A person without a history has no future

Njoku SaintJerry A.

“A young generation of Africans are emerging at a complete loss of identity of self, culture and governance – apart from adulterated information traded on social media on politics, religion, entertainment and junks,

It is no longer news that the Nigeria government on purpose banned the study of history in its Secondary schools and rather would prefer to promote the study of Islamic Religious Knowledge and Christian Religious Knowledge – Those who designed these policies are well informed on what it takes to completely destroy a people – as much as necessary, wipe away any knowledge of self-awareness and impose anything foreign worth destabilizing the people’s base of existence and cultural or political affinity – they will succumb to any knowledge or idea that will go with such introduction with extreme fanaticism and live in that ignorance and illusion till eternity. That is how to destroy the black man!

In Uganda, the study of Political Science is banned in all tertiary institutions, if you do not know why, find out how long the current President has been in power, so much that majority of the populace will swoon to vote him in the next election by the crook or by the hook, even while at the twilight of his existence and political participation, Yoweri Museveni is a History Lesson and that is where the study of political science or governance terminates. The same with Cameroon, the same with Zimbabwe leading to conflict of replacement of leading policy makers at the demise of these African rulers.

A young generation of Africans are emerging at a complete loss of identity of self, culture and governance – apart from adulterated information traded on social media on politics, religion, entertainment and junks, the much the young Nigerian has learned is – Travel overseas and you will make it big! Same applies to Ugandans with advert boards screaming at all street corners in the city of Kampala, inviting young Ugandans to ‘Live and work Overseas’ as maids, gardeners, guards, and laborers.
In China, particularly in a southern commercial city named Guangzhou, after Nigerian nationals, the next in line of abuse and ridicule are Ugandan young people. If you travel across to Europe and Middle East, the same scenario, Eritreans, Somalis, Nigerians, Congolese, name them all from Africa, running away in droves to Europe with some drowning in the Mediterranean seas, just to get out of Africa.
And I ask, do these young people know themselves at all, Do these young people has any sense of history of the suffering of their ancestors to stand up to dignity, why submit to so low a life after your ancestors and grandparents were subjected to worse humiliation known to man during the infamous kidnap of Africans away from their natural homeland.

“Broad knowledge of yourself, your culture, your people and government will help emerging leaders not to submit their back for the whip of foreign mercenaries who must decide and continue to decide how Nigeria should be run

More so, with the departure of these young people, what will become of Africa in the hands of these unfortunate rulers who deliberately banned the study of History and Government.
Young people should know and have a broad knowledge of their past in order to shape the future. Young people should know and have a broad knowledge of how the government operates, it helps to build homegrown future Paul Kagame, the late great Magufuli of Tanzania, Obafemi Awolowo, the late great Jerry Rawlings and more.
Broad knowledge of yourself, your culture, your people and government will help emerging leaders not to submit their back for the whip of foreign mercenaries who must decide and continue to decide how Nigeria should be run, whether the indigenous nationalities that has merged to form the nation of Nigeria agree to stay together or not, as long as Africa will remain a continent of beggar nations and very weak and ignorant folks in leadership.

A person without history has no future even though he pretends, they are merely running in circles of political circus and democratic experiment of governance – they will remain underdeveloped, in conflict of trust and aspirations and locked in bottled grievances against imaginary enemies. Its very obvious once you have this kind of mindset of tribal, ethnic and religious enemies everywhere, it will be very difficult to break away as everything is hinged on your ignorance of nation building through economic and social synergy. This is what happened when you have no history or scant knowledge of your past. Every mistake of yesterday is bound to be repeated and the nation will remain in this perpetual vicious circle.
A knowledge of your history and government is paramount to correcting the mistakes of yesterday to pave a better future for all in the homeland.

“A person without history has no future even though he pretends, they are merely running in circles of political circus and democratic experiment of governance – they will remain underdeveloped, in conflict of trust and aspirations and locked in bottled grievances

Congolese refugees leave a boat in Sebagoro, Uganda,

Somebody wrote that, erasing Africa’s memory of their history and culture is a global corporate agenda! Maybe this is true but I cannot agree otherwise in the writer’s own narrative;
Please read;

Africa empty of its people is far more valuable that an Africa full of them. Could the exodus of African youth, lured by dreams of greener pastures abroad, be part of a strategy of turning the continent into a giant farm?”

“In an 1890s letter to his sister, the fundamentalist Presbyterian missionary to Buganda, Alexander MacKay reportedly confided: “Where the original intent was to take the African away from Africa…. today, it is to take Africa away from the African.””

… “stream of young Africans is being funnelled into the Middle East where they work in degrading domestic situations or as poorly rewarded security guards. Some, a few, get sub-contracted into the vast American-sponsored military operations in Iraq, and even Afghanistan. Of this latter group, a few young men and women have personally done well out of it but on the whole, this exodus of African youth ends in bitter disappointment.”

“Most of these youths are lured by glowing promises of good jobs and the chance to make money by smooth-talking recruitment firms. They demand upfront ‘facilitation fees’ and for those that do make it to the promised land, they find they have to pay back, with interest, any monies advanced to them, including for the cost of often crowded and filthy accommodation.”

“First, the rather strange lack of outrage by the established heads of Africa’s various governments regarding the mass exodus of the continent’s youth northwards in an attempt to reach the European Union. Second, the active promotion by many of these same players of the so-called ‘employment opportunities’ as basically slaves, sex tools, and minions of the self-important and racist societies of Arabia.”

“To remove them, one has to first make them believe the grass will always be greener somewhere else. This has been going on for decades through the cultural bombardment of Western entertainment which has led many of us to feel that we are missing out on the real fun and the real opportunities.”

“This would mean uprooting cultural memory, and the native institutions and practices that reproduce it.”

“Remember that the biggest single impediment to the full execution of the Israeli project has been the fact that the Palestinians that left for the refugee camps in the region over 70 years ago, fled with their memories intact, around which their politics has been organised.”

“Are we being stripped of our cultural memories in order to be eventually evicted from our own land?”

“A person without a history has no future.”

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