What will happen to you if you fail to save the people and the community in time of crisis

By Njoku SaintJerry A.

“If you are in positions of authority in Nigeria at such a bad time as this, the people of Nigeria is passing through and you simply chose to do nothing about the sordid environmental situation and Insecurity in Nigeria, very soon, the terrorist pet named ‘bandits’ will storm at the national assembly

Purpose driven life accomplished by vision
Man do not have a choice over his place of birth, family, community and the country.
It is not an accident of destiny, it is the will of the Almighty God for you to be born an Indian, a Chinese, an African, Arab, white or black and now bringing it home, an Igbo man, Yoruba, Kanuri or Hausa and most importantly as a Nigerian. Your place of nativity or nationality is not an accidental occurrence. It is an act on purpose beyond every manipulation of man and science. Whether you argue, accept this or not is a non-issue, fact is; it is not an objective choice.

Secondly, every purpose under the face of the earth has a time and a place to happen. As long as you live, a lot of purposes concerning your existence will be fulfilled in the course of your journey in life. A time to be born, a time to go to school, a time to get married, a time to build a family, etc. Each of these times define a phase in your lifetime and at each phase, the purpose for your existence are bound to happen – this has little to do whether you are rich or poor, whether the environment which you find yourself in is favourable or not.

Every phase in your lifetime will be accomplished. Some friends have married their heartthrob in their 50’s, I have seen women got married at 45 years, I have seen a woman even wedded in her 50’s by a man 10 years younger. I have seen men had their breakthrough when they were well over 50 at the same time I have seen a young man got his breakthrough in life at 21, he had a booming business, lived comfortably and married right here in Nigeria, young man was not connected to any moneybag I know in those days in the city of Onitsha.

Fact is; Everyone has been created to accomplish a destiny and it must happen as long as you live, sometimes environmental influence may impact upon it, it may accelerate it or delay it, If you are privileged to be exposed to this understanding of cycle of life you will worry less and if you are unfortunate, you will miss many gold fishes in your life time. Even more, you might lose your health and more so, if you are too impatient, you may even miss your location of manifestation.

As you live, you must be driven by a purpose in life and no matter how small is your purpose, it could be all that you need to become accomplished. A purpose driven life is a life of commitment and accountability. You must be accountable to yourself, your family, your community and the society you live in. Any deviation outside these responsibilities to your existence on earth have devastating consequences. There is no short cut to run away from this order of reality of creation no matter how hard you try.

When you fail to use your position and blessings in life to fulfil the purpose of the creator for sustaining you through the challenges of life, time will catch up with you and will bring you down in misery.

Difficult situations and Challenges are bound to happen
You must be accountable for your existence. The preacher, Rev. Sunday Kokoete Udo of Presbyterian Church, Nigeria said in one of his sermons; “Vision is a revealing encounter with God concerning your life. Vision and mission is full of challenges as you journey in the course of life, every man on a mission is severally challenged”

Challenges and difficult situations are part of the occurrences every man in his lifetime must come in contact with, Challenges and difficult situations in life are in phases; the Holy book from Job (14.:1) said; “Man, that is born of a woman, Is of few days, and full of trouble.” – How can anyone created by God escape this phase in his life time; This is when your purpose of existence is seriously challenged. Many people had fallen out of grace and favour during this time, some young people have had their lives cut short during this time, many destinies had been destroyed during this time – This is a time of challenge, to kill the purpose of whatsoever it is you have been destined to accomplish on earth.
Whatsoever is the delay you have encountered in your journey of life is only but a natural occurrence, whether it was occasioned by you out of ignorance, your parents, the kind of association you hang with or worse still by your unfortunate environmental situation, these are only natural and bound to happen and like I said earlier, if you are privileged to be exposed to this knowledge of life and its phases and cycles you will worry less.

Challenges and difficult situations are part of the occurrences every man in his lifetime must come in contact with, Challenges and difficult situations in life are in phases;

This is how you were created
Even Joseph according to the stories in the bible had his time delayed (Gen 37: 1-11) in prison, in trials, even exposed to mental torture – Imagine those you helped to become somebody in life with your little wisdom and privilege at the time they needed help most, only to abandon you immediately they discover themselves, some even cared less if you still occupy any relevance.

Fact is; at the appropriate time, the dice will roll at your foot – the man called Joseph was forgotten in the prison completely by men he helped out of their terrible situations until one day, the creator of humanity, the Lord God Almighty caused the King Pharaoh of Egypt to have a dream nobody can interpret.
This is called “Opportunity.” They are destined to happen. It has little to do with your nativity, your color, tribe or ethnic. That is when the creator of the Universe will fix you up into his time – according to his own purpose for your life. That is how you were created to be, from Africa, a Nigerian whether you accept the nationality or not, whether the condition is habitable, comfortable or not. This is how it was destined for you. Whether it happened now or later.

When you do nothing to take the burdens off the people
The red flag is; when you are remembered and elevated to fulfill the purpose which you were created to accomplish, are you lost in victory, in comfort and luxury of victory over life or do you commit to the community and the people in your environment, to make your community and the people better and happy or do you turn around and increase their burden.

Fact is; nobody will escape this burden, you were in it and born into it and people will still come after you and walk into sordid situations of burdens and pains that were not created by them therefore if the maker of humanity and owner of your destiny has granted you the grace and opportunity to overcome and you chose to live all by yourself as many African politicians do, that cycle of life will soon take its full course and catch up with your ignorance – When you fail to use your position and blessings in life to fulfil the purpose of the creator for sustaining you through the challenges of life, time will catch up with you and will bring you down in misery.

If you are in positions of authority in Nigeria at such a bad time as this the people of Nigeria is passing through and as a senator and members of the house of representatives, Chairman and Councilor, clergy and businessman, and you simply chose to do nothing about the sordid environmental situation and Insecurity in Nigeria, very soon, the terrorist pet named ‘bandits’  will storm at the national assembly and in your comfort zones and take you down back to your creator because you are not useful to the earth and humanity.

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