Enyimba City since he came into office.

“His intervention in the infrastructure decay in the city of Aba has saved residents here from a recurring nightmare that was a common sight especially during raining seasons.”

Without his intervention in combating the menace of flood in Aba, the images we see on social media today, of flood ravaging people’s home in far away Lagos State would have been repeated here in Aba, we would have witnessed a tragedy in this flood-prone season if not for Governor Otti’s commitment to change the environmental narrative in Aba and lessen the heartbreaking incidences we used to witness around Aba during the rainy season.” 

Mr. Ifeanyi encourages the Governor to remain focused and committed to the good works he is doing for the people that elected him to power which the group Better Abia Movement played a major role during the campaign season.

“This is our government, he said, “and we did not for once regret the role we played across the 17 LGA’s during the campaign and elections because the Labour Party leader, Governor Otti remains a man we held in high esteem and trust to deliver his promises” said Mr. Ifeanyi.

“Irrespective of the distractive propaganda being carried out by members of the oppositions flying across the social media, every residents of Aba and Nigerians at large knows there is a great deal of positive difference in Abia today compared to the previous administration and we as a youth group are using this medium to tell Governor Alex Otti that we are solidly behind him.”

“He is trying as a focused and conscientious leader of the people, Our prayer is that the Good Lord will continue to bless him and we will all live to see the new Aba master plan which will finally wipe away the tears of backwardness we have witnessed in Aba before now.

Bravo His Excellency!

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