A Nation Under Siege; The story of the 4 Lepers

By Apostle Chukwuemeka Gad

One who was passionate for survival asked, why sit we here till we die? Same question I have been asking over the years, why are we comfortable in our suffering? They said we are suffering smiling people and we accept it. God forbid!

When a nation forsakes their God, they come under the siege of the enemy. (Quote taken from the Bible 2kings 6:24-29)

All the wars, economic hardships, insecurity, high level of crimes, policy somersaults, filth, nepotism, corruptions etc are clear evidences that Africa, Nigeria and Abia State in particular are under satanic siege. Unfortunately, this siege will not be over until the priests recognize their place and take full responsibility. We must realise that Prophets are God’s mouth piece and channel through which God reaches the Nations. Nations suffer long under satanic siege when their Prophets are asleep or indifferent.

Apostle Reminder C Gad


 According excerpts from the book of 2kings 6:24-29, There was a very severe famine in Israel to the extent that women were, killing and eating their own children. The king made one striking statement in v27. ” If the Lord does not help you, where can I find help for you”. This should make a whole lot of sense to us and even those in authority. Lack of this know on the part of our leaders has been the major reason for their failures in leadership.  Any leader who does not acknowledge the God- factor in his leadership must surely fail. This is where the place of watchmen also is very critical. We must intercede until God intervenes.


Recall that if the LEPERS never moved, the prophecy wouldn’t have been fulfilled and the people including the LEPERS would have starved to death

When the king heard it he tore his clothes and threatened to kill Elisha. My question is why will he threaten to kill Elisha, was he responsible? That however will tell you the important position the priests occupy in the national life of a people especially in times of crisis.

Recall that the threat necessitated Elisha’s prophecy “By this time tomorrow there shall be plenty food in the land.

My strong interest is on how this prophecy was fulfilled. God used the four LEPERS who were shut out of the community life of the people. outcasts, people rejected by the nobles. Men of low class whose opinion never counted nor taken into account.

God has chosen the foolish things of this world to shame the wise.
Note that their escapade was motivated by hunger and desire to survive. Those who were responsible for their survival had shut their doors against them (this time because they themselves were also impoverished). Is this not a picture of we and our leaders today. Have they not shut us out of everything there is for our survival? By their corrupt tendencies have they not looted our treasury leaving us in severe want?

The only place where there was food was in the camp of the enemy so they were left with no choice either to die or confront the enemy. One who was passionate for survival asked, why sit we here till we die? Same question I have been asking over the years, why are we comfortable in our suffering? They said we are suffering smiling people and we accept it. God forbid!

After much argument and fears, the lepers decided to take their fate in their hands by approaching the camp of the enemy. That singular act of faith for survival became all that God was looking for to fulfill prophecy.

God took over from there, magnified and turned their footsteps to be the foot steps of great chariots of war. When the enemy heard it they left everything and ran away.

For every fulfillment of prophecy, the place of passionate, willing vessels cannot be over emphasized. God most times is not looking for capable men but men who are available, who are passionate for survival and willing to cooperate with Him.

Recall that if the LEPERS never moved, the prophecy wouldn’t have been fulfilled and the people including the LEPERS would have starved to death.  Note also that their step of faith brought an end to the siege of the enemy and famine.

God is waiting for us to take a bold step towards our redemption and then He will take over. Nobody and I repeat nobody will solve our problems or confront our Giants unless we do.

Men and brethren problems no matter the magnitude never fix themselves, it can only take passionate individuals who will cooperate with God to bring solutions to them.

Our case in Abia State is like that of Samaria then, we are as it were shut out of basic life amenities by our leaders who care less of up. By their corrupt tendencies they have destroyed our economy and rendered many useless. The question I am asking like the lepers is “why sit we here till we die”? Do we continue to watch them squander our common wealth and leave us as dead men walking.

God is waiting for us to take a bold step towards our redemption and then He will take over. Nobody and I repeat nobody will solve our problems or confront our Giants unless we do. Fear remains our greatest enemy but brethren we must defeat fear and by faith rise up to take back our inheritance. The lepers are a typical example of what willing minds can accomplish.

It is time to confront the beasts of our time; time to say enough is enough; Time to rise and take responsibility on how we are to be governed henceforth. God has given this season for the church right the wrongs of leadership over the years.

Join the church in Abia State 1st Saturday of every month in praying and fasting 6-12pm as we take the spiritual sphere first.

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