When the Nigerian youths chose to rise – Africa arise

By Njoku SaintJerry A.

“Mr. Obi’s emergence into mainstream Nigeria politics has given birth to the great Nigeria revolution that was long predicted that the day Nigeria will rise, Africa shall arise”

Barely a month ago the Nigeria political scene took a dramatic turn in a complete paradigm shift from a cultural process of recycle of individuals and political rhetoric that would be likened to a kind of annual voodoo manipulation by political office holders, in most cases aged and wanning in virtually every aspect of life to the emergence of a virile middle aged man acclaimed to possess the magic wand to overhaul entire Nigeria political structure of senile individuals parading self in an over bloated ego of control of political structure and manipulation of the people to do as they wish at any time or day even if it entails ruling entire Nigeria population from oversea sick beds, holding the national economy and electricity ransom or whatever impunity anyone can think of.

No seer, Iman or Prophet saw this coming, the birth of a Nigeria of political conscious young people, ruled by conscience and patriotism for the fatherland, a conscience borne out of pain and frustration from the lies and deceit of several years of false political rhetoric by men glued to political offices run on patronage, greed and excessive graft, men completely disconnected from the realities of economic hardship and the new age of globalization operated by hi-tech savvy young people frustrated and completely alien to regional control and manipulation of their predicament and other impoverished groups of the electorates whose only hope remain to eat and live to see another day.  

The anger even became more apparent when videos of branded bags of rice and beans began to go viral even at some occasions, forceful manipulations of poor struggling union members and non-members of the transport union, market women and others to obtain branded car stickers of old men that has remained perpetual power brokers and insisting to rule the country to fulfil life-long ambitions or maintain a firm grip of the economy for the interests of a circle of beneficiaries at the continuous neglect of the realities of lack, hardship and a bleak future facing the young generation of Nigerians.  

“Peter Obi numerous speeches continue to open the eyes of ordinary Nigerians to long held secrets of man-made loopholes designed on purpose to keep Nigerians especially the young people in captivity, ever waiting in vain until the wanning political elites holding them at bay completes their cycle on earth only to leave a completely devastated country”

The young people decided to strike back with the emergence of Mr. PETER OBI on the national platform. Mr. Obi is not new to Nigerian politics; he has been there and confronted the evils of Nigeria politics as a state governor and defeated the political elites of his time during his days as governor of Anambra state. Mr. Obi had merely flaunted a CV of accomplishments both in private and public life and antecedents that is not only viable but verifiable as he ends every speech with an invitation to the audience to ‘go and verify.’ And that was all Nigerians needed to score the man to follow. Show us your performance card.

Mr. Obi who by conduct, competence and experience is far ahead of his peers in the muddled waters of Nigerian politics, signposted a rebirth of hope for a functional Nigeria for the younger generation who embraced his political philosophy of a Nigeria rebuilt in character, morals, responsibility to the citizenry and discipline with the people in mind.

 “Mr. Obi has hit the golden chord when in one his numerous speeches he had disclosed the golden secret of the elite’s using religion, ethnicity and tribe to promote crisis and create division among the ordinary people while backdoor they are ever united in one purpose of subjugation and fraud”

More so, with the complains of inducement of delegates that has selected presidential candidates based on self-interest from the prominent political parties coupled with the viral videos of bags of rice and beans to be shared to voters in the coming general elections and the refusal of Mr. Obi to play ball of compromise and crafty inducement of both delegates and voters, It began to appear this was all the Nigerian youths have been waiting for, a Model politician that will lead the paradigm shift in attitudinal change of the Nigeria political elites towards its citizenry and society, a man that will not deceive the ordinary people that has been impoverished and ridiculed by the political elites over time with vain and empty rhetoric, bags of beans and rice only to be discarded immediately after the elections and remembered during every other election year with another bags of rice, beans and one thousand Naira notes that could barely buy a loaf of bread in the current excruciating hardship faced by every ordinary Nigerian family.

In a manner similar to the ‘EndSARS’ Protest of 2020, the Nigerian youth began to emerge from North, South, West and East propelled by the voice of the new found model calling on the young people to rise and take back the country to secure a future, promising and fulfilling only if they chose to rise to the occasion and stand by their decision.

Nigerians of all sizes, ethnic and tribe jettisoned the so called tribal, ethnic and religious differences and resort to the spirt that has influenced the invisible proponents of the EndSARS protests of 2020 to stand up to the maladministration and incompetence of the Nigeria security system codenamed SARS.
 Mr. Obi has hit the golden chord when in one his numerous speeches he had disclosed the golden secret of the elite’s using religion, ethnicity and tribe to promote crisis and create division among the ordinary people while backdoor they are ever united in one purpose of subjugation and fraud, creating an endless confusion and enmity among the citizenry whereas in the background they have no religion, no tribe or ethnic but all members of political parties that has continue to take Nigeria in a vicious circles, alienating the young people and making a mockery of their future when they chose to pay lip service to education, electricity, healthcare and every kind of infrastructure that should give the young people hope and a sense of nationhood.

“Whether the emergence of Mr. Peter Obi will signal the long awaited revolution or the youth will, by their own hands, scuttle another golden chances in exchange for bags of beans and rice will be determined by the young Nigerians who constitute over 60% of the population”

On the 27th of May 2022, it was announced Mr. Peter Obi had joined the Labour Party leaving the (PDP) Opposition party to the ruling Party (APC) to join a Non rated ‘Workers Party’ acclaimed to possess no structure and on the 30th of same month he was declared the Presidential candidate, all hell was let loose as Nigerians of all tribes, religion and ethnic swerved to the position of the man with the magic wand, the model Nigerian politician who have revealed no barred secrets that has kept the nation in bondage and retrogression virtually in every sectors of its political life.
Mr. Obi’s emergence into mainstream Nigeria politics has given birth to the great Nigeria revolution that was long predicted that the day Nigeria will rise, Africa shall arise.

All over the world, the average Nigerians running away from home is feeling homesick but afraid to return home for sake of alarming insecurity threatening lives and businesses at home, high inflation rates and uncertainly of life.

Until the emergence of Mr. Peter Obi, the elites had never at any time admitted culpability, Peter Obi numerous speeches continue to open the eyes of ordinary Nigerians to long held secrets of man-made loopholes designed on purpose to keep Nigerians especially the young people in captivity, ever waiting in vain until the wanning political elites holding them at bay completes their cycle on earth only to leave a completely devastated country with no amenities, no provisions nor security for a tomorrow too uncertain to gamble with.

“This is the sole driving force of the rise of the Nigeria youth to confront their fears in the coming general elections and until victory is achieved at the polls, the future appears gloomy and uncertain for every Nigerian, young and old, both at home and in the Diaspora.”

This is the sole driving force of the rise of the Nigeria youth to confront their fears in the coming general elections and until victory is achieved at the polls, the future appears gloomy and uncertain for every Nigerian, young and old, both at home and in the Diaspora.
Till date; the life of average Nigerian youth is perpetually hanging on a scale of adverse options influenced and controlled by the same political elites that is drumming support to continue in the ruin.
This is unacceptable, whether the emergence of Mr. Peter Obi will signal the long awaited revolution or the youth will, by their own hands, scuttle another golden chances in exchange for bags of beans and rice will be determined by the young Nigerians who constitute over 60% of the population and to those sharing bags of rice and beans and the receiver of cash for votes, you can only eat your future away and live to face the rot you have sowed into as the wanning political elites wiggles to their grave leaving the nation in a worse situation than they met it.

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