ABIA; a failing ‘God’s own state’ deserted by men of goodwill

By Njoku SaintJerry A.

“When men of goodwill and humane intentions are afraid to venture into politics because of the decay in the system they only silently give way to the incompetent, stooges and idiots to run the affairs of state.

Situation in Abia state is no longer appealing and if it has ever been anything fascinating for its commerce and entertainment, industry and creative young population, all that began crumbling the moment men and women of good intentions for humanity and community began to walk away from leadership responsibilities leaving the hapless citizenry in the hands of cunning business men acting as political leaders, civil servants and opportunists who cared less but to grow a personal influence of fiefdom and wealth even if it involves engaging the devil and dark forces.

Enyimba City, Aba was the hype of the South East region Nigeria between the 80’s down to 90’s – apart from Lagos, 65% of commerce stretching as far as entire West African region happened here. Almost every street in Aba boasts of a cocktail of small-scale manufacturing of all sorts, virtually every item Nigerians struggle to China to import were produced here, sometimes with better quality. First shirts I took to China in the late 90’s, I sold them as American made shirts. They were all sewn in Aba! Entertainment was hype virtually in every street of Aba, outdoor lifestyle for the business people and residents was very active with regular live bands – Ghanian musicians made hits and fortunes here and more!

Today, all that great news has turned to a dirge, the active business people are struggling to maintain whatsoever is left of their beloved industry, many of those cocktail factories have packed up and the entertainment struggling to exist, residents groan continually, posting sordid pictures of abysmal neglect and dilapidated infrastructures across the social media that will make your heart break with pain at how humanity could be so destructive to their environment and callous to the plight of their fellow humans, worse off, humans entrusted with the care of the state and its people.

 The city of Aba is dead and buried in neglect with refuse overtaken once bursting and vibrant commercial centres, the youth are viciously angry, the elders forlorn while middle-aged men managing the affairs of the state take pride in the ruins, depravity and impoverishment of their own, mocking them at will, with patches of environmental facelift as the Osisioma Flyover that has brought more hardship to business owners and residents in the area.
Come to think of it; why was Abia named ‘God’s own state’ – As a city in defunct Imo state it has operated with a master plan of Industry, Agriculture, Health, Entertainment and Commerce. All that seizes to operate the moment it was declared independent as a state adopting a name tag, in my opinion, the handlers do not have any attachment to.
Ironically, the city of Aba boasts of religious worship centers almost at every 100 kilometers of every street and corners with some occasionally screaming miracle and deliverance from unseen enemies, poverty and diseases caused by nobody but the men they have all appointed to rule over them, by default or by proxy.

“When any man void of creative ability, industry and commerce is foisted or appointed over the people as proxy governor or a leader in any capacity, the state must suffer because Abia is not built for idiots, Enyimba city is built for commerce, industry and entertainment

It is not rocket science, every unemployment is caused by lack of industry to create labour, lack of basic amenities to propel the industry, if the roads are all broken, disconnected and filled with refuse dumps, it will be very difficult to move goods and services, business will collapse, small scale business owners will be frustrated out of business, when the people become frustrated and idle, you have indirectly encouraged crime and created confusion in the state. The State will lose IGR and continue to lose because the government has crippled the commerce and industry by their ignorance. More so, if the man appointed as governor or the leaders of the state are more interested in accumulating wealth and building a circle of loyalists to fortify their turf and enlarge their influence over every animal and humans in the territory, that region will never achieve any meaningful development other than a circus of governance and followership.
The most striking factor of total collapse of such region will be when men and women of integrity and leadership ability, technocrats and professionals, committed religious leaders and youth leaders abandon leadership responsibilities to a certain group whose understanding of leadership is locked up under these negative influences of loyalty and material acquisition at the expense of the citizenry.
The state will arbitrarily continue to run down the drain of human and physical development until men and women from the state chose to stand up against their own failures to confront gullible individuals without shame nor honor, appointed to serve as governors and leaders of government in Abia state.

