ASMATA State Woman Leader extol Otti’s leadership, calls for more support to quality governance in Abia 

By Chinwe Nwankwo

State woman leader Abia State Amalgamated Traders Association – ASMATA an umbrella body for all market women in Aba led by Chief Mrs. Nkechi Ezinne Ezim sends special greetings to member of the Traders Association, the people of Abia state and the people’s governor H.E. Governor Alex Otti for the wonderful works on infrastructure development and upgrading of all the markets in Aba.

In a speech delivered in Aba during her thanksgiving message, for end of the first season of the year that ended on Sunday the 30th of June 2024, Lolo Ezinne poured encomiums on the Abia State governor, H.E. Dr. Alex Otti and his wife H.E. Mrs. Priscilla Otti for being a worthy role model of leadership in Abia.

“Our governor and his wonderful wife Her Excellency, Mrs. Priscilla Otti are God sent leaders to us at this time when Nigeria is lacking men and women of courage and character and passion for quality service to the people, Abia is blessed to have these wonderful couple and we want to seize this great opportunity of a new beginning into the second half of the year once more to thank Our Governor, Our wonderful leader, the wife of His Excellency Mrs. Priscilla Otti and the Mayor of Aba South Mr. Uchechukwu Wogu for the new look all over the markets in Aba, beginning from Ahia Ngwa Road, where the Executives under my Chairmanship has constructed Bore Holes for regular supply of running water for use by the traders and visitors to the market” We are doing a lot in our own little way and I want to seise this wonderful time of the new beginning of the second half of the year to Thank everyone for your immense support to ASMATA and the people’s government of Dr. Alex Otti”

“Our Executive governor has laid a good example of leadership for all and sundry and as stakeholders in the Labour Party government of Governor Alex Otti, we want to follow his footsteps of developing every part of Abia beginning from our little corners and make sure that every market women is carried along” said Lolo Ezinne.

“We are also using this medium to thank our Honorable Commissioner for Trade, Industry and Commerce, Dr. Chimezie Ukaegbu for representing us very well, We are using this medium to appeal to the Ministry of Trade and Industry to continue to support us in what we are doing to make sure that every member of the traders association in Aba contribute their own little quota in the developing works ongoing across the state and to sensitize the traders in Aba on the good works of the government to make all the Market centers in Abia among the best place to shop and do business in South East of Nigeria

Finally Lolo Ezinne prays that that God will perfect everything that concerns the market women and the people of Abia state including all the state constituency representatives across the 17 LGA, she prays that God will give everyone the grace to understand that the life here on earth is a journey, “everything we are seeing here will vanish one day”, she said.
In her concluding speech, Chief Mrs. Nkechi Ezinne Ezim counsels the traders; “Don’t hurt people to go higher, Nothing last forever, make a good history and keep a good legacy before you depart here, I believed that today is mine , tomorrow will be yours  i love you all. She said.

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