Be Selfless: Put yourself first, at all times, in everything

It is a dog-eat-dog world, my friends, learn from the death of Herbert Wigwe,  : By Chukwudi Iwuchukwu  The wife of the pastor of the RCCG church where the late Herbert Wigwe worshipped before his death, Dr. Siju Iluyomade, celebrated her 60th birthday yesterday, and she threw a colourful party, more or less a carnival, to celebrate this milestone.  The party had in attendance Lagos big boys and girls like Tony Elumelu as Flavour entertained guests.  Before his death, Wigwe was a faithful member of the church where Siju’s husband pastored. …

Guinean Military Leader seals borders, Dissolves Government,

“Ministers in the now-dissolved government have been instructed to surrender their passports and official vehicles, and also given directives for their bank accounts to be frozen. By News StaffGuinean Military Junta Dissolves Government, Seals Country’s Borders Regional, Ministers have had their bank accounts frozen and asked to turn in their passports and official cars. Guinea’s military junta, which took power through a coup in September 2021, has officially dissolved the government, as announced via a presidential decree read on state TV by the presidency’s Secretary General, Brig Gen Amara Camara.…