No nation can move forward when her leaders are engaged in lawless behaviors and impunity. The leadership of Abia state has been engaged in impunity for too long and they only succeed and continue to succeed because there have been no consequences to confronts their crime.
You cannot be feeding fat over the hard-working civil servants owed for months while you are sitting on their money and attending Church services every now and then shouting God, God and Jesus.

Abia state is deteriorating every day in every facets while the rulers enlarge its circle of clowns and touts in the honored places of governance. They have been able to succeed and continue to succeed because men of goodwill, sound technocrats with administrative abilities and leadership continue to shy away from politics.
When men of goodwill and humane intentions are afraid to venture into politics because of the decay in the system they only silently give way to the incompetent, stooges and idiots to run the affairs of state.
They merely give the idiots and pimps the opportunity to keep destroying the society more and more while the citizenry bear the brunch for their negligence to confront the idiots ruining their homeland. Silence in the face of evil means acquiescence to evil, you have by default approved your suffering, shame and destruction of your land.

“Abia state remains a center of industry and commerce, bustling activity of young and healthy creative people of the South East that can create wealth out of nothing.

Abia state remains a center of industry and commerce, bustling activity of young and healthy creative people of the South East that can create wealth out of nothing.

When any man void of creative ability, industry and commerce is foisted or appointed over the people as proxy governor or a leader in any capacity, the state must suffer because Abia is not built for idiots, Enyimba city is built for commerce and entertainment, it does not deserve the kind of people running the affairs of the state till date. However the people deserves the punishment they receive by default when they refuse to band together and reject partisan politicking of men that has no background experience or knowledge of the tradition values of Enyimba city.

Abia state should seize to mock the Almighty God by answering ‘God’s own state’ in vain and in filth. It is very unfortunate that the churches in Abia state waste a lot of energy in prayers without listening and making themselves available for the leadership of the state.
Leadership of nations is the sole responsibility of men that has the fear of God and respect to humanity and I am convinced that many of the rulers in Abia state has been answerable only to the Devil and black powers otherwise I cannot understand the reason behind owing workers their hard earned salary for months while the governor feed fat and sleep in luxury while many families suffer in pain and anguish and on Sunday the governor and his family smuggle themselves to the church in luxury and royalty to take front seat.

“Abia state should seize to mock the Almighty God by answering ‘God’s own state’ in vain and in filth. It is very unfortunate that the churches in Abia state waste a lot of energy in prayers without listening and making themselves available for the leadership of the state.

If all the churches in Abia state could boast of is their large congregation and intimidating Cathedrals then they should be ashamed to be ruled by idiots and the devils.

According to an account in the holy book, When Jesus Christ walked into the temple and found out activities going on in the temple was going to scare God away, he made a whip and caused a commotion in the big Church. The Bishops, Priests and General Overseers codenamed “Pharisees’ were shocked at such rebellion, Jesus Christ was turning the tables and kicking men out of the Church for turning entire place of honor and service to a den of thieves and fraudsters, he kicked out the Senators, the commissioners and the loyalist to the governors and the fraudulent pastors conniving with all the idiotic characters destroying God’s own state, He brought sanity back to the Church and restored peace, justice and development.

“It can only get better when men and women of goodwill with respect to humanity and fear of God join the movement to rebel against the devil incarnate parading as rulers and government appointees in Abia State.

I counsel every Abia state indigene privileged to read this; Encourage the men of goodwill among you to join politics, join a political party, sponsor voter’s education and support the technocrats, professionals and men of goodwill to come back and join in the rebuilding of this God’s own state.
Join us for the Abia Redemption Project sponsored by APNET and led by a humble Servant Apostle Reminder C. GAD, join any of the regional political associations coming up to save your state from idiots and shame.
It can only get better when men and women of goodwill with respect to humanity and fear of God join the movement to rebel against the devil incarnate parading as rulers and government appointees in Abia State.

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